Hey Team. I've been head-down, dealing with family and job searches,
but I wanted to drop a note.
Enjoying the hardly-cured Captain Purple Berry Cookies:
BTW: Check this out:

(the view through the "window" of the males tent)
LOL, I am really going to test whether I can maintain the protection of my
flowering females which are in a 4' HPS tent *right* next to the males tent.
I will be opening this tent, today, now that lights are off. I will be turning off
the extraction fan (why the lights need to be off). I will be placing the snipped
tops into a container while still inside the tent. I will spray off everything with water
as it comes out, will only move from the tent to leave once (will be under a
panda film sheet while I work ;0).
Honestly I might be about to pollinate a room of plants, but I want to know if
I can do this. I have a bro that I set up with smoke who is happy to grow out
males for me too. I am in the process of collecting a strong set of males.