I can't stop buying beans

I have several strains of seeds stored and still have this compulsion to buy more. Sad part is that i even make my own seeds and have thousands more in storage. If i get raided it will look real bad in court, like some drug cartel seed business goings on. Anyone else have this same problem?

Lol I was checking my seed box today and im already at 47+ strain , each month there à seed drop you know if you don't take them right away they're gone for good so you end up buying again even if you don't need it's simply because you'ré à seed junkie ,

The first step is to admit it lol
Keep the seeds just above freezing in a air tight container you will have plenty of stock experiment with. From personal experience the 5 year mark is when it becomes an issue. Slow growth and rejects because of abnormal growth start to dominate at the 7 year mark. In my personal experience it is the seeds that come from soil that last the longest.
totally understand man. It's been tough closing the browser window with my cart full of seeds everyday. I try to buy enough around this time of the year though for the rest of the year. But typically, if I'm adding something to the collection, it's cause I want it and must have it now, and moves to the front of the germ lineup. but then you buy more, vicious circles, rinse and repeat, etc, etc. I'm glad I'm not the only one.

it sounds like you have many more though. Feed them to a bunch of wild birds, and let the birds plant 'em.
Anything i wind up with and don't want or over buy pack size wise due to availability etc., I sell off to a buddy to counter the costs. Of course then i have to sit there and contemplate which seed to give which is painful..i also try to rationalize the collection by thinking of how just one grow has probably paid for nearly all of them.. i might be on step zero, denial :D
It wit u guys it's jus the new obsession it used to be transformers then bikes actually stolen bikes I was kinda bad as a kid then clothes and sneakers now it's beans it's part of my daily routine to scour the internet trying to expand my collection at least some poor Asian kid isn't in a sweatshop somewhere making me cool
I think you get to a point where you have so much of your own stuff to go through that you can resist the urge lol. It did take me many years, about 6-8 months ago I spent $500 on genetics, I think it was the last time lol.
I have several strains of seeds stored and still have this compulsion to buy more. Sad part is that i even make my own seeds and have thousands more in storage. If i get raided it will look real bad in court, like some drug cartel seed business goings on. Anyone else have this same problem?
probably only half of us have this psychosis so you're no Roibinson Crusoe
Make it your new years resolution to not buy beans and you will slowly stop looking at the websites. Go through the packs you already have and maybe try to make a cross or 2 and then grow those out too.
I'll admit buying seeds is addictive, it's all good until a buddy gives you a couple hundred beans from bagseed that out performs all my bought genetics.. ..
158 store bought strains plus hundreds of my own crosses.. first is admitting u have a problem,,, i admitt it... i know its a problem, my wife said she will leave if i order more seeds,,, im placing another order wright now !! lol... but seriously i have a problem, just cant seem to quit,, i guess its better than being a drug addict,,,oh wait im a drug addict too,,, i dont drink,,well only occasionally.. ilol quit buying seeds just as soon as i have every strain i want, so i guess that will be never.. if u can figure out how to quit please let me in on the secret!! i really like my wife...
I'll admit buying seeds is addictive, it's all good until a buddy gives you a couple hundred beans from bagseed that out performs all my bought genetics.. ..
sad isnt it,, ive run over 100 seeds 20 different strains in the last 2 years not 1 plant has been as good as a bubble gum plant i got from 2 seeds...thousands of dollars spent on a never ending phenio hunt as it seems no seeds are uniform or stable anymore...the only reliably stable seeds i have i made myself after back crossing the best male n females i got out of packs of seeds.. i only have 158 strains left to plant, wroughly 10 seeds per strain i hope 1 will replace the bubble gum.. i hope a few are uniform,, i guess uniformitty is to much to ask for even when we pay 10-20 bucks per seed!!!VERY SAD!~!!
sad isnt it,, ive run over 100 seeds 20 different strains in the last 2 years not 1 plant has been as good as a bubble gum plant i got from 2 seeds...thousands of dollars spent on a never ending phenio hunt as it seems no seeds are uniform or stable anymore...the only reliably stable seeds i have i made myself after back crossing the best male n females i got out of packs of seeds.. i only have 158 strains left to plant, wroughly 10 seeds per strain i hope 1 will replace the bubble gum.. i hope a few are uniform,, i guess uniformitty is to much to ask for even when we pay 10-20 bucks per seed!!!VERY SAD!~!!

I have also spent thousands of dollars if not close to 10000 over the years, on genetics, took that long to finally get some good stuff to use as foundation in my seed making collection. Takes a long time because for one, a keeper to many people might not be a keeper to you, so I have had to grow so many different strains over the years just to find what it is that I like... once you find what you like, it doesnt mean you have a keeper either. Personally, I dont care about uniformity that much.