How long are people waiting to hear back from Health Canada ?

If you think I'd ever disclose my personal medical info to you or any of your little circle jerking cheerleaders, you really are completely out to lunch.

Big turnip feet dispensary shill
I see you pick and choose again what to answer and question? ;)
Read above and figure it signal needed..just common sense.
I see you pick and choose again what to answer and question? ;)
Read above and figure it signal needed..just common sense.
I know you're trying to get me to hate on the ninja for picking fights. But that memeber is behaving the same way I've seen others behave towards him.

Imagine for a second a new member that uses an LP comes here and isn't met with hate from existing members and called a corporate shill. Imagine that new memeber is believed and met with compassion from other members and help.

Bet that new memeber wouldn't turn into a little asshole that keeps the shit storm going. No one in the Internet fights gets out unscathed.
have a look at Flemboys intro
So flemboy is the Ninja?
This makes more sense.
I'm not great with computers but I'm assuming you think his attitude warrants any and all attacks.
Eventually someone needs to be the grown up here, don't ya think?
so none of this jabber has to do with the post. Still waiting on license Health Canada received it September 22. Still don't have it. Called Dec.15 and the said it was in its final stages whatever the fuck that means. Like 3 months thats worst than the MMAR
Weird, a guy posted he put in mid October and got his back already. I wonder how that would happen unless yours got out to the bottom of a stack or he wasn't accurate? ?
so none of this jabber has to do with the post. Still waiting on license Health Canada received it September 22. Still don't have it. Called Dec.15 and the said it was in its final stages whatever the fuck that means. Like 3 months thats worst than the MMAR

With the last change of the rules to allow any med patient to apply for a grow permit they are probably swamped and didn't hire additional staff to deal with the increase since they laid off people when Harper changed the rules on April Fool's Day back in '14.

I'm sending mine in soon and will do so by registered mail. Once that application is in the mail I'll consider it a done deal and start growing to the max allowed for my 8g/day. The courts may not see it that way but I don't expect to have to deal with the courts. :D

Hope you get it soon! Merry Xmas and a Higher New Year to you and yours!
