Rooftop SE Asia

I was working with this Jewish guy a few years ago. He was amazing in the sense that he would not get dirty during the day. We were doing 10 hours a day building and installing concrete formwork at a new gas liquefaction plant in Alaska. We'd be covered in form oil and mud, but this guy looked like he did when he showed up in the morning.
I was working with this Jewish guy a few years ago. He was amazing in the sense that he would not get dirty during the day. We were doing 10 hours a day building and installing concrete formwork at a new gas liquefaction plant in Alaska. We'd be covered in form oil and mud, but this guy looked like he did when he showed up in the morning.
some people just have that talent. I can even be working in the office and go visit a worksite and be covered in shit from head to toe, its just what I do lol
cats are resilient mine didn't eat for a week the vet wanted to swipe 8k on the credit card to take a look,I took her home she pulled out of it.good luck with the cat
What happened to the kit cat? Bubbles is here to investigate!
Ahhh poor kitty . How you feeling Bman ?
Im not feeling good today, but kitty is worse.
They say we should get surgery at $3500+or put him to sleep.
We have no money, but my daughter wants to see if he can heal on his own with a few months of restIMG_20161227_164400[1].jpg
Im not feeling good today, but kitty is worse.
They say we should get surgery at $3500+or put him to sleep.
We have no money, but my daughter wants to see if he can heal on his own with a few months of restView attachment 3862378
Damn thats a fucked up place to break eh. Any time there is weight on that leg it put a strain it looks like. Good vibes to you guys and the kitty
Damn thats a fucked up place to break eh. Any time there is weight on that leg it put a strain it looks like. Good vibes to you guys and the kitty
They said that protruding sharp bone will likely cause serious infection and he will die.
Being poor sucks, I feel like the kitty and I should both be put down honestly. We are both lame and worthless now it looks like.
Fuck off you got plenty of use left lol, the kitty has gotten a bad break. I agree with your assessment on being "poor" though, money wise. If money didnt run everything for everyone wouldnt be that way....But who am I, just a hippy thought having mofo.

I wonder why it cost 3500+ dollars to repair a broken bone? You don't have to answer that one....fucking mind numbing those random numbers....
Fuck off you got plenty of use left lol, the kitty has gotten a bad break. I agree with your assessment on being "poor" though, money wise. If money didnt run everything for everyone wouldnt be that way....But who am I, just a hippy thought having mofo.

I wonder why it cost 3500+ dollars to repair a broken bone? You don't have to answer that one....fucking mind numbing those random numbers....
I couldnt make it as a Dr.
I would do almost everything free. I could never watch an animal die that I could save because someone couldnt afford its life.
A quick snap of each tent
1st tent has 2 Tangie 2 Dream Queen 2 purple Cadillac, and 2 Psy Killer that I think are boysView attachment 3862395 View attachment 3862396
I cant get the whole 2nd tent in pic since its in closet but has a Dog on either side and Psycho Killer in the middle thats hopefully a girl
They look good to me, one is a bit chlorotic but you can fix that.
They look good to me, one is a bit chlorotic but you can fix that.
Yeah the soil wasnt stirred by a stoner gardener lol (wonder who that guy is HHAHA :dunce::bigjoint: ) , but shes on the mend now. they were all looking fucked up, but that one is the last to snap back. The Dogs look better but not great, but were doing really bad 3 weeks ago also
The 2 Purple Cadillac clones look night and day different.
Ill know in a few weeks if they are the same or a screw up from the dispensary
Vets are the most heartless life sucking fuckers on the planet.
Yeah life could be so simple I think if there wasnt money and government to control our lives.
I think ppl want to be nice and care, but at the same time they want to fit in and have all the same stuff as the other guy.
Its not a fair game, but its the one we are playing