bigger than watergate?

Hey, Poogie's (William Hart/founding member & singer) birthday is coming up - he'll be 72 next month.

(He's in front, white jacket.)

I thank the universe often for The life wouldn't be the same without them, their influence will be felt for generations/eons....


Frank Luntz Verified account ‏@FrankLuntz
Did Russia also hack Hillary's campaign calendar and delete all her stops in rural Wisconsin, Penn., and Michigan?

Hillary supporters getting angry


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I guess you just can't teach Stupid,
If you are a Democrat or Republican you should be outraged Putin put his fucking Thumb on our Scales of voting outcome. then Throw the CIA under the bus,
Are we all not Americans?, When someone Fucks with our Elections we should all be pissed. Period
About 25% of this country are fake patriots, it would seem. Totally agree that this scandal is a national issue, not a red or blue one.
An interesting aside to emerge from last night's hit piece and the Trump team response is that there is now a full blown turf war between Trump and the CIA, as NBC's Chuck Todd observed in a series of late Friday tweets:

To which Glenn Greenwald provided the best counterargument:

However, of the mini Tweetstorm, this was the most important aspect: the veiled suggestion that in addition to Russia, both the FBI and the Obama presidency prevented Hillary from becoming the next US president...

... which in light of these stunning new unproven and baseless allegations, she may very well have renewed aspirations toward.

* * *

So while there is no "there" there following the WaPo's latest attempt to fan the rarging fires of evidence-free propaganda, or as the WaPo itself would say "fake news", here is why the story has dramatic implications. First, the only two quotes which matter:

"...there is no clear evidence — even now,” said Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and a member of the Trump transition team. “There’s a lot of innuendo, lots of circumstantial evidence, that’s it.”

* * *

"...Obama wants the report before he leaves office Jan. 20, Monaco said. The review will be led by [PROVEN LIAR] James Clapper, the outgoing director of national intelligence, officials said."

And then the summary:

  1. Announce "consensus" (not unanimous) "conclusion" based in circumstantial evidence now, before the Electoral College vote, then write a report with actual details due by Jan 20.
  2. Put a proven liar in charge of writing the report on Russian hacking.
  3. Fail to mention that not one of the leaked DNC or Podesta emails has been shown to be inauthentic. So the supposed Russian hacking simply revealed truth about Hillary, DNC, and MSM collusion and corruption.
  4. Fail to mention that if hacking was done by or for US government to stop Hillary, blaming the Russians would be the most likely disinformation used by US agencies.
  5. Expect every pro-Hillary lapdog journalist - which is virtually all of them - in America will hyperventilate (Twitter is currently on fire) about this latest fact-free, anti-Trump political stunt for the next nine days.
Or, as a reader put it, this is a soft coup attempt by leaders of Intel community and Obama Admin to influence the Electoral College vote, similar to the 1960s novel "Seven Days in May."
Ahhhahaaaahaaahaaaaahhaaaa. What a piece of drivel.

Obama is out of office in a few more weeks and will turn the country over to Trump. He's doing the country the service of documenting a truly serious interference with our election. This interference was obvious earlier in the year. Obama is ensuring the truth comes out before he leaves office. What I'm laughing out loud about is how desperate the lying right are to have the truth covered up.

This scandal is not a red or blue issue, it is a national security issue. Surely you don't accept a Russian dictator's interference in a US election as something done for the good for the US.
Can't take the truth can you? Putin and the Russians interfered with the elections. This is a national issue, dummy. Clinton lost and you are hung up on the word rigged. I'm not saying "rigged" I'm saying national security issue. This can't be tolerated.
Podesta literally got a scam email, saying "Hey we are totally (the bra inspectors) Google, please (take off your panties so we can inspect them) click on this link that redirects you to some random ass website, and type in your password to verify its really you!"

And he fell for that. It wasn't exactly a Mr.Robot level advanced attack.
Podesta literally got a scam email, saying "Hey we are totally (the bra inspectors) Google, please (take off your panties so we can inspect them) click on this link that redirects you to some random ass website, and type in your password to verify its really you!"

And he fell for that. It wasn't exactly a Mr.Robot level advanced attack.
What difference would that make if it were true dimwit?
Podesta literally got a scam email, saying "Hey we are totally (the bra inspectors) Google, please (take off your panties so we can inspect them) click on this link that redirects you to some random ass website, and type in your password to verify its really you!"

And he fell for that. It wasn't exactly a Mr.Robot level advanced attack.
What does anything you say have to do with a dictatorship interfering with the US election?
What difference would that make if it were true dimwit?
This is just common "hacking" that pretty much anyone can do, even a Nigerian prince, so you can't really say who did it because its such a common attack vector.

On the other hand, if it was a sophisticated server breach/rootkit/system compromise, then that requires much more skill and you may be able to point out some links to certain state entities who might be behind those type of attack vectors. Just like the NSA has special hacking tools , then if your server got hacked by one of those tools (after they were leaked since you probably wouldn't know they exist otherwise), then maybe you can say the NSA hacked you. However, its just as easy to frame someone if you got a copy of NSA tools, to make it look like the NSA did it when you were just framing them.

What Podesta did, is less akin to getting hacked, and more akin to someone leaving their wallet on the subway, then remembering the next day, going back to the subway and finding that his wallet is gone. Then somehow complaining that he was targeted by sophisticated burglars.

As far as the CIA, from what I read, they are just saying Russia would have motivation to conduct such an attack, a far cry from saying Russia did do the attack. Even if they did have more proof, this type of stuff can easily be spoofed. Combined with the level of butthurt from Dem's not accepting the election results (even after they say its dangerous if Trump doesn't accept it). right after the "recount" turned out to be a big failure.

Also, in 2011, Wikileaks just revealed Obama tried to frame Assange in Iceland, which Iceland wanted no part of and kicked them out. (Same Obama and FBI that allegedly rigged the election against Hillary?)

WikiLeaks Verified account ‏@wikileaks
The Obama administration sent a 'plane load of FBI agents' to frame Julian Assange. Iceland kicked them out:


Wikileaks as a Russian agent? why would they expose Republican Trump staff?

WikiLeaks Verified account ‏@wikileaks
808 WikiLeaks files on John Bolton who is reported to be Trump's new Deputy Secretary of State
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This is just common "hacking" that pretty much anyone can do, even a Nigerian prince, so you can't really say who did it because its such a common attack vector.

On the other hand, if it was a sophisticated server breach/rootkit/system compromise, then that requires much more skill and you may be able to point out some links to certain state entities who might be behind those type of attack vectors. Just like the NSA has special hacking tools , then if your server got hacked by one of those tools (after they were leaked since you probably wouldn't know they exist otherwise), then maybe you can say the NSA hacked you. However, its just as easy to frame someone if you got a copy of NSA tools, to make it look like the NSA did it when you were just framing them.

What Podesta did, is less akin to getting hacked, and more akin to someone leaving their wallet on the subway, then remembering the next day, going back to the subway and finding that his wallet is gone. Then somehow complaining that he was targeted by sophisticated burglars.

As far as the CIA, from what I read, they are just saying Russia would have motivation to conduct such an attack, a far cry from saying Russia did do the attack. Even if they did have more proof, this type of stuff can easily be spoofed. Combined with the level of butthurt from Dem's not accepting the election results (even after they say its dangerous if Trump doesn't accept it). right after the "recount" turned out to be a big failure.

Also, in 2011, Wikileaks just revealed Obama tried to frame Assange in Iceland, which Iceland wanted no part of and kicked them out. (Same Obama and FBI that allegedly rigged the election against Hillary?)

WikiLeaks Verified account ‏@wikileaks
The Obama administration sent a 'plane load of FBI agents' to frame Julian Assange. Iceland kicked them out:


Wikileaks as a Russian agent? why would they expose Republican Trump staff?

WikiLeaks Verified account ‏@wikileaks
808 WikiLeaks files on John Bolton who is reported to be Trump's new Deputy Secretary of State
Umm, do any of the scandals you mention have any thing to do with Russian Government interference with the US election? It was obvious from the start this was going on. Trump even asked for help from Russia publicly. I'll say outright that Trump owes money to Russian Oligarch through shady banks that deal with them. I have no proof, but I think we'll find this out or something like it very soon.

Trump lies like an old dog about his relationship with Russian oligarchs. Where else would hundreds of millions of dollars come from?

From Russia With Trump: A Political Conflict Zone
As questions have been raised about Trump’s business interests with Russians, the candidate has sought to distance himself from Moscow.

“For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia,” he wrote on Twitter in July.
n ABC News investigation found he has numerous connections to Russian interests both in the U.S. and abroad.

“The level of business amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars -- what he received as a result of interaction with Russian businessmen,” said Sergei Millian, who heads a U.S.-Russia business group and who says he once helped market Trump’s U.S. condos in Russia and the former Soviet states. “They were happy to invest with him, and they were happy to work with Donald Trump. And they were happy to associate—[and] be associated with Donald Trump.”

Questions about Trump’s posture towards Russia have been a recurring issue in the 2016 presidential campaign. They have come from Democrats and Republicans, many of whom expressed surprise at Trump’s flattering remarks about Russian President Vladimir Putin, even as the official U.S. stance has grown increasingly frosty.

Even @squarepush3r isn't so obtuse as to think that Putin didn't have a motive and strong interest in having a cozy and incriminating business relationship with the President of the US. A dictator like Putin wouldn't hesitate to put a small effort to work. As a former KGB asshole, he knows all about propaganda campaigns.
This is just common "hacking" that pretty much anyone can do, even a Nigerian prince, so you can't really say who did it because its such a common attack vector.

On the other hand, if it was a sophisticated server breach/rootkit/system compromise, then that requires much more skill and you may be able to point out some links to certain state entities who might be behind those type of attack vectors. Just like the NSA has special hacking tools , then if your server got hacked by one of those tools (after they were leaked since you probably wouldn't know they exist otherwise), then maybe you can say the NSA hacked you. However, its just as easy to frame someone if you got a copy of NSA tools, to make it look like the NSA did it when you were just framing them.

What Podesta did, is less akin to getting hacked, and more akin to someone leaving their wallet on the subway, then remembering the next day, going back to the subway and finding that his wallet is gone. Then somehow complaining that he was targeted by sophisticated burglars.

As far as the CIA, from what I read, they are just saying Russia would have motivation to conduct such an attack, a far cry from saying Russia did do the attack. Even if they did have more proof, this type of stuff can easily be spoofed. Combined with the level of butthurt from Dem's not accepting the election results (even after they say its dangerous if Trump doesn't accept it). right after the "recount" turned out to be a big failure.

Also, in 2011, Wikileaks just revealed Obama tried to frame Assange in Iceland, which Iceland wanted no part of and kicked them out. (Same Obama and FBI that allegedly rigged the election against Hillary?)

WikiLeaks Verified account ‏@wikileaks
The Obama administration sent a 'plane load of FBI agents' to frame Julian Assange. Iceland kicked them out:


Wikileaks as a Russian agent? why would they expose Republican Trump staff?

WikiLeaks Verified account ‏@wikileaks
808 WikiLeaks files on John Bolton who is reported to be Trump's new Deputy Secretary of State
Wrong wrong wrong.

Where did you get your Computer Science Degree?