Rooftop SE Asia

Fuck I woulda called my attorney if school locked me in a room sounds like Gestapo shit.
I was thinking similar but not sure what the appropriate action would have been if I was at school going crazy and got caught.
I used to be super destructive at school when I tripped out. I smashed lockers, ripped towel dispensers and lights off in bathroom, trash cans on roof etc...
I raged and walked out fuck authority, I still feel that way. It's a school not a jail. Let that teacher lay a hand on me off school grounds like a tough ass and its Put your dukes up mother fucker. We about to square up. That always threw teachers off like wtf is this kid crazy. .. fuck yeah I am, don't fudge on my nuggets homie.
Fuck I woulda called my attorney if school locked me in a room sounds like Gestapo shit.
Lol if I wasn't in that room I would of been I alot of trouble one particular time they locked me in an upper class men said he was gonna jump me so I went to confront him inside the school so he couldn't get his homies i walked across the school in the mean time they evacuated that room and when i walked in bam shut door XD
I raged and walked out fuck authority, I still feel that way. It's a school not a jail. Let that teacher lay a hand on me off school grounds like a tough ass and its Put your dukes up mother fucker. We about to square up. That always threw teachers off like wtf is this kid crazy. .. fuck yeah I am, don't fudge on my nuggets homie.
School is just to instill control, thats all. Kids were never meant to be separated from their family/tribe. My wife knows I really could GAF about school and she hates it, but she doesnt understand my take on it. Yesterday she got pissed bc my oldest daughters writing wasnt really neat, I said who gives a fuck, everything is done on a computer these days!!! She didnt get that. The only thing I think about school is good is the interactions with other kids, thats it. The "curriculum" pffff, what a load of fucking dumbshit. The only things I use in daily life are simple math, and hell my year old already got a handle on that.....

And me, I graduated high school with ok grades and even paid myself to go through college 2 years. That was a fucking waste of my time and I ended up paying for that shit for 20 fucking years....stupid shit. School was a total waste of time in my eyes except the interaction with other kids....
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School is just to instill control, thats all. Kids were never meant to be separated from their family/tribe. My wife knows I really could GAF about school and she hates it, but she doesnt understand my take on it. Yesterday she got pissed bc my oldest daughters writing wasnt really neat, I said who gives a fuck, everything is done on a computer these days!!! She didnt get that. The only thing I think about school is good is the interactions with other kids, thats it. The "curriculum" pffff, what a load of fucking dumbshit. The only things I use in daily life are simple math, and hell my year old already got a handle on that.....
Lmfao it's so true. Your kids are gonna grow up to be smart ass people. They will have all the knowledge of you and your wife. Talk about a chill as dad. Lucky kids!
Man that's so true it's not funny. I learned so much more than a biased teachers opinion. Plus I was growing buds in the basement at the old mans crib but he didn't give 2 shits. Just as long as I was passing. I was on the honor roll at home school. I was a failure f student in regular school systems. Old man took me too Amsterdam for my graduation. He is a trippy old man. Alcohol has gotten the better of him.

Professor Chomsky has been saying for decades that the educational system is designed to make you stupid. Not too hard to believe once you know who is behind all the funding to all the prestigious universities in return for having an influential part in the curriculum.
I always took the legal approach, I'd walk to school with my friends so we could get high in the mornings, then if I felt like I was going to have a "bad" day(a bit of a trouble maker at times) I'd simply walk into the office and tell the principle it was going to be an issue if I stayed. He would give me a hall pass that said home on it so if a truancy officer stopped me I wouldn't be picked up and my teachers would send my assignments home with my friends to be completed before I returned. Honor roll student all through high school:dunce:
World's full of idiot savants also, I knew this old guy who had a 10th grade education in the sense that he was 18 in the 10th grade when he quit. That old dude could build ANY machine, just understood how mechanical systems worked so well from taking shit apart that he could build a working air compressor out of shit he found laying around, amazing dude