Yes will have....For instance...Range of chilis, basil, sage, rosemary, dill, cilantro, parsley, thyme, garlic, mint, oregano, ginger, turmeric, range of tomatoes, range of carrots
Carry asparagus! It's just the rhizome u plants so it's a little bag of roots kinda. I love asparagus. But the vegetable list is looking good. I like growing my own herbs. It's way nice to have fresh cilantro for homemade salsa and taco and stuff.
Same with turmeric, they have those leaves which look like banana plants. Their roots are where the goods are under the soil. Let them grow for a year before harvesting the first time and after that you can harvest more often
Are you saying it will keep going year after yr?
Just put the whole ginger root in the ground?
For some reason the turmeric didnt make roots, and its older.
I just planted about 15 turmeric plants. Last year I forgot where all I dropped them and had about 30 pounds worth when I pulled them up a while back. Great for cooking. Its an awesome cancer fighter not to mention so many other health uses
So there little or no above dirt plant with ginger, turmeric and other root plants?