Cannabis Culture QC raided, Marc Emery Arrested


Well-Known Member
Stories filtering in now :

A day after opening, six shops selling recreational marijuana have been raided by Montreal police, with several arrests being made.

The co-owner of the Cannabis Culture chain, longtime marijuana activist Marc Emery, who is known as the "Prince of Pot," was arrested at the Mont-Royal Avenue location.

"This arrest is wrong, and the prohibition is wrong — and the prime minister is a disgrace," Emery yelled as police were arresting him. Some onlookers began shouting, "Free Marc Emery."

The raids started around 5:30 p.m. Friday.
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Taking another one for the team he is. And some can't figure what we're on about with the Lp BOYCOTT stance.
Arrest this guy for doing what LP's do...not much of a hypocritical move is it.
you see if they don't get the money..they goon squad ya into their legal system. Fuckin disgusting double face laws we seem to have.
BOYCOTT or join the police force will ya..then you can jack boot around too. And fuck decent folks over for not complying....sic !!
Mayor, responds:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, speaking in Montreal, said that acting as if marijuana was legal was premature.

"Until we've changed the law, the current laws exist and apply," said Trudeau.

Following the raids, Coderre tweeted that it was "more useful to put your energies on the legislative process for marijuana legalization than an unnecessary stunt. Respect the law."

The federal government has promised to legalize marijuana and this week a task force provided its recommendations on how to do so.

"We will get this done properly and responsibly because that is what Canadians expect us to do," said Trudeau.
And the LP supporters are helping this along just nicely by buying the LP false hope to the masters. DEEEEE-scusting
Why anyone would open a business in that backwards shithole of a province is beyond me. Even most Quebecer's I meet are embarrassed to admit it.
Meanwhile alcohol is flowing uninterrupted everywhere, lol. They said it would be legal by spring, why all the bullshit dicking around meanwhile? Just straight up decriminalize it so no more people get bullshit charges. Or just stop enforcing, what a waste of money and time. Bad vibes all around, motherfuckers.
100% embarassed Quebecer here! Let's not even talk about the health care system here, lol, that's even more embarassing. I have to go to Ontario to see my Dr!
I've met a ton of folks from Quebec and have some lifelong francophone friends, I just can't understand why we didn't just let them separate rather than grant them special rights.. To be honest, health care ain't much better on the west coast. but the weather and scenery are great!
I've met a ton of folks from Quebec and have some lifelong francophone friends, I just can't understand why we didn't just let them separate rather than grant them special rights.. To be honest, health care ain't much better on the west coast. but the weather and scenery are great!

I don't know about the whole separating thing, to me Canada is Canada and Quebec is part of it, no offense to all my separatist uncles, lol.

I have to say health care in Canada in general has gotten worst since I moved back in 2001... in my experience anyways. Now living in Quebec and they don't even have walk-in clinics, gotta go see my Dr and if she's not available gotta go to the hospital, can't believe it! In Ontario there are still walk-in clinics available, shitty Doctors and service (Appletree... wink wink nudge nudge) for the most part but at least it's there...

BC is awesome man. I lived in Victoria for 2 summers, special place. I can't get enough of that ocean and those mountains, man I miss it! And the rain forest, oh my, lots of life there, I once saw a tree growing on a tree... growing on another tree! 3 freaking trees bunking together! It was near Long beach, Tofino, a special Canadian pilgrimage site :)
Jodie Emery has also been arrested at her hotel.

So now you don't even need to be at a dispensary location to get fucked by those who want it all or nothing.
Fuck you to any supporters of LP's and that morally corrupt jackboot forced club.
If folks FROM THE VERY BEGINNING would have not purchased any from LP's we'd be in a different place right now.
I hope they start jack booting in LP employee's, owners and customers doors.
Jodie and Jeremiah are both released, got all their laptops, phones and iPads taken, not charged with anything yet while still under investigation. Marc might still be in. the cops got 40 lbs and a bunch of cash.
Hippy you act like you never seen greed before..... lol

Of course they going try and stamp out the competition weather it's right or wrong..... big business does this everytime over and over

Just because it has to do with health doesn't matter ..... look at big pharma... doctors.... medical insurance..... now the big bucks would be homes for the old or those that can afford it
Yet people protest and nothing happens really......
Nobody cares unless theres money to be made ..... then it's about the cash not the people anyways

You know that fuck wad mayor told the city cops to do it ..... wasn't rcmp was it?