Ah, been there once, driven through a few times.. been in the airport there for layovers more than anything. lol.. HUGE fucking airport. lol..
Fuck, you think Atlanta's big? Try Dallas-Fort Worth or O'Hare (I think O'Hare's supposed to be biggest, but to me it's DFW). My favorite airports are in Florida, I love how those Miami girls dress, mami I'n telleen joo.
WORST airport I've ever been through, BY FAR is Washington Dulles. GOD THAT PLACE SUCKS (this is coming from a woman who's flown through Taiwan, where they don't like us)! And the layout makes absolutely no sense at all. To get to our gate, after the clusterfuck that was "security", after the bullshit with my luggage and the TS-motherfucking-A, we had to go down a set of stairs to go UP a set of stairs to go down another set of stairs to go back up another set of stairs to then get to some weird dock thing where they put us into this... tall bus diesel peoplemover thing where they proceeded to take us partway onto the tarmack and LEAVE US. For 30 fucking minutes we were sitting in this thing with the diesel fumes out on the tarmack, until someone walked back out from the buildings to drive us the rest of the way to another small building where we then boarded the plane.
WHAT THE FUCK???? Why the up and down the stairs? Why not just build a flat space across which one walks? I'm not joking about the stairs thing, it was unbelievably ridiculous. I think they should just raze the whole fucking place and start from scratch, it's that bad.
Now, Hong Kong's airport, if you've got a layover of more than an hour, be SURE to bring cash. Lots and lots of cash (or be sure you've got your Amex on hand). Good lord, from the silk to the electronics to everything else including the shark fin soup, there is HELL of stuff to buy. Dress lightly, bring a strong stomach.