The truth about aliens ?

Not from where, from what.
Solo luminescence is energy that is created by sound, it produces bright light.
It has been hypothesised that we are contained within water. Stars are vibrational energy passing through the water.
"It has been hypothesized"? What does that even mean? Link to this hypothesis and its formulators?

*Sonoluminescence requires very high energy densities. So for someone to suggest that stars are visual phenomena in a body of water, would such energy densities not first need to be proven to exist and be present? Would it not be a really good idea to first establish where this water is? The Voyager photos are not helping me here.


No more "flat earth" malarkey!
Humour me schuylaar, if only for your own giggle.
Can you produce one actual photo of the earth in entirety?
Please post the ones you do find.

From space? You can only catch one side of course. I love to talk about ask away. You do know that earths shape is because of a combination of things?..and it is round.

Have you ever seen the backside of a black hole? How do we know it's a hole? Why is it round? What does it look like inside? Why are there wings on spaceships that plan no re-entry to atmosphere?
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Yet you all stay to read this thread ?
My whole point being, your inability to tolerate another persons belief and your inability to understand you can not logically argue a dam thing. We are receivers of information. We have proved nothing personally , so how can any of you argue with disgust at my belief?
What if you were abducted by aliens? As you're ascending to the mothership you think "man, I know butt stuff is about to happen." You're already scared and now butt stuff? I mean, c'mon aliens, can't y'all come up with something new for once?

Now you're in the spaceship and there are 5 aliens surrounding a metal table. As you get closer all your fears are confirmed... There's probe looking things everywhere. For a moment nothing happens. You and the aliens just stand there freaked out by each other.

Then one of the aliens brings you to the table, but right before you get there another alien hops on the table! It gets on all fours and points it's bare ass at you! That's when you realize that they're not going to probe you. They actually want YOU to probe THEM!!!

Would you do it? Would you probe them?

Damn straight ill prob that shit
Yet you all stay to read this thread ?
My whole point being, your inability to tolerate another persons belief and your inability to understand you can not logically argue a dam thing. We are receivers of information. We have proved nothing personally , so how can any of you argue with disgust at my belief?
We tolerate you. We mock you but nobody wants to try you for heresy. You want acceptance. Fuck that.
I miss the old chemtrail discussions. The moon landing ones are good, too.

No one talks about the hollow earth anymore.... sigh

I gotta say, I like when they get all puffy and arrogant. Like we're so stupid for not drinking the kool-aid

I read Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth when I was a kid and knew it was bullshit then, lol
Its possible for other life to be out there. It doesn't matter if you believe we are an accident or created. If we are just a random happen stance, plenty of other planets it could happen on. If you believe we were created then why not more on other planets?

I will say this. Several times in my life I have witnessed ufos. All have been near military installations. I have training on how to identify aircraft from all over the world. Some of the ufos have puzzled me. The best sighting I had was within 5 miles of a base. Large triangle craft. Red light in each corner and a large one in the center. No apparent sign of propulsion.

I also had a secret clearance in the military. Got to see Airforce 1 and many other classified aircraft. There were times however we went on lock down and I did not get to see what landed. I really want to know what in the fook I was not allowed to see, even with my clearance.
Who the fuck dug up this pos thread? So much for new starts in 2017. Have you guys been watching/listening to Startalk? Very entertaining and informative. You can view most of them on YT -

This was my fault. I replied to reddan in a politics thread from this thread. He was being stupid again and I was helping others gain perspective on him.
I miss the old chemtrail discussions. The moon landing ones are good, too.

No one talks about the hollow earth anymore.... sigh

I gotta say, I like when they get all puffy and arrogant. Like we're so stupid for not drinking the kool-aid
I only had one chemtrail discussion. I said they were really stupid. So stupid that they made other conspiracy theories look intelligent.

I am a bad friend, but they really are stupid.