Anyone who thinks lps are your friend please watch

no no no..the LP's are offing their SWHAG TO THE BM

wake been a go since it started and WONT EVER STOP!

cheers oh wanna be inquiring fuzz wants to know,, ;)
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no no no..the LP's are offing their SHAG TO THE BM

wake been a go since it started and WONT EVER STOP!

cheers oh wanna be inquiring fuzz wants to know,, ;)
LPs are offering to shag the black market? Well that's a lucrative deal right there. Sign me up!
LPs are offering to shag the black market? Well that's a lucrative deal right there. Sign me up!
nice try butt sadly... its all true.
They have been offing their SHWAG since day one!!
OIL AS WELL!!! what else do you do with SHIT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO THROW OUT

what?? tos out tons of money(trim garbage lol) becuase some moron(harper) hasnt figured it out yet?!?!? HAHAHAHA
BOB can sell it all day long..whos bob you may ask,, LMAO
I could comment that I don't really care about this. But I chose to be a grown up. Didn't work out, ooops
you should;;; help you understand this whole pile O shwag deal that the SICK were supposed to TAKE UP THE WAZZO with no choice!!
They are still trying to make it theres....
the fight continues!!!
I'm still hoping that the LPs that make a profit will turn that money into funding for marijuana medical research trials.
We need those. Who else is going to pay for them? The government sure as hell won't.
Arther itis society is the first on to do an actual study..
to little to late for the ones who are dying.
SO...with that idea...why not let them DO WHAT THEY WISH...what a concept eh?!?!?

They can study all they wish..great GO AT IT
Its been anecdotally responsible for saving lives
SO with that idea
why not try it first and foremost for any condition where PHARMA meds are needed OR chemo for that matter.
BECAUSE DAMN>..IT may or might or COULD actualy work
might be an idea as to why it is going the way it is.
USA PATENT THC lol,,,long list of shit people just don't give a flying fuck about
THEY WANT TO TAKE IT APART and charge accordingly.
synthetic would be their savoir but HEY wait THAT SHIT KILLS PEOPLE lol
but thats OK its not my mom or child...or anyone I know and
yer kiding yourself if you think different
Arther itis society is the first on to do an actual study..
to little to late for the ones who are dying.
SO...with that idea...why not let them DO WHAT THEY WISH...what a concept eh?!?!?

They can study all they wish..great GO AT IT
Its been anecdotally responsible for saving lives
SO with that idea
why not try it first and foremost for any condition where PHARMA meds are needed OR chemo for that matter.
BECAUSE DAMN>..IT may or might or COULD actualy work
might be an idea as to why it is going the way it is.
USA PATENT THC lol,,,long list of shit people just don't give a flying fuck about
THEY WANT TO TAKE IT APART and charge accordingly.
synthetic would be their savoir but HEY wait THAT SHIT KILLS PEOPLE lol
but thats OK its not my mom or child...or anyone I know and
yer kiding yourself if you think different
I'm having a hard time grasping exactly what I think differently about. You just said way too many things for my brain to process.
LPs are big pharma; in my opinion. I don't except much from them. One can only hope.
I'm still hoping that the LPs that make a profit will turn that money into funding for marijuana medical research trials.
We need those. Who else is going to pay for them? The government sure as hell won't.
Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. Sorry, proceed.
Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. Sorry, proceed.
I did say "hoping". I'm not deluded. It would make sense for them to pay for these studies. Pharmaceutical companies pay for studies so that doctors will prescribe their medications. Why not LPs?

Or maybe dispensaries are funding this kind of thing? There should be a Kickstarter campaign for medical marijuana research studies. I have no money and I'd try to find a way to donate.
Oh. So. Naive
That's cool and probably correct.

So who will pay? And; wouldn't medical studies benifit all of us in the Canadian patient section? Do dispensaries pay for things like this?

It is a fact pharmaceutical companies pay for most drug trials. It is also a fact they don't pay for medical marijuana trials to my knowledge. So, there is a huge issue here.

Doctors won't prescribe easily without more research. Insurance companies won't pay for the medication. They need (demand) these marijuana drug trials but where are they? Not trying to disagree with you, hoping to get a productive discussion if at all possible. I really don't know the answer to these questions. That's why I ask.
Only studies will be ones to make synthetic,,,sadly
already the way
So, what's a better way?

Push dispensaries to pool profits to fund research? Do the same for LPs? Be as loud as possible and make sure the government knows this is an issue worth fighting for and we are not going away?

weve been at it now for many years


join the club

dont think it will go your way fast with out a fight!
That's why I'm asking you silly goose. You seem to have your ear to the grindstone, who is going to fund studies? Someone has to have figured something out in the last years and years. And if they have not, well we better get cracking.
The task force report made it clear there is a strong need for studies. But no one will admit that is progress because OMG EBIL GUVMUNT
studies COST profit and they dont care about anything other than profit in this REC BUSINESS

some forget this point quickly when bringing up old arguments

if they can figure a way of having MORE and control, you can bet your sweet ass they will care about research if itll give them MORE ;) .