RIP Princess Leia

Your words: "did it make Buck's semen taste any sweeter" who is the juvenile one, hmmm...
I was on RIU at the time and saw that post before he or the mods deleted it.

Made my wonder why he is so against all this bickering, yet he does nothing to stop it. If anything, he helps perpetuate it.

But it really makes no difference to me at all. Just don't call me a hypocrite smh some people:roll:
I was in RIU at the time and saw that post before he or the mods deleted it.

Made my wonder why he is so against all this bickering, yet he does nothing to stop it. If anything, he helps perpetuate it.

But it really makes no difference to me at all. Just don't call me a hypocrite smh some people:roll:

He deleted after he realized it insinuated that he knew what Buck's semen tasted like.
Why do you care so much Abe? Why?

I liked you better on the line app. You dont act like this irl man
Gary, you are clueless what I care about, or don't, yet you imply you know. Know what you can do with your approval/disapproval, right?

And hey, if it makes you feel any better... I'm completely aware you help newbie growers far far more than you've ever hindered any. I just had to feed you back a lil guff the other day after you've commenced w sticking your nose up my arse repeatedly. You do you G. peace
Gary, you are clueless what I care about, or don't, yet you imply you know. Know what you can do with your approval/disapproval, right?

And hey, if it makes you feel any better... I'm completely aware you help newbie growers far far more than you've ever hindered any. I just had to feed you back a lil guff the other day after you've commenced w sticking your nose up my arse repeatedly. You do you G. peace
news flash man, you will never fix RIU so why even try. I don't care what you care about, but this new paul blart abe sux ass