How long are people waiting to hear back from Health Canada ?

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Yes I agree...depending on your location in the country it could be an issue. Many local cop forces are not cool...cause they are drunk.


Well-Known Member
Doubt they are drunk with anything but power but they all seem to be rookies from Quebec and look like early Arnold clones or models for the Join the Gestapo Now! ad campaign circa 1939. :D

Same fuggin attitudes too tho I haven't dealt with any cops for years and they were actually good seeing I was speeding and my current registration papers and insurance papers were expired. Could have been 3 points and over $600 in fines so not all cops are a-holes. That was 10 years ago and I haven't talked to a cop since.

I think they are more concerned with all the crack heads, tweakers and opiod dealers than guys like me. Would have to be a fluke like a house fire or something for them to find out about my grow.



Well-Known Member
Honestly man; even if someone smelt your plants and went to the cops. The cops then have to get a search warrant and the likelihood that a judge is going to sign off on it is getting far slimmer, if your not sell in it and not drawing attention to yourslef; then do what you need to for your own health, if you havent started anything and your already have your gear set up, throw atleast 4 seeds down, that's under any perscribtion and that's the rec limit to be set forth... atleast with the 4 you can get them going and then take clones for your plant count once recieving your regestration from hc
Oh, another Internet lawyer.
Ever heard of probable cause? Yea, don't need a warrant fir that.


Well-Known Member
Oh, another Internet lawyer.
Ever heard of probable cause? Yea, don't need a warrant fir that.
Yeah they do. Unless they can claim they feel there is an imminent threat to a persons safety they can't enter your home without your permission. No judge will issue a warrant just because someone says they smelled pot around your house either. I've had friends get busted in the last few years with pot during roadside stops and no one got a warrant to search their home.

If a cop comes to your door you don't have to open the door much less let him in unless he has a warrant in hand and if he does he'll have a bunch of his pals with him.

Ever hear of a Knock and Talk? That's when a cop shows up at your door claiming that you've been reported as a grower, dealer etc and wants to have a look around. Some idiots let them in and cry entrapment when they get busted. If you give permission to the cops to search your house, vehicle or person you are dumb as hell and deserve to get busted. Unless they place you under arrest they have no right to search anything. I got stopped for speeding on my way back from BC to Alberta about 10 years back with a sawed off 12 gauge in my trunk and the cop asked if he could look thru my car. I told him he had no right to do so and he backed off handing me back my papers and wishing me a safe trip home. Just got a warning for the speeding offense and I was clocked at 125 in a 100 zone. I waited until he was gone then changed my skivvies. :D

If they do show up with a warrant then be polite but don't answer any questions until you have legal counsel which is your right under Canadian law.



Well-Known Member
Well if that's a hard rule, I don't know.

If I get bored I'll look into some case law, or ask a rc next time one comes by work.

I'm pretty certain if a neighbour called and said they thought someone was growing dope the police have some manner of ability to investigate it.


Well-Known Member
Oh, another Internet lawyer.
Everyone hates internet lawyers especially snitchy rat ones like you.

You can't delete your account once created?
Isn't that illegal in most countries?

More importantly, why wouldn't you allow people to delete?

Maybe an email to a privacy commissioner will be required.
How did this go dumbatello ?
Weren't you leaving


Well-Known Member
Ahemait said:
""You can't delete your account once created?
Isn't that illegal in most countries?

More importantly, why wouldn't you allow people to delete?

Maybe an email to a privacy commissioner will be required.""

some one sounds afraid....
its OK there wee one. Everything will be ok.


Well-Known Member
Well if that's a hard rule, I don't know.

If I get bored I'll look into some case law, or ask a rc next time one comes by work.

I'm pretty certain if a neighbour called and said they thought someone was growing dope the police have some manner of ability to investigate it.
That's right. If your a-hole neighbour ratted you out then the cops may investigate further to attempt to get more concrete evidence of what you're up to that they could take to a judge to procure a warrant but a complaint from the neighbour won't get that warrant.

Under Canadian law a person's home is considered their castle and the cops have to be very careful how they proceed if they want any charges to actually result in conviction. They used to just barge in and trash a grow without laying charges to shut people down but so many filed charges against police that many of them got charged as a result so they rarely pull that stunt any more.

In the states it is a much different set of rules they operate under so we have a lot less abuses of the system here so for that we should all be thankful.



Well-Known Member
That's right. If your a-hole neighbour ratted you out then the cops may investigate further to attempt to get more concrete evidence of what you're up to that they could take to a judge to procure a warrant but a complaint from the neighbour won't get that warrant.
Yep. A classic comparison is a lot of people coming and going from your house, and an anonymous tip about odor. The former is something that doesn't rely on hearsay / is observable from a public location.


Well-Known Member
8 weeks and still in processing
This is ridiculous, HC needs to figure out a new system, like going threw one "registration" Start to finish and be done with it, instead of different steps of being looked at....
Feels like a Barrier to access from my seat.
just got off the phone with them, they stated there volume is quite high..
told me to call back in 2 weeks if I haven't herd anything from them.

10 weeks on my second application, when the first was in and out in 2 days when it was rejected for my medical document not being original, even thought it had the doctors hand written signature on the photocopy.
If I was wealthy, I think id file a class action lawsuit against HC over this but even that would speed their bull-shitting along


Well-Known Member
8 weeks and still in processing
This is ridiculous, HC needs to figure out a new system, like going threw one "registration" Start to finish and be done with it, instead of different steps of being looked at....
Feels like a Barrier to access from my seat.
just got off the phone with them, they stated there volume is quite high..
told me to call back in 2 weeks if I haven't herd anything from them.

10 weeks on my second application, when the first was in and out in 2 days when it was rejected for my medical document not being original, even thought it had the doctors hand written signature on the photocopy.
If I was wealthy, I think id file a class action lawsuit against HC over this but even that would speed their bull-shitting along
You don't have to be rich to start a class action just find other people who are in the same boat( which shouldn't be hard to do). Make sure you document everything. Instead of phone calls use email so you have a paper trail to hold them to there word. The phone number is likely 1800 number making it virtually impossible to prove you called. Then find a law firm that does class actions. A lawyer for a class action does not get paid unless they win from my understanding of other class actions.