4000w 16 plant grow

Its not about what we did yesterday, its about what we do today....I hear you buddy, I should have been under the jail well before now....good karma
I do right by everyone now. Even if I were to ever get robbed or anything or lend money not get it back to me i got off easy. If I only had to pay a lil money to find out what someone's worth that's getting off cheap
Why we get along both have same moral fiber that's seems to be lost among a bunch of people. Btw buddy your Jilly is the most ridiculous shit you gotta swing by next week or week after crop on the 14th and God damn those jillys got big

That's a crazy plant isn't it! I'll definitely stop by one of these days, I wanna see what you've done with her.
Shes doing a lot better now back to her bitchy I'm pretty pet me attitude lol far from a saint was a pretty horrible person from 16-21 before I started in the veterinary stuff. I had gotten caught up in a lot of shit was looking at a lot of time and got lucky with house arrest. Hardest shit of my life but it was everything I needed to go to school and actually apply myself not just act an ass and hit on girls. Once I started I was able to get back to being myself before all the parties and horrible decisions I made for 5 years. My mom wished me happy birthday yesterday and said she's amazed at who I've become from who I was. Animals were a way for me to not be angry I guess I lost a lot of people from 8-15 around 6 close family members including all grandparents and a close uncle and a close friend who died in a car crash. I was an angry person for a long time. Helping animals was the first time I felt like I was able to pay forward or pay back for all the wrong I did and believe me I was every bit of every thug hood want to be trap star ever. When I was put on house arrest it was for violating felony cocaine possession with intent to sell was my first charge as an adult I got a lawyer got lucky as fuck. 2 months later I was arrested with 4lbs in my trunk again lucky for me had 3 passengers all who heard me say "you can search my passengers and cab but I know my rights and we're not gonna go thru my trunk and glovebox cuz I got somewhere to be". After they searched car popped trunk boom weed everywhere I go down but luckily DA didn't wanna go to trial and offered house arrest. I've lived enough life for 20 people. Been stabbed, shot at, robbed, jumped, plenty of jail time, and was a huge drug dealer for a long time. After I stopped and right when I got off house arrest my old crew I ran with all went down for operation hotel California on I drive. My buddy was the plug and within 6 months of watching him he went down on a Rico case forget the numbers but they watched him move everything lbs and kilos of weed, coke, heroin, Molly everything. I'm blessed to have gotten out when I did or I'd be doing 5-7 like them. I pay it forward everyday I'm a blessed man to survive what I have so I want to try and help as many others as I can. Second nature I guess idk but I've come from a crazy place, don't regret a day

I am glad you turned it around and that your dog is doing better. Happy birthday too. Reminds me of the scene about the man staring at the abyss in Wall Street. Sadly for Charlie Sheen - he jumped into the abyss.

Sorry I was replying to the first thread about your setup... Definitely spider mites. Glove up... they can get on your clothes as well. I use Azamax once a week for maintenance. When you have an infestation... it should be used 2 to 3 times in a week. To kill the ones living and the eggs they lay that hatch