Masonry etc.

my grandfather before he died was a 33rd degree grand master and many of my uncles are masons they are and where in no way open about it and always said very little regarding the craft or whatever this has been my experience with anyone that is connected to any order so far tbh that has always left me wondering lol
By threat of death. Wants you manage to get that high the secrets reveled carry alot of weight. Talk and you could end up disemboweled and have hot coals put inside your body or hung with bricks in your pocket. 33rd degree is when you have come to the point of accepting Satan as God.
By threat of death. Wants you manage to get that high the secrets reveled carry alot of weight. Talk and you could end up disemboweled and have hot coals put inside your body or hung with bricks in your pocket. 33rd degree is when you have come to the point of accepting Satan as God.
You do not accept that at an earlier stage ? How do YOU know such information ?
Really? More self promotion heatless?