Here’s Where You Absolutely Don’t Want to Be “When It All Turns Ugly”

How stupid can a moron get. If you weren't so stupid you could look the above up and if you weren't a moron you may note that they are states not cities, look it up! Maybe one day you won't be the paradigm for a stupid moron.......

i am aware of what states and cities are. and the fact that hawaii is a state does not make my statement any less true.

hawaii has the strictest gun control laws in the nation. followed states like california and the ones in the northeast. all of them have the lowest rates of gun violence.

alaska has the most gun per capita of any state n the nation, and they have the most rape and pedophilia.

Sure it is dumb ass. Name a city with more gun killings?

hattiesburg, mississippi. pine bluff, arkansas. mytle beach, south carolina.

very high percentage blacks...and welfare...and drug gangs = gun killings

not in the least bit racist there, chief.

alaska and montana have the highest rates of gun violence in the nation. probably because off all the "blacks".

Change deaths to killings and it knocks it way down.

yeah, because shooting yourself in the fuckig head with a gun does not count as gun violence.

This would be from the high percentage of inuit/aleut who are different when it comes to sex.

more blaming it on brown people, i see.

north dakota is the second highest when it comes to rape, chief. i guess all the inuits are to blame for that, too?

Truth and facts have not ever stopped you from spreading YOUR bullshit PROPAGANDA!

then go ahead and point out what i am posting that is propaganda, rather than dispassionate, mundane fact.

i am aware of what states and cities are. and the fact that hawaii is a state does not make my statement any less true.

hawaii has the strictest gun control laws in the nation. followed states like california and the ones in the northeast. all of them have the lowest rates of gun violence.

alaska has the most gun per capita of any state n the nation, and they have the most rape and pedophilia.

hattiesburg, mississippi. pine bluff, arkansas. mytle beach, south carolina.

not in the least bit racist there, chief.

alaska and montana have the highest rates of gun violence in the nation. probably because off all the "blacks".

yeah, because shooting yourself in the fuckig head with a gun does not count as gun violence.

more blaming it on brown people, i see.

north dakota is the second highest when it comes to rape, chief. i guess all the inuits are to blame for that, too?

then go ahead and point out what i am posting that is propaganda, rather than dispassionate, mundane fact.

And...he... hominem, looks like your new best friend is calling you a dick. He's even inured to your abrasive discourse. Well done. lol

Also, Buck already refuted this meme. Its because people in Chicago can drive to the neighbor state to buy guns, thats why Chicago has so many killing. Its not because Chicago gun law
The Democrats in Chicago and the state of Illinois are pushing to squash this mayhem with more gun laws and regulations. One Chicago leader is pressing for a “declaration of a state of emergency” for the city, and state Representative Sonya Harper (D-6th) wants to require serial numbers on every bullet and bullet casing.
It's windy.

Nearly 88,000 people (approximately 62,000 men and 26,000 women9) die fromalcohol-related causes annually, making alcohol the fourth leading preventable cause ofdeath in the United States. In 2014, alcohol-impaired driving fatalities accounted for 9,967 deaths (31 percent of overall driving fatalities).
