Draining The Swamp..


Well-Known Member
team trump is proving how fucking stupid and gullible his supporters (idiots like you) truly are.

a team of billionaires, lifelong washington insiders, DC lobbyists, and even foreign lobbyists.

not to mention the obvious pay for play.

any principled person who actually cared about "draining the swamp" would be pissed.

you're just proving that the only thing you voted for was the racism, dumbass.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
team trump is proving how fucking stupid and gullible his supporters (idiots like you) truly are.

a team of billionaires, lifelong washington insiders, DC lobbyists, and even foreign lobbyists.

not to mention the obvious pay for play.

any principled person who actually cared about "draining the swamp" would be pissed.

you're just proving that the only thing you voted for was the racism, dumbass.
Can we say "Told ya so!" yet? or do we have to wait till he destabilizes whole regions?..o wait..


Well-Known Member
Can we say "Told ya so!" yet? or do we have to wait till he destabilizes whole regions?..o wait..
Just put it on auto repeat and set the repeat cycle to whatever you like. Trump's going to give the skeptical majority plenty of opportunity to repeat that phrase.

The Simple Right have started re-interpreting Trump's words. "He didn't mean what he said, what he meant was xyz". They get to deny whatever Trump said using these 11 simple words. Didn't build the wall, well, "he didn't mean what he said, what he meant was better border security". Give special interests and Wall Street lobbyists the boot in Washington? "He didn't mean that he meant that he wasn't going to be influenced by them". Simple Right and very wrong.


Well-Known Member
Congress reclaimed acreage to the swamp. Rolling back ethics oversight that was put in place in reaction to the Abramoff corruption scandal

"ethics are the first casualty of the new Republican Congress"

House Republicans gut their own oversight
In one of their first moves of the new Congress, House Republicans have voted to gut their own independent ethics watchdog — a huge blow to cheerleaders of congressional oversight and one that dismantles major reforms adopted after the Jack Abramoff scandal.

The real story was captured in this line:
Monday's effort was led, in part, by lawmakers who have come under investigation in recent years.


Well-Known Member
Just put it on auto repeat and set the repeat cycle to whatever you like. Trump's going to give the skeptical majority plenty of opportunity to repeat that phrase.

The Simple Right have started re-interpreting Trump's words. "He didn't mean what he said, what he meant was xyz". They get to deny whatever Trump said using these 11 simple words. Didn't build the wall, well, "he didn't mean what he said, what he meant was better border security". Give special interests and Wall Street lobbyists the boot in Washington? "He didn't mean that he meant that he wasn't going to be influenced by them". Simple Right and very wrong.
That was started by Kellyanne Conway doing talk show rounds..and it's disturbing. Don't take him at face value..well how the hell are we supposed to interpret it?

'Let it be an arms race' was not to be taken literally..what he really meant was he wants to keep us safe'..that was her explanation.


Well-Known Member
That was started by Kellyanne Conway doing talk show rounds..and it's disturbing. Don't take him at face value..well how the hell are we supposed to interpret it?

'Let it be an arms race' was not to be taken literally..what he really meant was he wants to keep us safe'..that was her explanation.
^^^True this

Right wingers have stolen a march on Orwell and eliminated even the need to erase past history. Just call historical record a lie and make up your own convenient truthy lies. Change them as needed.

"And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed – if all records told the same tale – then the lie passed into history and became truth. "Who controls the past," ran the Party slogan, "controls the future: who controls the present controls the past." And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory. "Reality control," they called it: in Newspeak, "doublethink." "


Well-Known Member
^^^True this

Right wingers have stolen a march on Orwell and eliminated even the need to erase past history. Just call historical record a lie and make up your own convenient truthy lies. Change them as needed.

"And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed – if all records told the same tale – then the lie passed into history and became truth. "Who controls the past," ran the Party slogan, "controls the future: who controls the present controls the past." And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory. "Reality control," they called it: in Newspeak, "doublethink." "
Precisely that's why fake news is acceptable and propaganda not..it's all about the spin.


Well-Known Member
Congress reclaimed acreage to the swamp. Rolling back ethics oversight that was put in place in reaction to the Abramoff corruption scandal

"ethics are the first casualty of the new Republican Congress"

House Republicans gut their own oversight
In one of their first moves of the new Congress, House Republicans have voted to gut their own independent ethics watchdog — a huge blow to cheerleaders of congressional oversight and one that dismantles major reforms adopted after the Jack Abramoff scandal.

The real story was captured in this line:
Monday's effort was led, in part, by lawmakers who have come under investigation in recent years.

This didn't last long. Although it's to early to say, but it appears Trump is claiming credit for the termination of the plan. I still can't help but to be skeptical about his true intentions, I just don't trust him.


Well-Known Member
She doesn't actually give any consideration to fact anymore since "Vermont-Jesus" lost.

Hopefully she'll come back from the Dark side someday.
I have no gripe against Bernie. I like the guy. "Vermont-Jesus" is funny.

Many of his supporters were a serious disappointment to me. They deserve Trump and will have to live with the consequences for longer than I will have to.


Well-Known Member
I have no gripe against Bernie. I like the guy. "Vermont-Jesus" is funny.

Many of his supporters were a serious disappointment to me. They deserve Trump and will have to live with the consequences for longer than I will have to.
I liked the guy too, but against Trump it needed to be someone who we've known 100% for a long time.

If he ran again and wasn't so God damned old next time I'd probably vote for him.

I'm not ageist, I'm a realist, old people are unreliable.


Well-Known Member
This didn't last long. Although it's to early to say, but it appears Trump is claiming credit for the termination of the plan. I still can't help but to be skeptical about his true intentions, I just don't trust him.
Of course he'd take credit for them pulling the legislation. He didn't put the kibosh on this action, he just said he has other priorities. There was a shitstorm from outside of Washington of course, which is the real reason for pulling it.

The GOP is itching to rule rather than govern and we now see what they think of transparency in government. Congress policing itself. Yuck.