Yeah that's a little jungle you got going there! I like succulents, easy to grow and they look awesome. There is a huge variety of really cool succulents I wanna start a little terrarium with them inside.
lol, its managed in that corner and yeah, it looks cool. bunch more of those green succulents in the back. credit card pipe, usually my hash pipe, but been smoking herb from it some.Yeah that's a little jungle you got going there! I like succulents, easy to grow and they look awesome. There is a huge variety of really cool succulents I wanna start a little terrarium with them inside.
Is that some kind of paraphernalia sitting on that chair young man?
I have heard of Wandering Jew, but not the other namesIt is also referred to as the wandering jew plant. Some weird shit lmfao.
We use to call the green variety the wandering Jew and the one in the picture the wandering Moses.@jrock420 here we go...
Tradescantia, Commelinaceae: Tradescantia zebrina
Pharmacology: anodyne, antiherpetic, antiseptic, astringent, hemostatic
This creeping native spiderwort is distinguished by its variegated purple and silver leaves and small purple flowers. It is popular around the world as ornamental ground cover but few are aware of its medicinal properties. The fresh juice is used to combat hemorrhages and neuralgia of the face. To prepare, macerate leaves then apply juice to bleeding cuts or painful areas. Some folk remedies recommend using the plant for painful wrists caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. Take 1 to 3 leaves of this plant. Rinse and boil them until they turn pink, pour the water in a bowl and put your hands above the bowl when the steam cools to a comfortable temperature.
We always called it Wandering Jew. Folks would give cuttings as house warming presents, so it wandered from house to house like the Lost Tribes.I have heard of Wandering Jew, but not the other names
That makes sense! But I must ask, what about the jew fish aka Goliath grouper. I remember driving down to the keys and saying wtf, jew fish bridge. What kinda shit is this. It was funny but I still don't get the name. I've asked a few buddies that live in Florida and they always say I dunno.We always called it Wandering Jew. Folks would give cuttings as house warming presents, so it wandered from house to house like the Lost Tribes.
That makes sense! But I must ask, what about the jew fish aka Goliath grouper. I remember driving down to the keys and saying wtf, jew fish bridge. What kinda shit is this. It was funny but I still don't get the name. I've asked a few buddies that live in Florida and they always say I dunno.
I didn't know either, but Google. . . . .That makes sense! But I must ask, what about the jew fish aka Goliath grouper. I remember driving down to the keys and saying wtf, jew fish bridge. What kinda shit is this. It was funny but I still don't get the name. I've asked a few buddies that live in Florida and they always say I dunno.
Lmfao I love it. Some folks just can't take a joke
The Atlantic goliath grouper has been referred to as the jewfish. The name's origin is unclear, and may have referred to the flesh having a "clean" taste comparable to kosher food, been an insulting suggestion that the fish provided low quality meat and was "only fit for Jews", or that the word was simply a corruption of jawfish.[10] In 2001, the American Fisheries Society stopped using the term because of concerns that it was culturally insensitive.
Because the Oxford dictionary says so lmaoScales and fins = a fish "clean" for Jews to eat.
Shit reminds me of my dad in the construction business lmfao! say bigger fish have higher mercury, is that because they lived longer and the heavy metals build up over time?