Jaw wired shut. Cutting wires early?

it feels weird, cant open my mouth completely yet. but god it feels great!
You're almost done get a pair of vice grips and snap them lightly down on the studs and turn. If you need some dental anesthesia go get some Oil of Cloves (Eugenol), it will completely numb the area. Then unscrew the screws.

Edit: Apply the Eugenol with a q tip sparingly

Im too scared hahaha
If you look at the xrays you'll see she actually fractured her mandible in three places. I think that was the actual reason for the removal of the second molar. She doesn't have her maxillary wisdom teeth so she had those extracted already.

People pay good money for jaw wiring for weight loss. Now I think you should have left the wires in place! You would be so much closer to your goal.

oh i know! ive lost 30, im about 170 now.