Justin Bieber vs Michael Jackson. Who is better and why?

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my avatar is a newspaper making fun of paedophile Adam Johnson
How is making justin bieber threads pedo? He is 23 and legal. Same with all the hot girl threads I post. Mariah Carey is in her 40s, far from pedo age

STFU, shitliner. No one cares about bieber or the stupid girls you post. Are they ever going to let you back in that pub??? Not that I blame them, I wouldn't either. There's got to be a UK douche bag club you could join: you know, a bunch of no talent losers on the dole that aren't wanted anywhere else. It's xmas time, for fuck's sake...


You guys, I really don't think this David guy is Mainy. I can understand him, I couldn't really understand Mainy all the time.

Yeah, it's him. He tries to hide behind slightly different prose styles, but he quickly gets sloppy and gives himself away. He's got so many tells, no one is strong enough to hold back such a powerful torrent of stupid...
Maybe, but we both clicked on this thread lol

We didn't have to, right?

I feel compelled to troll it to meltdown. It usually leaves for a few months afterward, but I've gotten two or three banned in the last couple of weeks, but they just keep coming. I don't think we're trying hard enough, but it's the holidays and I'm feeling lazy...
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