The Party Cup Grow Off 2016

Update #5:

The girls had a rough week and are showing calcium deficiency. I bumped up the Cal Mag and lowered the PH a bit, but the damage is done. Both are showing sex, so I will declare the Tangerine (Right Plant). I'll keep the lemon going to experiment on.

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Man Your A Cruel Grower!!!!! Cant You See The Pain In Dem Leaves Man I Say Man I Say Put Dem Out Of Their Misery. Damnit Man Have A Heart :shock:
Here is a side by side of our plants. Your plant is 3 days younger than mine. I'm in soil, your hydro. Seems to me you're the Cruel Grower, Man, I Say Put That Runt Out Of Their Misery. Have a Heart Dawg...:razz: :shock: :hump:

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No My Lady Is Not 3 Days Younger Than Yours. My lady Stayed in Germination Mode For 7 Days Before She Went Into The Rockwool.
So Your Lanky Janky Azz Nute Deprived Sativa Doesn't Stand A Snowballs Chance In Upside Down Iowa Of Winning Against My Perfectly Manicured Indicia. However I Love Your Enthusiasm And You Do Show All the Qualities Of A Very Good Dog Except Loyalty . So Pull Your Tongue Out Of My AzzHole Garry bongsmilie

Well It Would Help If You Knew What The Fuck Your Talking About. Before I'm Done My Roots Will Look Like A Vanilla And Cholate Swirled Cone.:hump:
ok.... OH HEY, I like how you switched to a actual PARTY CUP!....not that bullshit you had going on that you should have been eliminated for.......but hey when you run the show you can stack the deck right?
No My Lady Is Not 3 Days Younger Than Yours. My lady Stayed in Germination Mode For 7 Days Before She Went Into The Rockwool.

"Germination Mode for 7 Days - Before She went into the Rockwool" - I'm calling Bullshit or in your case - Dawg Shit...
Looks to me like 4 days from soak to Rockwool.
But you are right about one thing - That is the slowest germination process I have ever seen. 9 days from soak to sprout.

ok.... OH HEY, I like how you switched to a actual PARTY CUP!....not that bullshit you had going on that you should have been eliminated for.......but hey when you run the show you can stack the deck right?

Humm I Have A Question For Ya Does Your Daddy Know Your Sneaking In His Grow Room And Taking Pics Of His Ladies And Posting Them Online? Are You Even Old Enough To Be On This Site?? On Second Thought You Might Need To Clean Dem Len's On Your Pop Bottle Glasses So You Can See Past Your Azz PointDexter :hump:

Don't You Have A Short Buss To Catch :weed:
"Germination Mode for 7 Days - Before She went into the Rockwool" - I'm calling Bullshit or in your case - Dawg Shit...
Looks to me like 4 days from soak to Rockwool.
But you are right about one thing - That is the slowest germination process I have ever seen. 9 days from soak to sprout.

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OIC Said The Blind Man So It Was 9 Days. However It's Just The Same Old Song. Its Call Riffled With Envy :hump: Peace And Don't Forget Your Jim Hat!!!!!Jim Hat :bigjoint:

lol... no my dad don't grow grow is 100% legal...i do grow his medical marijuana for him tho....I'm 30.. in my own house. well with the wife and kids. almost 7 years now into my mortgage....

now I have a question for say you're "THE DAWG" right?...I'm guessing a BITCH. must be in heat, cause you keep looking to get fucked...
Ok K-Mart Party Cup Growers It's That Time To Declare Which Nasty Azz Is Your Entry. Why You Ask 2 Reason 1) I Make Up the Rules As I Go Or So I've Been Accused Of Which Brings Us To Reason 2) My (1) Nasty Azz Was The Last Entrant At 2 Minutes Before Deadline And She Dropped Her Panties And Showed Her Woo Hoo :weed: No Declare This Weekend And Your Out :hump:
Ok K-Mart Party Cup Growers It's That Time To Declare Which Nasty Azz Is Your Entry. Why You Ask 2 Reason 1) I Make Up the Rules As I Go Or So I've Been Accused Of Which Brings Us To Reason 2) My (1) Nasty Azz Was The Last Entrant At 2 Minutes Before Deadline And She Dropped Her Panties And Showed Her Woo Hoo :weed: No Declare This Weekend And Your Out :hump:
I only grew 1 plant for this...don't even remember what the seed is? I give you "the dawg" that's what I'm calling her.
Wow things are getting heated here in the comp. Funny thing is all I'm seeing is some weak lookin twigs! 35 days on this gal and she's lovin life....even with high temps at 68 for the past week. @The Dawg so do I get to choose my prize after I win or has first place prize been determined?

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Well Winners Choice Of Course However You Have 24 Hours After Winning To Declare Or I'm Moving On. I'm Not Going To Tolerate Any Dick Dragging