Anyone hear about the guy getting booted off a plane for harassing the president elects daughter?

Actually it all depends on what you say. The guy said nothing that would be deemed as a threat. "You ruined our country. Now you're ruining our flight." is what the guy told her. Freedom of speech. If she can't handle the truth she should not be supporting her father and should not have became a public figure.
What made you make another account. ownage ??

Than its ok if someone follows black and latino woman around when they kids with them, yelling that they ruined our country?
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Than its ok if someone follow black and latino woman when they kids with them yelling that they ruined our country?

so you think black people, hispanics, and women are ruining the country. interesting.

and you also seem to think that racists don't already harass black and latino women frequently. also very interesting.

racist idiot.
Ivanka intentionally put herself into the limelight supporting her father and his views.

Look at her fat ugly sister, she never gets any hassle cos she wasn't at every single one of her Dad's rallies publicly supporting his bullshit.
Than its ok if someone follows black and latino woman around when they kids with them, yelling that they ruined our country?
Did this black or latino assist a politician by publicly speaking for him and sitting in on political meetings? Did these blacks or latinos do something political in the public eye...or are these black and latinos being followed because they are black and latino.
In other words your example is dumb as fuck and can't be compared.
Ivanka helped ruined this country. This man had every right to express his opinion in public, as long as no terrorist threats were made.
Did this black or latino assist a politician by publicly speaking for him and sitting in on political meetings? Did these blacks or latinos do something political in the public eye...or are these black and latinos being followed because they are black and latino.
In other words your example is dumb as fuck and can't be compared.
Ivanka helped ruined this country. This man had every right to express his opinion in public, as long as no terrorist threats were made.
Trump really should have considered the effect running for president would have on those he (claims) to love.
The gays booted off the plane had it coming. They spotted Ivanka and her family in the airport, and one of the idiots tweated that his "husband" was chasing her to harass her.

Then his "husband" made remarks while in the airplane aisle that were troubling to plane security. Even though Ivanka was aware of the comments, she told airport security that she didn't want this to become a big deal. She was content on the gays taking their seat and moving forward with the flight. It was airport security that decided independently to remove the gays from the flight. And that was the right decision.
The gays booted off the plane had it coming. They spotted Ivanka and her family in the airport, and one of the idiots tweated that his "husband" was chasing her to harass her.

Then his "husband" made remarks while in the airplane aisle that were troubling to plane security. Even though Ivanka was aware of the comments, she told airport security that she didn't want this to become a big deal. She was content on the gays taking their seat and moving forward with the flight. It was airport security that decided independently to remove the gays from the flight. And that was the right decision.

There is no room for truth here. Get out!!
The gays booted off the plane had it coming. They spotted Ivanka and her family in the airport, and one of the idiots tweated that his "husband" was chasing her to harass her.

Then his "husband" made remarks while in the airplane aisle that were troubling to plane security. Even though Ivanka was aware of the comments, she told airport security that she didn't want this to become a big deal. She was content on the gays taking their seat and moving forward with the flight. It was airport security that decided independently to remove the gays from the flight. And that was the right decision.

"the gays"
So you Libs are saying 1st amendment OK on a private airline, 2nd not so much though. Golf clap.

what could possibly go wrong by having trigger happy jew haters like you armed to the teeth on a pressurized vessel 30,000 feet in the air?

btw, what made you tell sunni that you knew the people in this photo?


that's clearly a lie ya know. kinda makes you a bit of a snitch too.

i guess your deep, closeted, latent homosexuality would not endure such an image.
what could possibly go wrong by having trigger happy jew haters like you armed to the teeth on a pressurized vessel 30,000 feet in the air?

btw, what made you tell sunni that you knew the people in this photo?


that's clearly a lie ya know. kinda makes you a bit of a snitch too.

i guess your deep, closeted, latent homosexuality would not endure such an image.
