NEW Licenced Producer RECALL

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Somebody got a little pissy cause I questioned her. My bad. Now she's deleting my posts if she don't like what I say. She'll probably delete this. I figured I'll just become a troll and I can piss off as many people as I want with impunity.
I'm no moderator expert on other sites but I've usually found Sunni to be pretty tolerant.
I mean if she's kept The Hippy alive here...she can't be that bad. My 2 cents anyway.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure your not pro lp van.... would be shocked if ya were..... I don't think posts should be deleted either

But ya got to admit it does get a little overboard lol
The way I look at LPs is ..... have a discussion so the ones that do do a good job get found out and the ones that fuck it up lose patients aka dollars.... but shit eh if ya can say it with out a hundred lp sucks posts.... no info there is there... I don't think people would read just one post and we'll their going lp.... it's now just another choice


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure your not pro lp van.... would be shocked if ya were.....
Correct. I have not and will never use an LP. I don't like the tactics they employed to try to get my right to grow taken away, and I don't like how they are in bed with the government. That said, I don't go around spamming or trolling for or against... That's not what this was about. The t.o.u. seems to be enforced pretty selectively and I questioned it. Makes you wonder how many other posts are going unseen by being deleted on the whim of a mod?


Well-Known Member
Govt wants money that's for sure... suppose one day people will realize that constant growth is unattainable and not sustainable.
And yeah I get the free weed stuff.... but when you are charged for air at a gas station nowadays.... free seems like no such world.... do something ... is their going to be an extra charge for that?


Staff member
I'm no moderator expert on other sites but I've usually found Sunni to be pretty tolerant.
I mean if she's kept The Hippy alive here...she can't be that bad. My 2 cents anyway.
hes mad because he cant comprehend hes not allowed to name call people regardless of their political stance or what their opinion is on LPs

now because he cant understand he is saying its censorship when i delete his posts calling name calling and that im not deleting peoples posts who are for LPs
which is incorrect

if i have to remind you all again

i dont give a flying fuck about your LP opinions, or what pickles you like best

you can scream to the top of your lunges about how gerkins are better than dill pickles and why

its when you start calling people names in that screaming that are members of this forum i care

im not sure whats so hard to understand about this but who knows

do i miss posts of name calling? youre sure damn right i do, because this forum is huge
you guys cant seem to even comprehend how much work it is modding this entire forum with 3 staff members, so yeah we miss stuff sorry
but that doesnt make a poster allowed to break rules because someone else did
you have to inform the staff if someone if breaking rules so we can know if you feel we missed it

so than after closing a thread which deserved to be closed due to countless amounts of name callling
chris decided to get in a huff and create several threads on how i censored that thread which i closed
after i deleted his thread he claimed censorship on me and he created more
why did i delete his thread? because it wasnt because he was actually legitimately curious about the rules, it was because he wanted to lynch me with the rest of the fourm here, have people shit talk me about how bad i am . it was harassment. 100% harassment. which is against the rules
so after he decided to create more threads about censorship i just kept deleting them which im in my right to as an admin after that he decided to harass me consistantly on open forum which i deleted his posts

i know its hard to like a mod , were not loved people but i am a mother, a wife, a daughter im a real person and i dont need to have you people be rude to me for absolutely no good reason like i closed a thread due to name calling or that i deleted a post due to name calling
those things are against the rules, just let it go and move on
if you want a forum that allows name calling go elsewhere

news flash people this is a private forum read the tos thats the thing oyu agreed to when you signed up:

You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others

All Content you submit or upload may be reviewed by staff members.

We reserve the rights to remove or modify any Content submitted for any reason without explanation. Requests for Content to be removed or modified will be undertaken only at our discretion. We reserve the right to take action against any account with the Service at any time.

now i consider myself a pretty fair person
i dont just willy nilly delete thigns because i like to or i want to
i only delete things that are considered a violation of the tos.

seriously just move on people


Well-Known Member
i only delete things that are considered a violation of the tos.
I feel for you sunni. I was a mod for many years and TOS has to rule. Many people who started out as friends quickly turned on me when I had to enforce the rules. It is unfortunate but sometimes people cannot see the line when they step over it. Name calling seems to be the easiest for many, not sure why. I try to do my name calling in my head so it does not leak out when I speak or write comments.

So .... Thanks for doing the heavy lifting. :hug:


Well-Known Member
Consistent harassment felt like I should put my story up as to what actually happened and not speculation
Too bad you missed. Why don't you look at my posts you deleted and tell my who I called names, as you accused me of. I did not call anybody any names, in fact I didn't even post on that thread. I was not part of the 'harassment' that caused the thread to be closed, I simply questioned your selective enforcement of the rules, afterwards. I understand this is a private site and you have the right to censor my posts, but I also have the right to voice my disapproval. I just wish you would be more truthful in giving 'your story' and a little more receptive to explaining your actions to those who feel you were wrong.


Staff member
Too bad you missed. Why don't you look at my posts you deleted and tell my who I called names, as you accused me of. I did not call anybody any names, in fact I didn't even post on that thread. I was not part of the 'harassment' that caused the thread to be closed, I simply questioned your selective enforcement of the rules, afterwards. I understand this is a private site and you have the right to censor my posts, but I also have the right to voice my disapproval. I just wish you would be more truthful in giving 'your story' and a little more receptive to explaining your actions to those who feel you were wrong.
I never said you were apart of it
Just that you got upset that it was done
There's no selective enforcement I can't be everywhere I see some I don't see all
As I have explained
That doesn't make it selective
You can voice your disproval just stop harassing me while doing it


Well-Known Member
hes mad because he cant comprehend hes not allowed to name call people regardless of their political stance or what their opinion is on LPs

now because he cant understand he is saying its censorship when i delete his posts calling name calling and that im not deleting peoples posts who are for LPs
which is incorrect

if i have to remind you all again

i dont give a flying fuck about your LP opinions, or what pickles you like best

you can scream to the top of your lunges about how gerkins are better than dill pickles and why

its when you start calling people names in that screaming that are members of this forum i care

im not sure whats so hard to understand about this but who knows

do i miss posts of name calling? youre sure damn right i do, because this forum is huge
you guys cant seem to even comprehend how much work it is modding this entire forum with 3 staff members, so yeah we miss stuff sorry
but that doesnt make a poster allowed to break rules because someone else did
you have to inform the staff if someone if breaking rules so we can know if you feel we missed it

so than after closing a thread which deserved to be closed due to countless amounts of name callling
chris decided to get in a huff and create several threads on how i censored that thread which i closed
after i deleted his thread he claimed censorship on me and he created more
why did i delete his thread? because it wasnt because he was actually legitimately curious about the rules, it was because he wanted to lynch me with the rest of the fourm here, have people shit talk me about how bad i am . it was harassment. 100% harassment. which is against the rules
so after he decided to create more threads about censorship i just kept deleting them which im in my right to as an admin after that he decided to harass me consistantly on open forum which i deleted his posts

i know its hard to like a mod , were not loved people but i am a mother, a wife, a daughter im a real person and i dont need to have you people be rude to me for absolutely no good reason like i closed a thread due to name calling or that i deleted a post due to name calling
those things are against the rules, just let it go and move on
if you want a forum that allows name calling go elsewhere

news flash people this is a private forum read the tos thats the thing oyu agreed to when you signed up:

You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others

All Content you submit or upload may be reviewed by staff members.

We reserve the rights to remove or modify any Content submitted for any reason without explanation. Requests for Content to be removed or modified will be undertaken only at our discretion. We reserve the right to take action against any account with the Service at any time.

now i consider myself a pretty fair person
i dont just willy nilly delete thigns because i like to or i want to
i only delete things that are considered a violation of the tos.

seriously just move on people
ban flemboy for cALLING @WHATFG A Douche Bag AND A DICK
how did that get by anyway.. I even pointed it out ? (: