Your latest seed purchase?

I think that HSO's is what most people consider to be the "Blue Dream". I have a 3 pack myself. Don't let anyone change your plan so if you want to run Blue Dream, run it. I have a friend on here that gives me the same grief but I'll run it anyway, nail it, and love it. lol

Consensus on the HSO thread, and my experience w/ 2, is that you'll usually get huge yields of tasty weak sauce.
I was responding to the previous post on HSO Blue Dream.

I loved Black Dog...have said so often.

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Ah couldn't agree with you more. I ran hso blue dream and was pretty sore with what came out. Put a sour taste in my mouth for hso for a bit. I had 4 of their blue dream and all 4 were garbage. Leafy, larfy, hairy, loose, wanted 12 weeks and wouldn't stop stretching. All my other hso gear is good so far.
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Yeah money and greed goes to some of these guys heads. Being a dick tho is bs. I'm a stoner I'm naturally a happy guy. I dunno how some of these breeders are so uptight and grimey. I explained to a breeder once that if I pay 125 a pack and only get 4 plants that's a shitty deal, like 30$ a seed. "Well it's luck of the draw". Sure we can call it luck of the draw.... or we can just say your a dirt bag breeder in it for money.

I'm excited to breed my own gear. It will be a new adventure in the game for me.

I would have to disagree. One seed/ One plant can yeild you.. Qp / Hp / Pound even an Oz. So even at one seed you have gotten all your money back, plus you can take clones.

If you have four mom plants you have your choice to narrow down a pheno that you like.

Are you a dispensary searching through at least 10 -20 packs like Jungleboyz to find that prized pheno?
I would have to disagree. One seed/ One plant can yeild you.. Qp / Hp / Pound even an Oz. So even at one seed you have gotten all your money back, plus you can take clones.

If you have four mom plants you have your choice to narrow down a pheno that you like.

Are you a dispensary searching through at least 10 -20 packs like Jungleboyz to find that prized pheno?
So by what ur saying is its fine for a vendor to sell u 10 seeds 6 of which are shit lmao. I just like getting what I payed for. Especially if ur some acclaimed breeder that's called bad public relations.

Yes I run 10 plants to select a pheno for quality. 4 out of 10 is 60% of ur pheno hunt gone. That's shitty imo but to each his own eh. I'm sure many dudes here run more than 10 seeds at a time to hunt for phenos for breeding. If ur not breeding ur wouldn't care to see a plants full range of genetic expressions tho.
So by what ur saying is its fine for a vendor to sell u 10 seeds 6 of which are shit lmao. I just like getting what I payed for. Especially if ur some acclaimed breeder that's called bad public relations.

Yes I run 10 plants to select a pheno for quality. 4 out of 10 is 60% of ur pheno hunt gone. That's shitty imo but to each his own eh. I'm sure many dudes here run more than 10 seeds at a time to hunt for phenos for breeding. If ur not breeding ur wouldn't care to see a plants full range of genetic expressions tho.

Seeds are always a gamble from any brerder. I want all my seeds to pop out of 10 or 12 pack, but whatever happens in nature happens.

I have enough packs to go through...
Seeds are always a gamble from any brerder. I want all my seeds to pop out of 10 or 12 pack, but whatever happens in nature happens.

I have enough packs to go through...
Oh I see what ur saying now sorry for the hostility lol. Makes sense now. No I mean I opened a pack of 10 to find 6 white seeds lacking a embryo. I was pissed when I opened that pack. If I germ 10 seeds and all show tap root and only 2 come up, your right that's nature. No room to complain about nature lol.
Seeds are always a gamble from any brerder. I want all my seeds to pop out of 10 or 12 pack, but whatever happens in nature happens.

I have enough packs to go through...

Right there in bold. We can try to control breeding and genetics , but it's still nature, shit happens. Anyone who expects seeds to be 100% viable and be exact copies of one another is dreaming. I'm not saying there aren't more stabilized stains, but even the best stabilized strain still has the genetic coding to do odd things.