Making e-oil....................

I got a revival and filled the cartridge with strait oil. works great if its been in your top pocket Works ok if it's a little cold. So far got 1 gram thru a cartridge and on my second and the wic still seems good
In the last month I have tried so many e-cigs and vape pens, I will be done smoking nasty cigerettes by new years, I am going to make my first new yrs resolution in my 54 yrs on this great planet and country, I have no doubt I can do it with the help of e-cigs, so while I have been testing the tobaco ones I also have been trying the oil pens (same thing for the most part) after I smoked my first oil vape pen I decided to see how it is made, the first you tube video I came to had directions and a kit I could buy,,,,,I can make tobaco juice or oil for vape pens, It took less than 2 wks to get here from great brittain, within no more than 30 minutes of recieving my package I had my first gram of evape oil, I had a bunch of bho shatter sitting here, so I put a gram of it in a glass container that can handle heat, and 2ml of mono propalene glycol put it on a cup warmer/candle warmer, stirred it for 5 minutes and in the pen it went, I have not used anything mm since, I couldnt be happier,,,,,,,I am now on my 3rd batch, I have been experimenting with the amount of glycol to put in it to make it the most potent,,,,,im on the right track and couldn not be happier,

I went from 2 packs of cigs a day a month ago to maybe 4 cigs a day now, I use vape cigs for the nicotine, but I have to tell ya I already can tell the dif in my lungs, I have been inhaling mm and tobaco since I was 9 yrs old, I have been totaly feeling like I need oxygen up untill I finaly got serious about quiting smoking every thing, if I can't vape it or eat it I dont do it! Dont get me wrong, when I get a new strain I do roll one so I can taiste it, but I honestly dont smoke more than 1 joint per oz now lol,,,,I make butter, chocolate bars, and e-juice, I havent used an inhaler in at least 2 wks now,,,,,,I hope to get off of the e-tobaco/nicotine within 6 months after I quit real cigs,

I am very proud of myself for my efforts at quiting smoking, I may actualy have more yrs before I have to drag that oxygen tank around with me, and If I dont have a heart attack before new years I will be the 1st male in my family to quit cigs before i have a heart attack lol,,,my dad and brother quit after they had their first!

In the last month I have tried so many e-cigs and vape pens, I will be done smoking nasty cigerettes by new years, I am going to make my first new yrs resolution in my 54 yrs on this great planet and country, I have no doubt I can do it with the help of e-cigs, so while I have been testing the tobaco ones I also have been trying the oil pens (same thing for the most part) after I smoked my first oil vape pen I decided to see how it is made, the first you tube video I came to had directions and a kit I could buy,,,,,I can make tobaco juice or oil for vape pens, It took less than 2 wks to get here from great brittain, within no more than 30 minutes of recieving my package I had my first gram of evape oil, I had a bunch of bho shatter sitting here, so I put a gram of it in a glass container that can handle heat, and 2ml of mono propalene glycol put it on a cup warmer/candle warmer, stirred it for 5 minutes and in the pen it went, I have not used anything mm since, I couldnt be happier,,,,,,,I am now on my 3rd batch, I have been experimenting with the amount of glycol to put in it to make it the most potent,,,,,im on the right track and couldn not be happier,

I went from 2 packs of cigs a day a month ago to maybe 4 cigs a day now, I use vape cigs for the nicotine, but I have to tell ya I already can tell the dif in my lungs, I have been inhaling mm and tobaco since I was 9 yrs old, I have been totaly feeling like I need oxygen up untill I finaly got serious about quiting smoking every thing, if I can't vape it or eat it I dont do it! Dont get me wrong, when I get a new strain I do roll one so I can taiste it, but I honestly dont smoke more than 1 joint per oz now lol,,,,I make butter, chocolate bars, and e-juice, I havent used an inhaler in at least 2 wks now,,,,,,I hope to get off of the e-tobaco/nicotine within 6 months after I quit real cigs,

I am very proud of myself for my efforts at quiting smoking, I may actualy have more yrs before I have to drag that oxygen tank around with me, and If I dont have a heart attack before new years I will be the 1st male in my family to quit cigs before i have a heart attack lol,,,my dad and brother quit after they had their first!

I tried recently and was down to 3 cigs a day. Then I got sick and something happened with my digestive system that caused panic attacks and the Seasonal Affective Disorder kicked in and I'm back to half pack. Couldn't take teh change and anxiety. I'm going to try again in the spring when teh SAD is gone. Stomach felt much better when I was down that much, even though I was sick. I wish you luck Phaq
I tried recently and was down to 3 cigs a day. Then I got sick and something happened with my digestive system that caused panic attacks and the Seasonal Affective Disorder kicked in and I'm back to half pack. Couldn't take teh change and anxiety. I'm going to try again in the spring when teh SAD is gone. Stomach felt much better when I was down that much, even though I was sick. I wish you luck Phaq

Thank You Norby, I cant beleive how hard it is to quit them little fuckers lol! they dont get ya high, well they do get my kinda high now, When I do have a real cig I get all dizzy like I did when I first started smoking (thats prob why me as a 9 yr old started, the buzz) the e-cigs do give me enough nicotine, but it dont give me the taiste, I want to feel the hit lol, but I am over the hill and heading down the other side, its a count down untill im done 12 am jan 1 will be my last realy nasty cig!

Happy New Years!

my second hit of tobacco was because of the high it gave me. Eventually I had to smoke more and more to get the same effects as they diminished. I suffered health consequences from smoking tobacco. They(desired effects) diminished entirely after only a few months(of use). I tried to quit, real hard for the next 20 years to no avail. It was the most addictive drug I ever used. Tobacco was my gateway drug seriously. I blame tobacco for most of my life suffering.

NOTE: Every person I have ever known that described themselves as ill were smokers. Every one. including me when I still smoked.
They almost quit, and they cut down, then they get sick again, they get sick all the time but see it differently. Its the poison, what else would make us so insane as to continue to insult our health with a product offering zero benefit

I didnt become healthy again until after I stopped smoking for good. Now I pay for the damages tobacco use caused me.
The writing is on the wall.
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been 10+ years without a cigarette. I was on the patch for 3 months.worked for me.for the first couple years I would get a craving now and then (for 30 seconds)now,not a fucking chance.I miss those things like I'd miss a hole in the head.awful little fuckers.good luck bro,you're on the right track
I realize oh too well how they can be an irritant to my stomach, and since my stomach is so tied to my obsessive thinking, anxiety and depression, well..... Painted myself into a corner this winter. Stomach problems led me to try and quit and the anxiety from quitting was upsetting my stomach more than the 8 - 10 I have a day. I'm going to make sure they are gone in the spring/summer when the Seasonal Affective Disorder and cabin fever is gone. The aspergers makes me feel comfortable with routine and switching it causes chaos and confusion for me. Already got rid of coffee as it was not good on my stomach first thing in the am before eating. It kept me from eating. Smokes are next!
I so much wanted to be part of the portable vape scene. I go through great strides to produce a clean pure product free of chemicals. to go from that, to further purifying into concentrate ...only to add a chemical (once used as a disinfectant in hospital air!) just so its thin enough to vaporize on the go isnt gonna work for me. but I am jealousx2 as I watch my brothers and sisters puff away all over the place......

has anyone tried to "thin" their oil with normal less visocus hemp oil instead of disinfectant/errr, peg/vg
Sounds like you would enjoy a Divine Tribe atomizer on a cheap Kanger Subox mod. No need to liquify your shatter in PG or VG. Just shove dabs in and let her rip. Ive tried all the G Pen type vapes and theyre garbage. Falls apart quick, doesnt work well, cant load more than 2 puffs worth without needing a reload. The DT atomizer is durable as a tank and hits just as hard as my titanium nail rig. The trick is to get an atomizer that uses ceramic or quartz instead of cotton or something similar to cotton. The Source Orb is another that works very well, just really expensive. I paid like 25 bucks for my Divine Tribe. Personally I enjoy straight shatter better when it isnt mixed with PG (obviously) so the Divine Tribe stands out for me for that reason as well.
What type of atomizer are you using OP? I would love to try some of that stuff with my Sub Ohm Limitless+ RDTA. The thing puts out such thick huge clouds of vapor. I feel like it would be extra potent when sub ohmed
Sounds like you would enjoy a Divine Tribe atomizer on a cheap Kanger Subox mod. No need to liquify your shatter in PG or VG. Just shove dabs in and let her rip. Ive tried all the G Pen type vapes and theyre garbage. Falls apart quick, doesnt work well, cant load more than 2 puffs worth without needing a reload. The DT atomizer is durable as a tank and hits just as hard as my titanium nail rig. The trick is to get an atomizer that uses ceramic or quartz instead of cotton or something similar to cotton. The Source Orb is another that works very well, just really expensive. I paid like 25 bucks for my Divine Tribe. Personally I enjoy straight shatter better when it isnt mixed with PG (obviously) so the Divine Tribe stands out for me for that reason as well.

do you have a link please?

this ?
What type of atomizer are you using OP? I would love to try some of that stuff with my Sub Ohm Limitless+ RDTA. The thing puts out such thick huge clouds of vapor. I feel like it would be extra potent when sub ohmed

I have an ecto 650,,,$20 bucks, I also have the clear, The clear was given to me, I have been quiting smoking cigs so I have been trying all kinds of e-cigs, for tobaco I actualy like the old blu, the only problem with them is you can only use tobaco tanks already filled,

with the ecto and clear I can also use them for tobaco juice, The older I get the less I want to spend lol, so im doing the cheap stuff, Im pretty happy with the ecto and the clear, most despenses have the clear atomizers already filled with oil, I like to fill own though, you would be surprised how thick the ecto can take!


Sorry for the super late reply, but hey, better late than never right? is where they can be found. All of their products work fantastically. I havent tried the dry herb atty yet, but i would bet it works wonderfully. If you get one, let me know how ya like it. Im thinking of ordering one of them when i order a new concentrate atty.