Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

They ate the yellow snow?

View attachment 3856061
Fucking trumplethinskin can't take a couple snowflakes protesting, wah!
We're screwed, what is going to happen when somebody really starts pressing his buttons. Our president is a two bit internet bully, that can't even spell "unprecedented" I bet a guy like buck could make him go nuclear, given the chance.
That's rich given the memes question is asking What is offensive.

Not who is offended!

You are one worthless -cuck, but I'll explain it once.
Your meme insinuates liberals are easily offended, now that's pretty fucking funny
Compared to trumplethinskin, dontcha think derr. All in all I think the Bernie bots (aka young prepulicans) are whining the most, lol.