First real grow

I germinated these seeds two weeks ago tonight. When I look at others pictures of plants that are two weeks old mine looks pretty sad comparably. I am just glad that I figured out the problem before killing them all off. I did take my normal pics tonight and I did notice some growth all of the plants so that is a bit exciting knowing that I only killed one of them so far. I got the cups partly filled with soil and more soil in a container inside the tent so that the temperatures will all be the same when I start transplanting tomorrow. I did water them a little tonight but I will not water them in the morning to ease the transplant. Wish me luck so that I don't kill off any more with the transplant process.


Well today I decided to transplant the cubes into the cups. Here are the pictures of each plants roots and each plant in its new home. I noticed that a few of the plants root tips were starting to turn a little tan. I am thinking that they might not have been getting enough water being outside of the cube. It may have been from me previously not watering them enough but I am not sure. I know that now the roots will be fully surrounded by the cube and soil now so all of the roots should have direct contact with water and nutrients from now on. Tonight I just watered the cube area with the same weak Clonex solution that I have been using for the last few days. I did not want to make too many changes all at once. I may do that for one more day and then go to a normal strength Clonex solution after that once I know that they are settled in.


Here is a shot of all the plants in their new homes. I know that they are not the healthiest looking plants but please keep in mind that I have never done anything like this before and I am sort of winging it based on what I have read and watched online. There is a lot of conflicting information out there and I am trying to "weed" through it all to figure out what might work best in my situation. If you see anything at all that I am definitely doing wrong please let me know so that I can correct it without any more casualties.


Looks like they survived the first day of transplant just fine and a couple of them might have even thrived a bit. I do not think any of them look worse so that is a good sign. Another light watering tonight with the weak Clonex solution just around the rockwool cubes.


I did not get a chance to post last night but the plants appear to be doing better now. Yesterday I just wet the rockwool cube area again with the weak Clonex solution but today I mixed up a fresh batch of normal strength Clonex (8ml/l) and gave each plant about 120ml each before seeing a little run out from the bottom of the Solo cups. I also raised the lights a few more clicks just to be safe because I noticed a little yellow on just the tips of the leaves of the Vanilla Kush and Acapulco Gold. They are now about 15" above the top of the plants.


Thank guys, I am still a little worried about the weaker ones but a couple of them are now starting to take off a bit and that is exciting. I did clip 3 or four drainage holes along the bottom edge of each cup so they could drain well. Tonight I just gave them each a little more water around the rockwool cubes and I turned the fan on in the grow tent so that they can start getting a little stronger.


Just pictures tonight. The soil still looks pretty moist on the top and the cups do not feel light so I am not going to water them tonight. I am definitely seeing progress each day now even with the smaller ones.


I head out of town first thing in the morning so I will not be posting again until next week. The plants seem to be doing fine now and that G13 Haze is moving fast now. Everything is on auto pilot for the most part and my wife will be giving them each about 20cc of Clonex on Friday and Sunday night. I am pretty sure that will be just fine and my return flight is Monday night. Wish me luck!


I just got back home this evening and I have to say that there has been some good progress while I was gone. They do not need any water right now. The top soil is a bit dry but it is moist just below the surface. I need to start looking for more information on topping because I think that is the next step for at least a couple of them. I took the pictures at about the same distance as the ones I was taking before I left so that I can compare them side by side. I will change that distance on the future pictures so that you can see the entire plant.


Just chugging along now. I am a little worried about the main stem on the Acapulco Gold and the Vanilla Kush being a little thin but they are also still shorter and less full than the others so I think that they catch up soon. Another good watering tonight and the normal pictures.


Noticed more growth an tonight I topped all of the plants and I hope that I did it correctly. I also noticed a couple of root tips starting to come out of the drainage holes in the cups. I am going to grab some bigger pails and transplant them in a few days before my next trip. Another light watering after topping them and I hope that they are not traumatized too much.


I really had no idea that I would see so much growth from one day to the next. I would have to say that topping them did not stunt them for a second. I am not watering them tonight just in case I can get the bigger buckets tomorrow for the transplant. I read that it was easier and let traumatic to the plants when the soil was drier.


Ok, these are the pics that I took last night and I guess that somehow I never got on here to post them. I watered them tonight because I have yet to get the bigger pots. I am noticing that the Vanilla Kush seems to have a thicker stem above the first node which seems odd so I am going to keep a closer eye on that one.


So these are actually tonight's pictures. I did not water tonight because I need to get those bigger pots tomorrow so I can transplant these before I leave town for a week. Growing steady but I am noticing that the lowest leaves on the G13 Haze are a bit more yellow and droopy. I am thinking that the Clonex might not be cutting it and I might need to pick up some nutrients when I get the bigger pots.


Ok, here are the before and after pictures of the transplant. I will post again with the detailed pictures because I guess that I can only upload 10 at a time. Once transplanted I gave them a good watering of the normal strength Clonex solution.


So here are the transplant pictures and I am shocked at how full the roots were after being in the solo cups for only 19 days. These things do grow like weeds. I forgot to keep the name tags with the root ball during the pics but I edited them right away so that I could remember later. The transplant went pretty easy and their next feeding will be from the Complete Hydroponics brand. I just mixed up a gallon with 15ml of Tierra A, 15ml of Tierra B, 4ml of B+ and 4ml of Roots XL. I am a bit nervous because these are a couple big changes and I am going to be gone for a week but I am sure that wife will take great care of them for me. I also bumped the lights up a few more inches so that they are on average about 17" to the top of the plants. Wish me luck!

