bigger than watergate?


Well-Known Member
Bigger than Watergate, nah just a continuation of that ripple affect..

Congressional investigators discovered the hacks after finding a 2013 memo from the FDIC's own inspector general to the agency's chairman, which detailed the hack and criticized the agency for "violating its own policies and for failing to alert appropriate authorities.”

Russia dosen’t have the staff in Washington to be as slick, their actions are a bit crass but I appreciate them exposing the vulnerabilities.


Well-Known Member
so which of those were released by a foreign government?


goddamnit you are dumb.
apparently you do not understand the concept of a leak or a hack. Usually they are impossible or very difficult to trace, because if they weren't then the information wouldn't have been stolen in the first place since proper security would be in place. Also, something about journalism ethics not revealing sources.



Well-Known Member
apparently you do not understand the concept of a leak or a hack. Usually they are impossible or very difficult to trace, because if they weren't then the information wouldn't have been stolen in the first place since proper security would be in place. Also, something about journalism ethics not revealing sources.

so you're gonna go with the whole "the CIA is stupid" route on this one, and stick to breitbart instead?


Well-Known Member
so you're gonna go with the whole "the CIA is stupid" route on this one, and stick to breitbart instead?

What Clinton said was false and misleading. First of all, only two intelligence entities – the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) – have weighed in on this issue, not 17 intelligence agencies. And what they said was ambiguous about Russian involvement. An unclassified October 7, 2016 joint DNI-DHS statement on this issue said the hacks . . .
are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow — the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europa and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.
so basically, they are doing a "motivation" forensic analysis, which seems to be pretty biased in the first place. Even if it was Russia, it is still way overblown to call it election tampering, as well as Hillary is on recording wanting to tamper with Palestine elections several years ago (maybe this is Karma?)

Its basically a non issue unless actual voting machines were tampered with. Where is the outrage for George Soros funding violence in the US? All the "fake TV" news stations were pretty much trying to tamper with the elections also.


Well-Known Member

What Clinton said was false and misleading. First of all, only two intelligence entities – the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) – have weighed in on this issue, not 17 intelligence agencies. And what they said was ambiguous about Russian involvement. An unclassified October 7, 2016 joint DNI-DHS statement on this issue said the hacks . . .

so basically, they are doing a "motivation" forensic analysis, which seems to be pretty biased in the first place. Even if it was Russia, it is still way overblown to call it election tampering, as well as Hillary is on recording wanting to tamper with Palestine elections several years ago (maybe this is Karma?)
so the CIA is wrong because your biased, far-right wing source says so?

please tell me people are not this fucking dumb.


Well-Known Member
apparently you do not understand the concept of a leak or a hack. Usually they are impossible or very difficult to trace, because if they weren't then the information wouldn't have been stolen in the first place since proper security would be in place. Also, something about journalism ethics not revealing sources.

Yeah, she rigged it by winning the popular vote by 2.5mill votes but still losing...

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
I lol at people like you unclebuck. Why waste time and energy debating about this shit? Is it just to vent your frustrations or do you think you're going to actually change someone's opinion?


Well-Known Member
why are you comparing my trolling of you to what hitler did to the jews?
According to this video Hitler only had a problem with Banker Jew's which does make a huge difference just scribble out banker and he looks like a maniac.
