need more feedback think I may have killed her


Active Member
Sup guys
So my pk beans opened up this morning so I go to drop them in the rockwool
first one with the shorter root tip went in just fine then the other with the longer one I had trouble getting her tip to face down in rockwool
So after I few times of trying I end up snapping her root tip.... not completely in half but snapped
Has this happened to anyone else out there?
Will she even survive or I killed her?
Or will she just take longer to sprout?
I'm gettin alot of people telling me to keep it it'll just start out sluggish I hope so.
And people telling me its dead...
well see I'll let u guys know what ends up happening
Well it's been a a few days since I snapped my pk beans root tip and believe it or not she an up sprouting!!!
It's crazy how the root healed!
The bean was in the rock wool side ways cuz soon as I seen I snapped it I stopped immediately and left it the way it was.
So the whole time I could see the root heal and start to push the bean up.
The root healed like when you super crop a stem and it gets a fat knot where it got snapped over.
I'm guessing cuz it wasn't completely snapped off it was able to heal.
This plant never ceases to amaze me.
Cannabis is an absolutely amazingly tough plant. No doubt, seeings are more vulnerable though.

I think like most situations, if it has enough energy to heal before rot sets in, it will probably pull through. Clones are basically just stranded plant tissue kept moist lol they somehow recover...

(with germs however, the clock is ticking fast on how soon they can start making their own food)