Do you understand you have a gun problem ?

Do you really see the problem ?

  • yes, big chesseburgers meaning it doesn't bother me

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • yes fucking of course i fucking do !!

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • yes my brain needs rechecking ... it is a problem but i'm not worried

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • are you worried ?

    Votes: 9 39.1%

  • Total voters
Hi their :)

Ok so i'm just seeing that you guys may not know you ACtually do have A GUN PROBLEM.

I talk to a lot of americans and the trust issue seems to run really deep .... it's like it's the norm for you and i'm just wondering if it's blinded you in some way that you can't see you ACtually do have serious problem.

Period wouldn't send my kids anywhere near usa just for this gun problem i'm not sure you know you really have.


I was asleep at the switch while this epic fail thread was hoppin! Dang.

You are correct; the trust issue does run deep. American gun owners are beset on all sides by precisely the sort of perniciously vague dishonesty you present so passionately. The media crow (in a month or so, "trump"et) about how BAD the gun situation is! But where are the facts? the stats compiled by someone other than the media? If we really do have a gun problem, where are the numbers?

Our police chiefs generally vote en bloc to restrict civilian (ignore for a moment that police are uniformed civilians, despite the military-sounding ranks) gun access. I cannot blame them; it is a real problem for them. Anything that makes their job safer (take an abusive spouse, a substance problem and add in a firearm and that is a cop's legitimate nightmare ... it takes an amateur to really fuck a tactical situation) is something I'll seriously consider. I do NOT hold with the "fuck the police" mindset.

Finally we have ill-informed twatbuckets who say stuff like I quoted above. What is your dog in this hunt? What is in it for you as you do not even LIVE here? You appear to love control, and the last time I looked, the antonyms were freedom and independence.

As a member of a community united by a cause on the far side of Federal law in the USA and national laws most anywhere else on our garden globe, I find your campaigning for stricter laws on Everyman to be ... inconsistent.
The Assault/Military style rifles are a problem esp when they make them auto's and use armor piercing rounds on people.

The Biggest problem is the load of dufuses in the U.S. who do not care about other people.

And of course the gun lobby and the paid shills.......

I have a rifle sitting here 3 feet from me......So just do not even try fucking going there......

There are ways to make them safer and anyone against that is FUCKED UP in the head End of story.

How would you make a gun safer and retain or enhance its primary function, which is to send accurately-placed projectiles on target on instant demand? Would you feel ~safer~ if the police were required to adopt the same Safety Features?

When the notional bad guys come to my house wearing the Kevlar that is now "dress code", the things you suggest are more likely to favor the assailants.

Oh and STYLE? You are complaining about STYLE guns? So an ugly gun is deadlier? THIS is the sort of logic I dismantled in the OP's, uhm, OP.

can you still get them at that price or was it a while back.. i few years ago you used to be able to buy a whole crate of em for 500 bucks

They are still cheap, but not that cheap. I saw a nice one a couple weeks ago for $140. I bought 3 of them back when they were under $80 each. I have a 440 round tin of ammo for them that I got for like $250 i think it was.

They make lots of after market parts for them too. I have a nice see through scope mount on my M44 carbine.
I was asleep at the switch while this epic fail thread was hoppin! Dang.

You are correct; the trust issue does run deep. American gun owners are beset on all sides by precisely the sort of perniciously vague dishonesty you present so passionately. The media crow (in a month or so, "trump"et) about how BAD the gun situation is! But where are the facts? the stats compiled by someone other than the media? If we really do have a gun problem, where are the numbers?

Our police chiefs generally vote en bloc to restrict civilian (ignore for a moment that police are uniformed civilians, despite the military-sounding ranks) gun access. I cannot blame them; it is a real problem for them. Anything that makes their job safer (take an abusive spouse, a substance problem and add in a firearm and that is a cop's legitimate nightmare ... it takes an amateur to really fuck a tactical situation) is something I'll seriously consider. I do NOT hold with the "fuck the police" mindset.

Finally we have ill-informed twatbuckets who say stuff like I quoted above. What is your dog in this hunt? What is in it for you as you do not even LIVE here? You appear to love control, and the last time I looked, the antonyms were freedom and independence.

As a member of a community united by a cause on the far side of Federal law in the USA and national laws most anywhere else on our garden globe, I find your campaigning for stricter laws on Everyman to be ... inconsistent.
Nicely stated. I refrained, well, because France. Which has so much gravitas to demand from the rest of the world, doncha know.
LOL, indeed, as they pissed on the Green Fairy
We live in great times. We will wistfully tell our grandchildren about privacy and smirk when they recoil at the perversion of the concept and the profanity of the word.

We are watching the legal stranglehold on a pleasant intoxicant and useful medicinal be incrementally lifted.

And finally, absinthe is returning! It is becoming a ... presinthe. I am a useless mechanic ... I cannot make the Van Gogh. But with absinthe I might paint one!
The Assault/Military style rifles are a problem esp when they make them auto's and use armor piercing rounds on people.

The Biggest problem is the load of dufuses in the U.S. who do not care about other people.

And of course the gun lobby and the paid shills.......

I have a rifle sitting here 3 feet from me......So just do not even try fucking going there......

There are ways to make them safer and anyone against that is FUCKED UP in the head End of story.
That is silly. Full autos are still legal, just extra paper work.

There is no such thing as "assault" weapons. All weapons assault.

Armor piercing rounds. Lol. watch much Lethal Weapon?

These are the same gun.
th.jpg thLR7SGVSL.jpg
These type weapons are not a problem. Statistically they are way less a problem than pistols. Reason being its hard to walk around with an "assault" type weapon. Criminals want something they can hide.
my property was burgled over a dozen times until i started target shooting once or twice a week. neighbors call me now, if someone sets off their security lights. i'm at the entrance of the subdivision, so i see who comes in and who leaves. we have had no theft or crime since i started popping 20$ a week, and i've been given doe tags from some of our older neighbors who can get out in the cold and hunt.

guns aren't the problem, stupid people illegally owning guns are a problem.
Good for you. I target shoot a couple times a month and once a week usually.

Let shit really hit the fan and see what people have to say.
None of my 15 guns have a problem there all sighted shoot striaght and well oiled. The only problem with them is i dont get to shoot them very often anymore. Only have 1 set up for home defense and its a double barrel coachgun loaded with bird shot, the rest are rifles ranging from an old .22 to a .338 lapua
Rock salt shells are great deterrents.
That is silly. Full autos are still legal, just extra paper work.

There is no such thing as "assault" weapons. All weapons assault.

Armor piercing rounds. Lol. watch much Lethal Weapon?

These are the same gun.
View attachment 3855307 View attachment 3855308
These type weapons are not a problem. Statistically they are way less a problem than pistols. Reason being its hard to walk around with an "assault" type weapon. Criminals want something they can hide.
I believe that the term "assault weapon" is specific to the light, select-fire carbines modern soldiers tend to carry. The exemplar is the AK-47. Good assault weapons also have a "burst" feature on the selector.

As for full auto, no can do in most States in which I have lived. Restrictive State law can and does make some Federal permissions irrelevant. I could not legally purchase one in the two states that have been home most recently: MA and CA. Variations in the shape and enforcement of State and local laws have a massive effect on what I can own and take to the range.
I've been wanting a Mosin Nagant for my bug out gun. stack up the cheap ammo and pray for the zombie apocalypse
I got three of them. Great guns. I would buy in person as some can be junk. Check for tight bolt action on them. Check safety.

Very accurate gun. I used to shoot bowling pins 350-400 yards with mine.

As you said the rounds are cheap. I got mine and three 1000 round spam cans with it for a birthday.

I bought a couple more dirt cheap and put a few more rounds up.

Hell if nothing else its a beast and would club a mofo down.
Oh c'mon have heart for the surgical call teams and choose slugs. That's what I use for my home defense deterrent.
I have a Rem 870 with alternating 00 buck and slugs. I also have a 9mm pistol in a lock box that unlocks with a bracelet. Finger print and combo back up.

I used the rock salt on a dog thief.
I believe that the term "assault weapon" is specific to the light, select-fire carbines modern soldiers tend to carry. The exemplar is the AK-47. Good assault weapons also have a "burst" feature on the selector.

As for full auto, no can do in most States in which I have lived. Restrictive State law can and does make some Federal permissions irrelevant. I could not legally purchase one in the two states that have been home most recently: MA and CA. Variations in the shape and enforcement of State and local laws have a massive effect on what I can own and take to the range.
I know that as I qualified expert on the AR15.

My point being that most hunting guns were and are used in the military. The big bad scary black gun is what I was getting at.