Young black males and public education.

You're half right. Rollitup "owns" this site and all of us are able to post here at their pleasure. That's because Rollitup owns this site. They aren't going to come to your house and shit on the bathroom floor if you failed to sign up or forcibly make you pay them money if you never made any agreements with them.

The foregoing can't be said about the property tax process though. Are you implying that a thing (your property) can be two opposing things at once ? That's a pretty shitty foundation to base your argument on. If YOU own something, then it is up to you disposition it, if you DON'T own isn't up to you disposition it.

I didn't think you would address the points I made in the previous post. I'll be by to collect your house tomorrow. Lol.
In order to be granted deed you need to agree to pay the fucking tax.

You don't own anything until you agree to that.

Comprende, Retard?
You're half right. Rollitup "owns" this site and all of us are able to post here at their pleasure. That's because Rollitup owns this site. They aren't going to come to your house and shit on the bathroom floor if you failed to sign up or forcibly make you pay them money if you never made any agreements with them.

The foregoing can't be said about the property tax process though. Are you implying that a thing (your property) can be two opposing things at once ? That's a pretty shitty foundation to base your argument on. If YOU own something, then it is up to you disposition it, if you DON'T own isn't up to you disposition it.

I didn't think you would address the points I made in the previous post. I'll be by to collect your house tomorrow. Lol.

Oh Robert, it's one thing to complain about paying taxes, and another to offer up an alternative.

If not for taxes, how do you propose to finance the infrastructure of a country? I mean, yeah, it would be great to not have to pay taxes. Most of us understand why taxes are levied though. You offer up a lot of platitudes, but no alternatives.

If not taxation, how would you like to see roads paved, water delivered to your faucet, fire departments funded, etc, etc?
My that's a perverted non sequitur you've vomited there Poopy Pants. I will pray to the flying spaghetti monster to forgive you.

how so?

you've consistently argued that there is no true age of consent, and that "the right child" could give their consent as early as 10.

everyone who is not a pedo calls that pedophilia and harmful, and agrees it needs to be illegal. you don't though. you have refused to state that it should be illegal to have sex with a 10 year old boy in your own home.

so can you really even own your own home if the government says you can't disposition it to have sex with 10 year old boys?
youre right.. if i didnt pay my property taxes you could own my house by tomorrow. but i do, because ive agreed to pay them. your point is stupid.. "i signed the paperwork but i dont agree" well your signature says otherwise

Why are they "your" property taxes. if you pay them to someone who threatens you for nonpayment ? Wouldn't the tax in reality be "theirs" ?

By the way you avoided answering any of the questions I posed in the last few posts. I'm not surprised.

So, you are saying that in order to "own" a home, you must first agree to give up the most primary characteristic of ownership, which is control over something. That's a pretty lame argument you're rockin' there. It relies on holding two opposing points of view at once.
So, you are saying that in order to "own" a home, you must first agree to give up the most primary characteristic of ownership, which is control over something.

can you really even own a home if you can't decide which 10 year old boys to have sex with in it?
Why are they "your" property taxes. if you pay them to someone who threatens you for nonpayment ? Wouldn't the tax in reality be "theirs" ?

By the way you avoided answering any of the questions I posed in the last few posts. I'm not surprised.

So, you are saying that in order to "own" a home, you must first agree to give up the most primary characteristic of ownership, which is control over something. That's a pretty lame argument you're rockin' there. It relies on holding two opposing points of view at once.
why do people say.. i paid my bills? because its something you owe
Oh Robert, it's one thing to complain about paying taxes, and another to offer up an alternative.

If not for taxes, how do you propose to finance the infrastructure of a country? I mean, yeah, it would be great to not have to pay taxes. Most of us understand why taxes are levied though. You offer up a lot of platitudes, but no alternatives.

If not taxation, how would you like to see roads paved, water delivered to your faucet, fire departments funded, etc, etc?

The same way people pay for their groceries, by voluntary association and mutual agreement of the involved individuals, absent any duress.. If you buy from grocer A, on a willing and mutual basis, pay grocer A.

Would you support forcible paying of grocer A even if you raised your own food or purchased your food from grocer B ? That is nonsensical.
can you really even own a home if you can't decide which 10 year old boys to have sex with in it?

While I support your right to be nonsensical, and even applaud your ability to type while keeping one hand down your pants while drooling on your keyboard, I reject this question also as a non sequitur.

Why did you skip 9 year olds ? (just curious)
The same way people pay for their groceries, by voluntary association and mutual agreement of the involved individuals, absent any duress.. If you buy from grocer A, on a willing and mutual basis, pay grocer A.

Would you support forcible paying of grocer A even if you raised your own food or purchased your food from grocer B ? That is nonsensical.

OK, lets narrow the focus a bit. Roads, expressways, bridges. How would those get constructed in your tax free utopia? Pass a hat around and voluntarily drop a few bucks in it? What if someone didn't chip in? They don't get to use the roads?
why do people say.. i paid my bills? because its something you owe

How is an obligation incurred ? Can I incur a financial obligation for you, without your consent and steal your house in the bargain if you fail to pony up the money I committed you to paying ?
youre right.. if i didnt pay my property taxes you could own my house by tomorrow. but i do, because ive agreed to pay them. your point is stupid.. "i signed the paperwork but i dont agree" well your signature says otherwise

Dear oh Dear why not stand on the land under common law, rather than needlessly consenting to admiralty/statutory jurisdiction you do realize you have a choice riiight?
How is an obligation incurred ? Can I incur a financial obligation for you, without your consent and steal your house in the bargain if you fail to pony up the money I committed you to paying ?
if i never signed for it. then nope. but if i did sign for it and didnt fulfill my obligation, sure
OK, lets narrow the focus a bit. Roads, expressways, bridges. How would those get constructed in your tax free utopia? Pass a hat around and voluntarily drop a few bucks in it? What if someone didn't chip in? They don't get to use the roads?

The owner of something is responsible for any debts they incur to build it...wouldn't you say ?

If I go to grocer A and don't like their products, and don't buy any...should I be obligated to pay them anyway ?
The owner of something is responsible for any debts they incur to build it...wouldn't you say ?

If I go to grocer A and don't like their products, and don't buy any...should I be obligated to pay them anyway ?
how does this relate to paying property taxes? are you living on the property? if you dont like it move to property b
if i never signed for it. then nope. but if i did sign for it and didnt fulfill my obligation, sure

If I threatened you with physical harm, home confiscation or both and you signed something to avoid the pain of me carrying out the threat, was your consent given freely or under duress ?

Who can make your obligations for you ? Can I ?
If I threatened you with physical harm, home confiscation or both and you signed something to avoid the pain of me carrying out the threat, was your consent given freely or under duress ?

how can you threaten to take away someone's home BEFORE they sign the paperwork agreeing to buy it and pay property taxes on it?

take your fucking meds, psycho.