Rooftop SE Asia


Well-Known Member
I find it hard to talk one on one sometimes if i dont have anything to say...causes awkward silences now n then i sit there thinking wish u would just fuck off so i dont feel awkward. ...
Makes me think im not all there..
Then ill hit the booze or party on and ill be way over the top cos i like to have fun ...
Bipolar much
Im the same bro!!


Well-Known Member
Thank you it took a lot of work and a happy accident to create her. I am going to make Seeds with her too and add Psycho Killer lemon pledge to the mix too hopefully it comes out but those wont be tested till next winter. I am thinking Skunk Wrecked Widow Killer.
I have 3 Psychos running right now, but looks 2 are girl by looking today and the 3rd is outside looking like it will never flower or grow taller than 10"
Also flowering Dog and was planning a cross Dog Killer or something along those lines.


Well-Known Member
Thank you it took a lot of work and a happy accident to create her. I am going to make Seeds with her too and add Psycho Killer lemon pledge to the mix too hopefully it comes out but those wont be tested till next winter. I am thinking Skunk Wrecked Widow Killer.
Seems like some of the best crosses have an accident involved


Well-Known Member
Yes. Yes it is. I highly recommend it.
My daughter got all her shots like clockwork, but got Pertussis (Whooping Cough) lasted for 9 months.
The Hospital and new Dr accused us of not getting shots several times. Later that yr an outbreak was announced.
I have gotten flu shot and got flu every yr till 4 yrs ago when I refused shot. havent gotten flu since.
Go figure :confused:


Well-Known Member
I have 3 Psychos running right now, but looks 2 are girl by looking today and the 3rd is outside looking like it will never flower or grow taller than 10"
Also flowering Dog and was planning a cross Dog Killer or something along those lines.
The Psycho Killers I have are very slow growers, and like to dry out in between feedings, I feed every water with cal mag and she came out like this. MD


Well-Known Member
I thought the Dog was fast, but man its a slower plant and being sat dom even.
I hope mine come out like yours, but I dont have super sativa leaves.
How long does she flower?
She went 9.5 weeks to get to full cloudy. I got lucky and got a lemon pledge pack, I got a male stud out of it too, super cool structure. MD