Hawaii Growers

Easier to outdoor on the outer islands, a bit more crowded on oahu. Sky high electric makes me want to move outside.

I could grow a couple in the back yard, if i can keep them under 6 foot and not burn them from the blazing hot sun

You should be able to manage the under 6' limit with LST and yeah the sun....no issue there. A rooftop in Vietnam gets pretty blazing during the summer months
Mine usually start flowering right when I put em outside but from May thru July if u put them outside they most likely won't flower until very end of July. I veg until I have about 8 nodes then I put it outside. That gives me roughly a 4-5 ft plant. I use a 400w cfl to veg and that takes about 4-5 weeks. Size container to start is a Dixie cup and end up in 5 or 8 gallon. Once they start flowering it takes anywhere from 7-12 weeks. Hope this helps.IMG_2377.JPG
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If u put it outside in may, your plant will be much bigger than 4-5 feet by the time it flowers unless u train it.

If u put it outside in may, your plant will be much bigger than 4-5 feet by the time it flowers unless u train it.

that is what i thought, 4-5 feet in a 5 -8 gallon would be more than enough for me. plant it inside in mid may? would it stress in full sun @ 90+ degrees? I am leeward, its crazy hot and dry july to september
Not if u water it enough. If u wanna keep it small then I would top it a couple times if ur gonna put it out in may. No need to do it inside because it won't flower. I only start inside when the sun is 12 hrs or less during the day
Not if u water it enough. If u wanna keep it small then I would top it a couple times if ur gonna put it out in may. No need to do it inside because it won't flower. I only start inside when the sun is 12 hrs or less during the day

I see.

I'll start getting serious come april. Right now i am focused on my indoor dwc action, waiting on a cob set up.


your plant looks great, a few of those would be great on my patio

how to upload/embed pictures?
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U will see the button upload file next to post reply and u can add the file then it's thumbnail will show up click insert image then it should pop up in the text
It's good to know the seasons. I split it into four seasons, 3 short one long. Short season is from nov-march, July-oct, and oct-dec. the long season is from May to sept/oct depending on what kind of strains. Also my seasons overlap so I don't run out bongsmilie

Also know when solstice is. the amount of sunlight hours will increase from December 21st (shortest day of the year) and decrease after June 21st (longest day of the year).

Also good to know when equinox is. (When sunlight is 12hrs and night is 12 hrs) this occurs around the 20th of march and the 23rd of September. This is how u can determine if days at getting shorter or longer for flowering and veg.

The moon also affects sprouting and harvesting. I find that planting is better on a new moon and harvest on a full moon (hence harvest moon). Think this has to do with gravitational forces from the moon much like tides.
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The main factors that limit height of the plant are amount of light in hours and vegetative growth length in weeks. As your plant grows you will need bigger containers but I've seen 8 ft trees come out of a 10 gallon pot. Also pruning and topping are great ways to limit height.
Don't top a plant right before your gonna switch to flower either. It will reduce ur yield and might shock the plant. It needs a couple weeks or more to veg before u flip it to 12/12 to flower.

When u switch the plant to flower, it will almost double in height and width in the first couple weeks. After that it doesn't grow much taller and the plants energy is spent on making fat juicy buds!
It's good to know the seasons. I split it into four seasons, 3 short one long. Short season is from nov-march, July-oct, and oct-dec. the long season is from May to sept/oct depending on what kind of strains. Also my seasons overlap so I don't run out bongsmilie

Also know when solstice is. the amount of sunlight hours will increase from December 21st (shortest day of the year) and decrease after June 21st (longest day of the year).

Also good to know when equinox is. (When sunlight is 12hrs and night is 12 hrs) this occurs around the 20th of march and the 23rd of September. This is how u can determine if days at getting shorter or longer for flowering and veg.

The moon also affects sprouting and harvesting. I find that planting is better on a new moon and harvest on a full moon (hence harvest moon). Think this has to do with gravitational forces from the moon much like tides.
fyi, this was from @rikdabrick and it also applies to me where I am in VN


Yes, more roots = more fruits. Small container = smaller plants.

For sure but it's not the only factor.
Forgot to mention that picking your strains wisely can also help because genetics can help limit height of a plant. Get some short stocky indicas and u won't have to worry about height. Sativas tend to get taller and lankier
For sure but it's not the only factor.
Forgot to mention that picking your strains wisely can also help because genetics can help limit height of a plant. Get some short stocky indicas and u won't have to worry about height
Its not the only factor but its a major one. short stocky indicas in your climate also puts up the chance of mold....why? because wide leaf plants tend to have short internode spacing, larger more dense buds (higher chance of mold), whereas long leafs tend to have airier buds which arent as fat and the internode spacing is better for hot a humid as they arent all stacked on top of one another...
Its not the only factor but its a major one. short stocky indicas in your climate also puts up the chance of mold....
This is true but that's why we do indicas in the summer when it's not so humid and mold isn't as abundant. Winter is really when most mold problems happen cuz it rains a lot
that is what i thought, 4-5 feet in a 5 -8 gallon would be more than enough for me. plant it inside in mid may? would it stress in full sun @ 90+ degrees? I am leeward, its crazy hot and dry july to september
I think it's a good idea to give them a couple days in a semi-sunny/shady spot to get use to the sun when they coming from indoors. You don't have to, but it's less shocking for them.