Is there anything currently better then amare?

hi ttystikk
im a curious non pro. i've put on my diapers.
Can you please send me a link to your friend steve's work so I can have my mind blown. Or any other link so I can get up to speed with what a quantum board in this context is even supposed to be.
thank you in advance.

In this section; DIY Quantum boards, and more. Lots of test runs going already.
LOL! This LED section is always so entertaining! It's like their are a few gyms (lighting companies) with "fighters" (people who run a company or people who use a particular company's products)...and when they meet up at weigh-ins, there is always a lot of posturing and flexing and huffing and puffing in each others' faces, etc. They tell each other what they are going to do to...who is better, tougher....who is more efficient! (LOL!)

At this point, as has already been mentioned, it's not even about how well a particular light works or what makes it different....It's ONLY about online personas poking and prodding each other.

So why not take it a step further?...

...The only (halfway) real way to really pit these lights in a real competition, is to create a test grow with absolutely everything being equal (clone, medium, water, nutrient type and schedule, temp, same wattage draw from the wall, same air movement, etc., etc., etc.) . The results would be weighed and tested for various cannabinoids and terpenes, etc. Winner gets bragging rights and gets to officially say "Nyeh, Nyeh, Nyeh, Nyeh, Nyeh, Nyeh!" ! ;) That would end this constant bickering once and for all....wouldn't it? (no, probably not) ;)

But what would be really interesting would be to have each company do the same exact test in their own facility and then see which discrepancies (if any) there would be. Have all these companies donate a light of their own to each of the other companies and then have each company run the same, exact test.....I dunno, but something tells me that, in each case, each company would come up with different results -even though the growing conditions and all parameters would have been agreed upon ahead of time to be exactly the same. In other words, no one would ever want to admit that their light was bested by another...I understand that. But, IF it could be done honestly by all, then there would be one company left standing at the end. Now THAT would be fun!
the last part im sure most of us will agree with. thats why its important to for the manufacturer to disclose what tech they are using and how its being used. these are measurements that can be trusted and applied to any growers experience level. until amare discloses information on the plants morphology responding to "secret sauce" according to @Hybridway its about delivering photons to the plant at the best cost imo
You guys outta be proud of yourselves. You are the exact reason why Amare is in buss. Today & striving to be better every hateful comment you make.
Thank you for your contributions to Amare Tech.
Thanks guys!
Protecting growers from BS is why they're here.
You are selling more lights for Amare then any special sauce or shill out there.
Good work!
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You know, I take back what I said about Amare. I said I wouldn't mind owning one. I was wrong. I never buy from a company that doesn't give an address or phone number to contact them. It's shady business when your only way of contacting is through an online messaging service or email.

Another reason is because these lights (from what I have learned) are mass produced in China and simply shipped to distributors like Victor for sale worldwide. This is why the European website for Amare is a completely different person and setup. They never show you inside the lights and offer no testing procedures or results.

But the worst thing of all is that of the 2 people (other than you hybrid) I have read real life journals, one guy enjoyed the weed grown by his Mars 1200 better and got the same yields from it compared to his Amare and the other guy (Iampepe) who posted his grow journal in this thread obviously lied about his yield of 471g because he was caught using multiple LED lights in his pictures when he stated he only used 1 SE450.

As for you Hybridway, I believe you have enough growing skills to grow nice plants even if you just had CFL's, like in some of your pictures. I think the average grower would yield about the same with any Mars grow light as they would with any Amare light (yet the Mars are about half the price). From the only 2 people I've seen use Amare outside of you, both grew less than 1gpw with their Amare.

So when I add these factors up, a chinese made light using reflectors to give it some juice in the center spot, a company with no testing, no phone number, no physical address on their website, grow journals of the light that show it's no better than a Mars....well yeah, I'll pass. I'm glad I had the time and tools to build my own light but I will never recommend an Amare. There's way too much shadyness going on online and the first thing I look for is transparency in a company if I spend money online. And last but not least, these Chinese made Amare lights with 2nd gen technology are extremely overpriced, especially for their performance. You can throw as much smoke n' mirrors at these and they are still just overpriced Chinese lights sold by shady distributors and promoted by shills in forums who lie about their yields.

When people take all that into consideration, I doubt many will be spending their money on Amare when so many better options exist. Options with real websites, real testing and a real person promoting them who actually does his own testing. I always wondered how you afforded having new light systems flowing in and out of your house every month or two....but now I know why.
Wow. I sure wish you guys would lighten up. Do your DIY panels grow excellent medicine. I have no doubt, but so does every Amare panel I have grown under

The 2 pics are of single plants in individual tents. One is under the Amare P 3 (300w) in a 4 x 4 tent

The other under the Amare SE 250 (250w) in a 36 x 36 tent. Note the second horizontal cube bar is 38" BELOW the light. Pretty fair amount of bud along that line

They are within 7 days of harvest

IMG_3653.JPG IMG_3655.JPG IMG_3654.JPG
You know, I take back what I said about Amare. I said I wouldn't mind owning one. I was wrong. I never buy from a company that doesn't give an address or phone number to contact them. It's shady business when your only way of contacting is through an online messaging service or email.

Another reason is because these lights (from what I have learned) are mass produced in China and simply shipped to distributors like Victor for sale worldwide. This is why the European website for Amare is a completely different person and setup. They never show you inside the lights and offer no testing procedures or results.

But the worst thing of all is that of the 2 people (other than you hybrid) I have read real life journals, one guy enjoyed the weed grown by his Mars 1200 better and got the same yields from it compared to his Amare and the other guy (Iampepe) who posted his grow journal in this thread obviously lied about his yield of 471g because he was caught using multiple LED lights in his pictures when he stated he only used 1 SE450.

As for you Hybridway, I believe you have enough growing skills to grow nice plants even if you just had CFL's, like in some of your pictures. I think the average grower would yield about the same with any Mars grow light as they would with any Amare light (yet the Mars are about half the price). From the only 2 people I've seen use Amare outside of you, both grew less than 1gpw with their Amare.

So when I add these factors up, a chinese made light using reflectors to give it some juice in the center spot, a company with no testing, no phone number, no physical address on their website, grow journals of the light that show it's no better than a Mars....well yeah, I'll pass. I'm glad I had the time and tools to build my own light but I will never recommend an Amare. There's way too much shadyness going on online and the first thing I look for is transparency in a company if I spend money online. And last but not least, these Chinese made Amare lights with 2nd gen technology are extremely overpriced, especially for their performance. You can throw as much smoke n' mirrors at these and they are still just overpriced Chinese lights sold by shady distributors and promoted by shills in forums who lie about their yields.

When people take all that into consideration, I doubt many will be spending their money on Amare when so many better options exist. Options with real websites, real testing and a real person promoting them who actually does his own testing. I always wondered how you afforded having new light systems flowing in and out of your house every month or two....but now I know why.
Has anyone warranted their lights thru amare? I could imagine it would be complicated if they are sending them in from china.
Has anyone warranted their lights thru amare? I could imagine it would be complicated if they are sending them in from china.
I'm pretty sure distributors would handle that, not the factory. It makes sense that Victor (or the distributor in Europe) would have spare parts and lots of new systems ready to ship out when needed. But I'm just guessing and there's no way of knowing because they keep everything fairly guarded and private.
I'm pretty sure distributors would handle that, not the factory. It makes sense that Victor (or the distributor in Europe) would have spare parts and lots of new systems ready to ship out when needed. But I'm just guessing and there's no way of knowing because they keep everything fairly guarded and private.
Guarded and private are the exact opposite of what you want when you are buying an LED, you want the people selling it to be willing to open it and tell you with detail what every piece is and what it does. Kinda reminds me of the old blurple magical spectrum and how deceptive LED makers are about what the inner workings of their light is.
Lol! You guys are hysterical. I'm working now on my opp, that btw, is nowhere near my house. But, if you guys wanna just keep it coming, I promise I'll respond to your silliness later.
I'm sure you can do better then that?
For gods sake, the worst thing you could find was a .94 GPW grow in almost 90• room. That makes me wonder how many other environmental & other, things that the new grower did wrong.
Anyways, try not to shuffle & mix up your facts & falsities to much. It makes it really hard to follow. For instence, the grower said he grew w/ his Mars during a totally different time of the year yet you guys said right next to each other. Please, keep your lies somewhat believable. If you're gonna twist things, at least make them come together somehow. Haha!
Good luck!
Btw, might wanna check GrassCity for Amare grows. Less haters there.
I have a few things to say here... I guess this will be mainly aimed at OP and other newbies who might come across this thread. I don't post very often, but i read a lot, and I've been around RIU for a couple of years now. I see so many people here whining about the harsh language of others, when companies producing grow lights are being questioned. Well, let me tell you, I learned more about grow lights in all of their aspects in a damn week, by critically reading posts here from some of the most vocal opponents, of what i thought was leading led companies, than i did by researching on my own for months. It was a jungle to navigate in 2 years ago, and it's even worse now with more options on the market. So much false advertising... If you're new to all this, it's just overwhelming. The thing that people should realize, is that the users here on RIU are basically the only ones who consequently expose bullshit advertising, false claims and the likes. Sometimes that comes off a tad harsh, but hey, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! You guys have saved me a shitload of money i could and would have wasted on overpriced and outdated led tech. I have never seen continuous bashing of a company here that didn't deserve it one way or another.
@Hybridway : for the most part you seem to come off as decent guy, certainly a better grower than myself, lol. However, with slight exaggeration, just about every thread you have ever posted in, Amare somehow gets mentioned... If the owner is your friend, employer, lover, or whatever, and you want to promote the lights, i think that's cool with everyone here, as long as you're upfront with it!! This forum forces honesty, which is exactly what i love about it.
Sorry for the long rant
Companies that deserve bashing portray bad qualities such as, warranties not upheld, no return e-mails, burnt diodes, shit attitude owners, poor results, unhappy customers everywhere, shit components at top-dollar, no transparency, false claims ect... All those things lead to poor reviews.
None of which is incorporated in this company.
So, I ask anyone, why does this comp. deserve to be bashed?
Me, along w/ just about every one of their customers can tell you why they don't, how is it poeple w/ absolutely NO experience w/ them have a reason too?
I wish just one person would be honest w/ me.
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I don't have anything against the Amare company. I was kicking around the idea of getting one awhile back and Victor was very responsive and professional in his responses to me. But, I decided to go with another brand...which wasn't even a brand at the time...but went on to become Timber Grow Lights! Just like you, I'm very happy with my decision. People should buy what they want. No one can argue that.

I don't think most people even really care what anyone else uses. People, here, have paired-up with their chick at the school dance and they're going to stick with her and that's that. One guy likes this and another likes that. God forbid two guys like the same chick! NOOOOO! YOU CAN'T LIKE HER, TOO!!! SHE'S MINE! MIIIIINE!!!! ;)

@Hybridway No, but seriously, man. I think the issue is that you're so enthusiastic about the Amare lights that you're coming across as maybe a bit "preachy" to some people who, like I say, have already made their decisions. You can love the Lord if you want....Just don't ring my doorbell and warn me that I'm going to Hell if I don't accept the same belief. nahmean? ;)

Enjoy growing!
Companies that deserve bashing portray bad qualities such as, warranties not upheld, no return e-mails, burnt diodes, shit attitude owners, poor results, unhappy customers everywhere, shit components at top-dollar, no transparency, false claims ect... All those things lead to poor reviews.
None of which is incorporated in this company.
So, I ask anyone, why does this comp. deserve to be bashed?
Me, along w/ just about every one of their customers can tell you why they don't, how is it poeple w/ absolutely NO experience w/ them have a reason too?
I wish just one person would be honest w/ me.

Let it go, it's just a damn light, not one of your children. I didn't bash the company or the light, just said it's not the greatest light every assembled by a human being. It's not made by elf's with unicorn tears. My opinion is it's ok but seems over priced for the parts they use. You go from thread to thread pushing your choice of lights on anyone that will listen, even if they didn't ask. You argue with people that have far more knowledge than you and dismiss anything they try to explain to you. From what I have seen online this is the most knowledgeable LED section of any forum that I have come across. If you make unrealistic claims or spread false info here you will be called out on it. Just stick to your threads and show your grows and if they perform it won't go unnoticed. By the way I've noticed unflattering posts by you about other companies and their lights, even lights under development. Just saying you're no angel in all of this.
I appreciate the constructive criticism. And will work on it. I'm far from perfect & can be a dick just like anyone else.
As far I know, I don't push rather defend & when attacked, sometimes give it back. But that's the nature of the beast, not always easy to see myself when I'm in the wrong.
But if it comes off as pushing or me being the one starting shit, then I will try to correct that.
The last thing I want is to lose credibility here. I work hard to share & earn credibility by providing results & information.
Ok, I'll take that, fair enough. Thanks you 2.

As for the others, maybe they bash the company I like because it bothers me & I show it. Dunno! Most of the reasons they give have very little validity, to me anyways.
I'll take your advice.
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Let it go, it's just a damn light, not one of your children. I didn't bash the company or the light, just said it's not the greatest light every assembled by a human being. It's not made by elf's with unicorn tears. My opinion is it's ok but seems over priced for the parts they use. You go from thread to thread pushing your choice of lights on anyone that will listen, even if they didn't ask. You argue with people that have far more knowledge than you and dismiss anything they try to explain to you. From what I have seen online this is the most knowledgeable LED section of any forum that I have come across. If you make unrealistic claims or spread false info here you will be called out on it. Just stick to your threads and show your grows and if they perform it won't go unnoticed. By the way I've noticed unflattering posts by you about other companies and their lights, even lights under development. Just saying you're no angel in all of this.