just got fired from joes crab shack?!!!!!!!

I think it's time to chlorinate the gene pool. Too many twatnozzles and bible thumping religitards running around, ruining it for those of us who aren't mentally challenged.
we dont have to put up with ILLGEALS AT ALL!!!!!! they broke the law and need to go back and hope fully they take some of the gays with them!!!! we are going tosend them all back now and get rid of EVIL gay marrige....libtards can just cry but the peeple spoke.

You do realize how dumb you look and sound in every post you post ..

I wana help you Denise ,but to do that there's a few things I gotta know ...
1-daily meth consumption

2-how much meth do y'all do each day

3-how much do you spend/trade your kids food credit for meth on a daily basis

4-how many times per day do you do meth

5-how many meth related stickers are on the back of your vehicle ,bicycle,electric wheelchair etc etc etc

Please answer honestly or results may be inaccurate ....TY

Your welcome
You do realize how dumb you look and sound in every post you post ..

I wana help you Denise ,but to do that there's a few things I gotta know ...
1-daily meth consumption

2-how much meth do y'all do each day

3-how much do you spend/trade your kids food credit for meth on a daily basis

4-how many times per day do you do meth

5-how many meth related stickers are on the back of your vehicle ,bicycle,electric wheelchair etc etc etc

Please answer honestly or results may be inaccurate ....TY

Your welcome

LOL! Somehow I think Denise is a fake troll. It does make for an entertaining thread.

Where does one get these "meth related stickers?" HA HA. Legalize Meth.

One of the best bumper stickers I saw in Colo was "Legalize The Constitution."
LOL! Somehow I think Denise is a fake troll. It does make for an entertaining thread.

Where does one get these "meth related stickers?" HA HA. Legalize Meth.

One of the best bumper stickers I saw in Colo was "Legalize The Constitution."
Denise will have to chime in on where to get the ...I support meth ...stickers, sorry I couldn't help lol
bunch of haters just cant stand that we are maing amercia great again. ILLEGALS are ruining thix countyr and MUSLIMS want to kill all you "INFIDELS" but y just want to coddle them. at least you can sau noone called you r=acist while they slit your thorats open.
MY question is why are you wearing an australian flag shirt when you want the president elect to make america great again LOL. I think you learned a great lesson keep your opinion to yourself ESPECIALLY at work damn how do you not know that
MY question is why are you wearing an australian flag shirt when you want the president elect to make america great again LOL. I think you learned a great lesson keep your opinion to yourself ESPECIALLY at work damn how do you not know that

And on an Internet forum not dedicated to neo nazis :) please and thank you.

Your entitled to your opinion, but don't misconstrue the situation and assume any one actually wants to know what you think.
bunch of haters just cant stand that we are maing amercia great again. ILLEGALS are ruining thix countyr and MUSLIMS want to kill all you "INFIDELS" but y just want to coddle them. at least you can sau noone called you r=acist while they slit your thorats open.
Heu fuck yp fix your spellung before they catch in
MY question is why are you wearing an australian flag shirt when you want the president elect to make america great again LOL. I think you learned a great lesson keep your opinion to yourself ESPECIALLY at work damn how do you not know that

no you TROLL i already said my SON LIVES in austrlai....and my newjob is much better we do not hire any one who is black or mexican or not white hree so you can just SHT UP!!!!!! troll
no you TROLL i already said my SON LIVES in austrlai....and my newjob is much better we do not hire any one who is black or mexican or not white hree so you can just SHT UP!!!!!! troll
Lets hope your son gets deported soon. We dont like white yankees here. They bring crime and drugs..and bad stuff. They also work for crap $ taking away jobs of honest hardworking Aussie teenagers.
We much prefer the laid back and hardworking Mexicans to white trash racist bigots.
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bunch of haters just cant stand that we are maing amercia great again. ILLEGALS are ruining thix countyr and MUSLIMS want to kill all you "INFIDELS" but y just want to coddle them. at least you can sau noone called you r=acist while they slit your thorats open.
Lolz you dont want me to comment!!! For realz!