Hunger in 2017?


Well-Known Member
Do you believe hunger in this world currently, is the result of;

1. Not enough food production
2. Not enough resources to distribute food
3. Poor food management
4. Drought or poor weather conditions
5. Poverty
6. Selfishness
7. Other

I've got my own thoughts on the matter, but I'm interested in seeing what your opinions are.
I think world is too broad, I would imagine the heavily ag/producing areas fight for food is different than an area where it must solely be purchased. and anything outside this country is certainly out of my realm to speak on
Imo there's no reason for anyone to go hungry in this country. There are enough churches food pantries etc that you can get all you need. Which of course doesn't solve the underlying problem why they need these programs anyway

In b4 move
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And in case it needs to be said out loud

Do you believe hunger in this world currently, is the result of;

1. Not enough food production
2. Not enough resources to distribute food
3. Poor food management
4. Drought or poor weather conditions
5. Poverty
6. Selfishness
7. Other

I've got my own thoughts on the matter, but I'm interested in seeing what your opinions are.

There's plenty of people to eat, I don't really see what the big deal is.

Hey, Dan. I think we should just eat the aliens. Seriously, though, if the Earth weren't so flat, we'd have more room to grow food. Also, thanks for not sharing your thoughts on the matter. I already have a headache, and I'm all out of tin foil...
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I would like to see greater community gardens. We need people To start growing (or at least learn the basics) their own food.

If shit hits the fan we don't even know how to grow fruit or veggies. Detached from our roots fursure
Haha oh man if the zombie apocalypse comes im teaming up with you
LOL I am honored but if the shtf I'm grabbing my bug out bag and heading to @Singlemalt he's the man with the plan (and can actually use a gun). I'm just the meat processor. I can do a human in 3 hours. We broke them down for organ donation and it took us about that long. If I don't have to worry about organ viability I can probably break one down in 1 hour.
community gardens are a life saver for poor ppl like me...shared resources and shared labor for shared fall harvests. I also think supermarkets can't be throwing away food when ppl are literally starving. Gotta be something criminal about that

I understand France passed a law making it illegal for supermarkets to throw out edible food. It does seem criminal...
