Anyone hear about the guy getting booted off a plane for harassing the president elects daughter?

nothing was said to the kids only Ivanka. Guy was exercising his first amendment rights. Why do you hate the constitution ?

Yes it was his right. Just as it would be the right of some KKK dude yell at a black, Mexican,Jew or Muslim woman with her kids if they don't like them for any reason [don't yell at the kids]. We all should yell at woman with kids the first gives us the right, right?
The right is behind doing this type thing the left has been doing it for years, just think if the right wakes up and starts this shit? Then we would have nuts left and right yelling at moms with kids because their mom or dad was white, black, brown, yellow or orange. So if you get the urge [don't do it on plane] to yell at some woman with kid than yell away the first gives you the right, right?
Yes it was his right. Just as it would be the right of some KKK dude yell at a black, Mexican,Jew or Muslim woman with her kids if they don't like them for any reason [don't yell at the kids]. We all should yell at woman with kids the first gives us the right, right?
The right is behind doing this type thing the left has been doing it for years, just think if the right wakes up and starts this shit? Then we would have nuts left and right yelling at moms with kids because their mom or dad was white, black, brown, yellow or orange. So if you get the urge [don't do it on plane] to yell at some woman with kid than yell away the first gives you the right, right?

Quit being so PC , snow flake.
Yes it was his right. Just as it would be the right of some KKK dude yell at a black, Mexican,Jew or Muslim woman with her kids if they don't like them for any reason [don't yell at the kids]. We all should yell at woman with kids the first gives us the right, right?
The right is behind doing this type thing the left has been doing it for years, just think if the right wakes up and starts this shit? Then we would have nuts left and right yelling at moms with kids because their mom or dad was white, black, brown, yellow or orange. So if you get the urge [don't do it on plane] to yell at some woman with kid than yell away the first gives you the right, right?

what a stupid fucking post.
Yes it was his right. Just as it would be the right of some KKK dude yell at a black, Mexican,Jew or Muslim woman with her kids if they don't like them for any reason [don't yell at the kids]. We all should yell at woman with kids the first gives us the right, right?
The right is behind doing this type thing the left has been doing it for years, just think if the right wakes up and starts this shit? Then we would have nuts left and right yelling at moms with kids because their mom or dad was white, black, brown, yellow or orange. So if you get the urge [don't do it on plane] to yell at some woman with kid than yell away the first gives you the right, right?
Actually it all depends on what you say. The guy said nothing that would be deemed as a threat. "You ruined our country. Now you're ruining our flight." is what the guy told her. Freedom of speech. If she can't handle the truth she should not be supporting her father and should not have became a public figure.
What made you make another account. ownage ??

Left me feeling verbally assaulted. Almost as if I had jetlag. I won't be taking this flight again anytime soon.

Horribly written piece of trash. Is this level of Harvard graduate we are producing these days?
Not worth your money or time.

I had to stop reading this book. The more chapters I read the more xenophobic and bigoted I became. I started judging people, belittling them in got so bad that one time I even chased someone down at an airport just to harass them. I can't believe I'm saying this right now, but I actually tweeted about my 'airport experience' so all my closed minded friends would give me a gold star the next time they saw me. Use extreme caution when approaching this book.
She is a mother with children. Her father happens to have been elected president, not her.

All people should be able to feel safe regardless of their political beliefs and who they are related to.

You are part of the very problems you are supposedly fighting against. It is strange to see someone brainwashed 180 degrees supporting that which he supposedly despises.

The reason Ivanka was on a public plane was that she had her husband and 3 kids with her plus cousins and when you add in the secret service detail suddenly you had too many people to fly another method.

I am shocked and disappointed that you do not support peoples right to travel publicly without being harassed.

But hey, this is how the left shows it's tolerance and understanding....

Well said.
I so love the ignore button. At some point it becomes crystal clear that there are those that just like to put stuff out there with no regard for common sense and decency. Or maybe just for the attention it will bring them. Morals and ethics in this country is pretty much a thing of the past. Something that won't even be taught in schools. I have noticed most of the folks that end up with the "ole mighty ignore button" seems to be folks that have been members on RIU for a very long time. I am beginning to think it is too many fried brain cells?
Well said.
I so love the ignore button. At some point it becomes crystal clear that there are those that just like to put stuff out there with no regard for common sense and decency. Or maybe just for the attention it will bring them. Morals and ethics in this country is pretty much a thing of the past. Something that won't even be taught in schools. I have noticed most of the folks that end up with the "ole mighty ignore button" seems to be folks that have been members on RIU for a very long time. I am beginning to think it is too many fried brain cells?

Yep, the ignore button also known as the" riu safe space "lmao sock puppet.
I'm sure she was in coach on purpose...Trying to relate to us "commoners" ... I think it worked out better for her.

I do commend them for the way they handled it. If it were me, my wife and my children experiencing that, the news media would have had a very different story to report.
. Ivankas kids are off limits.

i see what you did here.

you're cooking up a conspiracy theory here. when mr. lassner politely informed ivanka that "your daddy is ruining the country", he was talking about jared kushner. he was informing the small children that their slumlord daddy kushner was ruining the country, not ivanka's daddy and sexual partner, donald t. jrump.

that makes sense, since jared kushner is a slumlord, and his daddy was too corrupt even for chris christie, hence why corrupt chris christie put jared kushner's daddy in jail.

when the FLOTUS wants to go visit her father in law, she has to go to the county jail to do so.

good point. the kushner/trump family enterprise really is quite the felonious and criminal enterprise.