Do you understand you have a gun problem ?

Do you really see the problem ?

  • yes, big chesseburgers meaning it doesn't bother me

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • yes fucking of course i fucking do !!

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • yes my brain needs rechecking ... it is a problem but i'm not worried

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • are you worried ?

    Votes: 9 39.1%

  • Total voters
Sometimes identifying and defining just what is nonsense is a valuable exercise. There is the off-chance that I can get a fellow RIUnian to think about what is being said, what isn't being said and (most interesting to me) what is being said but not really.
Right and wrong is a component of society. Hitler is known in the West as the ultimate evil human these days, and for good reason, but Hitler united a demoralized people and almost created an empire. German technology from WW2 changed our world. Alan Turing created the first computer out of necessity to unravel the German enigma machine so the Allies could stand a chance. Without Hitler=no computer. No computer, innovation much slower. No innovation, no hope to fix global poverty and suffering. So is Hitler evil? I would say yes but its not the whole story. Do Americans have a gun problem? Maybe its the wrong question. Maybe Americans have a truth problem because our media is focused on the wrong things. Maybe Americans are angry because we feel bad because our food is shit, but the media is telling us we need to fear Mexicans and Muslims. Maybe Americans just miss the days of Apple Pie and Summer Fairs but instead we are told 24/7 that what we really need is an I phone 7.
I appreciate your belief that you are right, and that you do think you might be able to bring light to the ignorant but maybe you aren't right? Maybe there isn't such a thing as right or wrong? There is just now and experiences. But its cute that you still think you can change the world. Kudos. ;) And now I've been sucked into the troll post myself. LOL
Just a serious problem, it couldn't be any worse (no idea why i'm laughing, maybe that's the problem)

57% vote worried.

Ok people of my amazing thread, 1 question and i want 1 word answers (ha ha !! sure) ..... do you want guns in your country ? apart from hunting ones in mountains etc

yes or no ?

Guns bring,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Right and wrong is a component of society. Hitler is known in the West as the ultimate evil human these days, and for good reason, but Hitler united a demoralized people and almost created an empire. German technology from WW2 changed our world. Alan Turing created the first computer out of necessity to unravel the German enigma machine so the Allies could stand a chance. Without Hitler=no computer. No computer, innovation much slower. No innovation, no hope to fix global poverty and suffering. So is Hitler evil? I would say yes but its not the whole story. Do Americans have a gun problem? Maybe its the wrong question. Maybe Americans have a truth problem because our media is focused on the wrong things. Maybe Americans are angry because we feel bad because our food is shit, but the media is telling us we need to fear Mexicans and Muslims. Maybe Americans just miss the days of Apple Pie and Summer Fairs but instead we are told 24/7 that what we really need is an I phone 7.
I appreciate your belief that you are right, and that you do think you might be able to bring light to the ignorant but maybe you aren't right? Maybe there isn't such a thing as right or wrong? There is just now and experiences. But its cute that you still think you can change the world. Kudos. ;) And now I've been sucked into the troll post myself. LOL

Whoa what a jerehmiad defending Hitler! Posts like this make me want to rush out and buy another AR
Right and wrong is a component of society. Hitler is known in the West as the ultimate evil human these days, and for good reason, but Hitler united a demoralized people and almost created an empire. German technology from WW2 changed our world. Alan Turing created the first computer out of necessity to unravel the German enigma machine so the Allies could stand a chance. Without Hitler=no computer. No computer, innovation much slower. No innovation, no hope to fix global poverty and suffering. So is Hitler evil? I would say yes but its not the whole story. Do Americans have a gun problem? Maybe its the wrong question. Maybe Americans have a truth problem because our media is focused on the wrong things. Maybe Americans are angry because we feel bad because our food is shit, but the media is telling us we need to fear Mexicans and Muslims. Maybe Americans just miss the days of Apple Pie and Summer Fairs but instead we are told 24/7 that what we really need is an I phone 7.
I appreciate your belief that you are right, and that you do think you might be able to bring light to the ignorant but maybe you aren't right? Maybe there isn't such a thing as right or wrong? There is just now and experiences. But its cute that you still think you can change the world. Kudos. ;) And now I've been sucked into the troll post myself. LOL
There are very many concepts in this many-layered verbal confection that I find worth discussing, but why do you focus on Hitler? Every armed force on the planet has/had a history of the kind of war-borne atrocity that I believe has been the "real weapon problem" since Cain dropped Abel. Hitler's army wasn't in any way special.

Without Hitler=no computer.
No. Alan Turing (or one of his direct competitors) would have built his machine just a little later. My father STUDIED digital computing in the early '50s. Who knows; in an alternate continuum there likely is a (my last name) Test for the capacity of a machine to emulate human communication.
I still perfer bird shot as my home defense round mainly because i can pull both triggers at once on the old coach gun. Cant do that with slugs, rock salts sounds like a good idea.. you hunting ghosts over there?
Bird shot wont stop anyone. Use 00 buck shot.
Instead of frangible rounds check out these multiple impact rounds they won't kill your neighbors either but will mess up a home invaders

They make a home defense round for shotguns that looks like watch batteries in the shell. Flat disk.
Right and wrong is a component of society. Hitler is known in the West as the ultimate evil human these days, and for good reason, but Hitler united a demoralized people and almost created an empire. German technology from WW2 changed our world. Alan Turing created the first computer out of necessity to unravel the German enigma machine so the Allies could stand a chance. Without Hitler=no computer. No computer, innovation much slower. No innovation, no hope to fix global poverty and suffering. So is Hitler evil? I would say yes but its not the whole story. Do Americans have a gun problem? Maybe its the wrong question. Maybe Americans have a truth problem because our media is focused on the wrong things. Maybe Americans are angry because we feel bad because our food is shit, but the media is telling us we need to fear Mexicans and Muslims. Maybe Americans just miss the days of Apple Pie and Summer Fairs but instead we are told 24/7 that what we really need is an I phone 7.
I appreciate your belief that you are right, and that you do think you might be able to bring light to the ignorant but maybe you aren't right? Maybe there isn't such a thing as right or wrong? There is just now and experiences. But its cute that you still think you can change the world. Kudos. ;) And now I've been sucked into the troll post myself. LOL
That is silly. Full autos are still legal, just extra paper work.

There is no such thing as "assault" weapons. All weapons assault.

Armor piercing rounds. Lol. watch much Lethal Weapon?

These are the same gun.
View attachment 3855307 View attachment 3855308
These type weapons are not a problem. Statistically they are way less a problem than pistols. Reason being its hard to walk around with an "assault" type weapon. Criminals want something they can hide.

The ATF begged California to not enact our lead ammunition law. Their argument was that the alternative alloy ammo is capable of defeating soft body armor. California enacted it anyway.
The ATF begged California to not enact our lead ammunition law. Their argument was that the alternative alloy ammo is capable of defeating soft body armor. California enacted it anyway.
I could see that. Hollow point and lead jacketed rounds wont defeat it. Full metal jacket and alloy might.

I guess lead was banned for the environment?
I could see that. Hollow point and lead jacketed rounds wont defeat it. Full metal jacket and alloy might.

I guess lead was banned for the environment?

Yes. The pro-ban reasoning was condors and eagles were being poisoned by eating vermin killed with lead and lost game from hunters. Outdoor shooting ranges were leaching massive amounts of lead into the water table. I even read an article beseeching the release of lead dust into the atmosphere with every pull of the trigger.

So now ammo costs more and defeats soft body armor. The bullet technology has grown by leaps and bounds over the last decade or so.

Of course, January 1st, we will have to pay for and submit to a background check to purchase ammo. In a store that is
Bird shot wont stop anyone. Use 00 buck shot.

They make a home defense round for shotguns that looks like watch batteries in the shell. Flat disk.

00 buckshot is over kill man it will punch right out someone's back if shot into them at close range. That shotgun is only there incase someone wants to rob my house in the middle of the night ( and that's only if they make it past the dogs). If we're talking about holding down a house against attackers or some shit then that's a different story and that's when the rifles and pistols come out to play
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Yes. The pro-ban reasoning was condors and eagles were being poisoned by eating vermin killed with lead and lost game from hunters. Outdoor shooting ranges were leaching massive amounts of lead into the water table. I even read an article beseeching the release of lead dust into the atmosphere with every pull of the trigger.

So now ammo costs more and defeats soft body armor. The bullet technology has grown by leaps and bounds over the last decade or so.

Of course, January 1st, we will have to pay for and submit to a background check to purchase ammo. In a store that is

That's a shitty law man for ammo really you guys got it hard out in cali better get stocked up now then
00 buckshot is over kill man it will punch right out someone's back if shot into them at close range. That shotgun is only there incase someone wants to rob my house in the middle of the night ( and that's only if they make it past the dogs). If we're taking about holding done a house against attackers or some shit then that's a different story and that's when the rifles and pistols come out to play

And then the C4 and Dynomite comes into play BOOOOOOOOM! :fire: Fuck

Yes. The pro-ban reasoning was condors and eagles were being poisoned by eating vermin killed with lead and lost game from hunters. Outdoor shooting ranges were leaching massive amounts of lead into the water table. I even read an article beseeching the release of lead dust into the atmosphere with every pull of the trigger.

So now ammo costs more and defeats soft body armor. The bullet technology has grown by leaps and bounds over the last decade or so.

Of course, January 1st, we will have to pay for and submit to a background check to purchase ammo. In a store that is
Why can't we just have our guns and ammo man, shit
What are you like 16 just getting into your first shooting game ?

If it comes down to really having to use weapons and fight....they won't even fucking matter.

People will be blown up out of the strongholds no problem.

Guns are like last resort hand to hand shit.

I say Bunker Bust the fuckers and end their misery.