Hey, this is a question mainly to the people who sell their product for profit.
I was wondering, from a dealers perspective, how do you feel about fronting weed to somebody?
If you're unfamiliar with the term, it means basically giving someone x amount of weed one day, then they give you the money to pay for it at a later date.
Usually within a week of pickup payment is complete.
Does it depend on the person? Do you never front under any circumstances? Are you casual with it?
I ask because I do this sometimes and probably about 50% of the time the dealer does it and the other 50% they don't, with some shady reason as to why not... usually something like "oh I can't this time..." or something like that.
I don't really see why they don't, other than they would need the full amount of cash to go pick up product again, that would make sense, but if it's a regular customer, as I am, what's the big deal? I realize if I don't pay the money back at the date already determined, I probably won't be able to go back to that dealer, so why wouldn't I pay on time?
(also, Idk if this makes any difference, but where I work, I hook up my connect with free shit all the time, free drinks from my work, he pretty much knows if he comes in and I'm there he's not gonna have to pay for it... I would think it would go both ways... right? The idea I mean, I'm definitely not expecting free bud, but it doesn't seem right to deny a front for a couple days after the stuff I do for him...)