breeding: The Next Big Thing?


Well-Known Member
so what do you think will be the next big thing in breeding?

first the goal was to figure out how the cannabis plant made buds.
i don't remember it all but from what i've read over the years it wasn't all that obvious what made cannabis bloom. but they figured it out.

next it was to make some really good strains.
pot used to be very inconsistent up to the late 70s, sometimes you'd get good stuff or someone what good stuff, then they'd have crap. so breeders stepped up, collected the best stuff they came across, then distilled and concentrated the best genes to produce superior strains and seeds . and with that, the best cannabis there ever was, was brought to the masses.

the next thing on the wish list was all female seeds...."man how great would it be if you could guarantee getting a female"........that was like fantasy. and then one day it happened".

so then it was like "wouldn't it be awesome if you didn't have to switch to a flower cycle, like the plant just grows and produces fruit, like tomato and pepper plants". another fantasy......but it happened.

so now i think the next holy grail to be reached is making autos strains perennial.

imagine a plant you sprout from seed, it grows to maturity and starts to produce flowers and doesn't die, it just makes more buds as they get cut off.

well that's my guess. the immortal pot plant.
The next big thing is insane exact flavors and smells through terpenes lab analysis and selective breeding. Auto is the greatest mistake ever made, gonna contaminate all regular photoperiods overtime....
Do you mean because of the ruderalis genetics being poor in yield and potency?
And in regards to the next big thing? I really think that refining strains to have more consistency, bigger yields and shorter flowering cycles is what could be next. Other than trying to get high thc and CBD levels.
Not sure what the next big thing in breeding is, I agree with terps profiles probably being it, but I'd like to see Breeders working on longer lasting highs, where are all the good legs strains at these days?
The next big thing is insane exact flavors and smells through terpenes lab analysis and selective breeding. Auto is the greatest mistake ever made, gonna contaminate all regular photoperiods overtime....

personally i'm not a fan of autos myself. it's always struck me as a gimmick, though they have come a long way over time.
which high thcv have you smoked??
Durbon poison
Jack the Ripper
Chemper Fi
Grandmas Lemon Bar (friends strain) Cannatonic (perkins cut)/ Jackthe Ripper x super lemon haze.
the effect is also more pronounced in concentrates from these strains. Im sure there are more but these are the ones ive seen tested.
We all know THC has it's wonderful benefits & CBD is now proven to be a miracle.
What about a strain that has both incredibly high levels of both? Something like 40% THC & 20% CBD. :shock:
I am smoking high THCV material as we speak. I made a quick ethanol concentrate off of a 6% strain I am working with.


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We all know THC has it's wonderful benefits & CBD is now proven to be a miracle.
What about a strain that has both incredibly high levels of both? Something like 40% THC & 20% CBD. :shock:

That's what I'm thinking but that may be a bit excess but certainly half those levels is very possible. But not just THC and CBD. Also discovering what cannabinoids and terpens contribute to different highs, and increasing them.