Well-Known Member
I found a video of a guy who was pre-heated large pieces of aluminum on a outdoor grill then soldered them. Epoxy is fine for this work. Especially for tiny pin hole leaks. I used a basic drillpress, tablesaw and chopsaw for most of the aluminum milling.
It is hard to say how the shit will will fly with D.T. & Crew. Except that it will. Keeping a low profile is always wise and I appreciate the reminder. It is easy to say we won and let the freak flag fly. Even now in MA they are talking about changing parts of the law. The law right now is six plants per person. Twelve plants per/house max. Some of my genetics is clone only. Nothing spectacular just some phenos I grew from seed. I have kept them up and enjoy em. Now, I got to learn to graft and put them all on one mother tree to be legal or dump some. Not ready to give them up yet. The shit I got to do to not be a pirate anymore.
I like your CO2 supplementation ideas. Much simpler than CO2 rigs. Do you measure a known volume of liquid for 12 hours or just let it burn out? I have an old kerosene storm lantern. That might work they are pretty safe.
You are totally correct on maximizing yield by vegging large plants. It is the future for most legal home growers. It will make me go back to my roots and start SCROGing again. Return of the bondage master lol. I dont allow them to break thru the screen until they are done stretching and start to flower. Some guys use SCROGs as a trellis. Which is fine but call it a trellis. I love the beauty of a full even canopy a SCROG create. Even canopy structure allows you to move the lights closer with less chance of burning your tallest buds. I have grown some good plants before. Decent light, rich organic soil, steady temps. Then I got some new seed. fugg. Blows my other plant genetics away. Realized I needed to drop some $ and step up my genetics game. I am about to harvest some real nice GSC Thin Mint, second week of Jan. Next run Kimbo Kush, Gorilla Bubble, and Bruce Banner. I think it is about 80% creating optimum environment and 20% excellent genetics.
I agree, water cooled COB's have a real benefit for those running sealed rooms. Heat build up is one of the main reasons growers have to exhaust a sealed room. Less air changes the better is my understanding. This is where I am headed on a new room. My flower room will become my veg room.
Is this a crazy idea? I was stoned at LowDepot wandering around and came across some hydronic baseboard heating radiators. The design is made of a copper pipe in the middle with square radiator fins tightly packed around the length of it. They come pre-made in many different lengths and seem easily adaptable to water cooling.
I believe they can be used in reverse to cool a room instead of heating it without air exchange. Someone more educated than me could do the math on it. What I was brainstorming on was to flatten out a fin on the bottom and thermal epoxy COBs to it every foot. Spray them flat black, attach hoses, pump, water and roll. A few fans blowing down on it will make it much more efficient. Much easier/quicker/efficient than building aluminum heatblocks. Copper is twice as efficient as aluminum in moving heat. I can probably score some at the scrap yard for cheap or a contractor friend doing a remodel. I could see a room with three or four runs of these on a manifold with a pump. It would be cooling the COBs and absorbing room heat at the same time!
Going all the way this and you add a small water heater to the loop. It could store the heat and return it to the room thru the radiators during dark period. Condensation could be an issue. You can tell me if this a bullshit idea or not.
Another idea is a salvaged truck radiator/fan combo running on a watercooled loop. Dump the heat into a 50gal drum buried in the ground. Thermosiphon is another option if you have storage space and height for overhead watertank. Then you can get rid of the pump.
It is hard to say how the shit will will fly with D.T. & Crew. Except that it will. Keeping a low profile is always wise and I appreciate the reminder. It is easy to say we won and let the freak flag fly. Even now in MA they are talking about changing parts of the law. The law right now is six plants per person. Twelve plants per/house max. Some of my genetics is clone only. Nothing spectacular just some phenos I grew from seed. I have kept them up and enjoy em. Now, I got to learn to graft and put them all on one mother tree to be legal or dump some. Not ready to give them up yet. The shit I got to do to not be a pirate anymore.
I like your CO2 supplementation ideas. Much simpler than CO2 rigs. Do you measure a known volume of liquid for 12 hours or just let it burn out? I have an old kerosene storm lantern. That might work they are pretty safe.
You are totally correct on maximizing yield by vegging large plants. It is the future for most legal home growers. It will make me go back to my roots and start SCROGing again. Return of the bondage master lol. I dont allow them to break thru the screen until they are done stretching and start to flower. Some guys use SCROGs as a trellis. Which is fine but call it a trellis. I love the beauty of a full even canopy a SCROG create. Even canopy structure allows you to move the lights closer with less chance of burning your tallest buds. I have grown some good plants before. Decent light, rich organic soil, steady temps. Then I got some new seed. fugg. Blows my other plant genetics away. Realized I needed to drop some $ and step up my genetics game. I am about to harvest some real nice GSC Thin Mint, second week of Jan. Next run Kimbo Kush, Gorilla Bubble, and Bruce Banner. I think it is about 80% creating optimum environment and 20% excellent genetics.
I agree, water cooled COB's have a real benefit for those running sealed rooms. Heat build up is one of the main reasons growers have to exhaust a sealed room. Less air changes the better is my understanding. This is where I am headed on a new room. My flower room will become my veg room.
Is this a crazy idea? I was stoned at LowDepot wandering around and came across some hydronic baseboard heating radiators. The design is made of a copper pipe in the middle with square radiator fins tightly packed around the length of it. They come pre-made in many different lengths and seem easily adaptable to water cooling.
I believe they can be used in reverse to cool a room instead of heating it without air exchange. Someone more educated than me could do the math on it. What I was brainstorming on was to flatten out a fin on the bottom and thermal epoxy COBs to it every foot. Spray them flat black, attach hoses, pump, water and roll. A few fans blowing down on it will make it much more efficient. Much easier/quicker/efficient than building aluminum heatblocks. Copper is twice as efficient as aluminum in moving heat. I can probably score some at the scrap yard for cheap or a contractor friend doing a remodel. I could see a room with three or four runs of these on a manifold with a pump. It would be cooling the COBs and absorbing room heat at the same time!
Going all the way this and you add a small water heater to the loop. It could store the heat and return it to the room thru the radiators during dark period. Condensation could be an issue. You can tell me if this a bullshit idea or not.
Another idea is a salvaged truck radiator/fan combo running on a watercooled loop. Dump the heat into a 50gal drum buried in the ground. Thermosiphon is another option if you have storage space and height for overhead watertank. Then you can get rid of the pump.