Right and wrong is a component of society. Hitler is known in the West as the ultimate evil human these days, and for good reason, but Hitler united a demoralized people and almost created an empire. German technology from WW2 changed our world. Alan Turing created the first computer out of necessity to unravel the German enigma machine so the Allies could stand a chance. Without Hitler=no computer. No computer, innovation much slower. No innovation, no hope to fix global poverty and suffering. So is Hitler evil? I would say yes but its not the whole story. Do Americans have a gun problem? Maybe its the wrong question. Maybe Americans have a truth problem because our media is focused on the wrong things. Maybe Americans are angry because we feel bad because our food is shit, but the media is telling us we need to fear Mexicans and Muslims. Maybe Americans just miss the days of Apple Pie and Summer Fairs but instead we are told 24/7 that what we really need is an I phone 7.
I appreciate your belief that you are right, and that you do think you might be able to bring light to the ignorant but maybe you aren't right?
Maybe there isn't such a thing as right or wrong? There is just now and experiences. But its cute that you still think you can change the world. Kudos.

And now I've been sucked into the troll post myself. LOL