Rooftop SE Asia

I stopped watching after the 2015 season. For 25 years the wife and I always planned our weekends around NASCAR. It's good to have my Sunday's back. I still watch F1, but the DVR does all the work. When it shows up in my recordings, I will watch it.

Really? I much prefer Touring Car, real actual production cars you can buy being flogged like you'd never dare treat yours, lol. Next to that, NASCAR is fuckin boring! That's what 'stock cars' were supposed to be all about, but that went by the wayside long ago.
Really? I much prefer Touring Car, real actual production cars you can buy being flogged like you'd never dare treat yours, lol. Next to that, NASCAR is fuckin boring! That's what 'stock cars' were supposed to be all about, but that went by the wayside long ago.
I've been a racing fan since I was about 5. Back then AJ Foyt was my driver. Later on I got to where I couldn't stand him. All of the cookie cutter {1.5 mile oval} tracks have pushed the old short tracks off the Nascar circuit. Rubbin' is Racin', like the old folks used to say.

I like rally car, but I've never taken the time to really follow the sport. Back when Mamma was still buying my tires, we had a 5 mile dirt road with lots of hair-pin turns that we raced on. My 79 cubic inch VW Rabbit could out run some of the bigger faster cars because I was really good at the front wheel drive power slide. It is amazing how much I slowed down when I started buying tires and gas.
That wasnt really the point Ruby, the point was why do people who are considered "famous" get put up on a pedestal. Not just musicians, athletes, actors, blah blah blah fucking blah.
Worship is the wrong word and the only reason it was brought up is because TWS told me to go worship my buddha; and TWS I imagine if I had any religious affiliation whatsofuckingever that would have been a kick in the nuts to say something like that, really?
Yeah I had those posters as a kid because my parents who had no fucking idea like anyone else on this Earth thought they were cool, so I was influenced lol. I still love music, its part of my life, but I have no idea who/when/what of "famous" people dying and dont care to.....

You still crying .
Interesting. We have a Jew fish here in Australia to, also called a Mulloway.
..........ahhhh, yup, I can see em' now, wasn't really lookin out for em' when I looked before, LOL

Lookin really healthy too, nice to have one or two handy on your terrace, but I reckon the real benefits are only found when they're in the earth, mining those minerals out of the soil. I think we may have discussed this before though, no decent soil around there?
Well I'll never see any REAL benefits then, but I dont believe its not providing benefits ;). Yeah the soil is plenty fertile here, but until there is a farm on lock the urban garden is what we work with lol