Here’s Where You Absolutely Don’t Want to Be “When It All Turns Ugly”

the source said "large cities".

it left out all of the other cities that have higher murder rates.

i cherrypick nothing when i say alaska is the rape capital of the world. some good guns do to prevent rapes. probably used more often to facilitate rapes.

Correct, large cities. Chicago's one place I don't wanna be now or if shtf.
Alaska being the rape capitol of the world! Laughable. Demonstrably false. Not even close to the "worst".
You utterly fail at being an ignorant liar. You are still an ignorant liar though and I admire your perseverance.
you're right, i forgot botswana.

botswana is the only country in the world with higher rates of rape than alaska.

So the U.S. rate is +/- 27 per 100K, Colorado is 60 per 100K and your ok with that as long as you point out there's worse rates like Alaska, Botswana, S.Africa? You're special.
I'm not really all that interested in eating oogruk

I would think it was survival in the day. At the correct times and places in Alaska there is a staggering amount of biomass available to harvest for food and it all must be preserved somehow. Feast or Famine. I've tried all traditional native foods offered. Some only twice-first and last time.
Yep. Absolutely amazing how fast the population and economy are growing here in spite of your assessments. So by all means, don't come here- it's much more fun without you!

Oh by all means come visit the Great Land. And if you're an environmentalist, park at the border and walk in.