Midweek Song Review

Had a cart filled with 600 bucks in beans. Went to check out and the CC option is STILLLLLL down.

Great Lakes and the dank team got my cash instead. :)
Why even post that? Says in BOLD letters first thing on the home page..UPDATE...PLEASE READ. He clearly states thay are not taking cc right now... Did you bother to read that he is offering up to 30% discount on orders over $500..damn. you might have save $180...
There seems to be a fair lack of communication coming from MWS at present. I emailed them about some bunk BCSC beans to warn them but never got a reply, Lewis must be out of town or something as he's usually pretty quick!
I call bullshit. Besides, if anyone, it's the breeder's fault, not Midweek Song's fault.
I understand what your saying but lets look at it from a different angle.

If i buy a new Honda motorcycle from the dealer and i get a problem with the bike i deal with the dealership. The dealership is not owned by Honda. I deal with the dealership not Honda.

In the above scenario the dealership is the MWS and Honda is the Breeder.

Ive popped 7 more seeds since i last commented about the MWS seeds.. 6 popped (some seeds from my strain from last year and the MWS seed (Purple Bud ) did not.

Ill still deal with MWS again (wanted to place an order a few days ago but CC is still down) and as stated before am not bothering about replacement seeds or money back. Ill give em a fair go again. But out of 5 seeds im down to two (ice) and quiet frankly im concerned about them. If they dont pop..that will be 5 /5 dud's. I wont be trying to pop them for a few months.

Is it MWS fault? Maybe, maybe not, but they are the ones who im dealing with, they are the ones taking my money and supplying the product. Im their customer. They need to know if im having issues in case it is on their end or their breeders. They wouldn't want me to buy elsewhere would they?

If seeds were actually priced the same as everyday vegetable seeds then nobody would care. Sadly they are not.
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I understand what your saying but lets look at it from a different angle.

If i buy a new Honda motorcycle from the dealer and i get a problem with the bike i deal with the dealership. The dealership is not owned by Honda. I deal with the dealership not Honda.

In the above scenario the dealership is the MWS and Honda is the Breeder.

Ive popped 7 more seeds since i last commented about the MWS seeds.. 6 popped (some seeds from my strain from last year and the MWS seed (Purple Bud ) did not.

Ill still deal with MWS again (wanted to place an order a few days ago but CC is still down) and as stated before am not bothering about replacement seeds or money back. Ill give em a fair go again. But out of 5 seeds im down to two (ice) and quiet frankly im concerned about them. If they dont pop..that will be 5 /5 dud's. I wont be trying to pop them for a few months.

Is it MWS fault? Maybe, maybe not, but they are the ones who im dealing with, they are the ones taking my money and supplying the product. Im their customer. They need to know if im having issues in case it is on their end or their breeders. They wouldn't want me to buy elsewhere would they?

If seeds were actually priced the same as everyday vegetable seeds then nobody would care. Sadly they are not.
Purple Bud is Seedsman. I think I found your issue.
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I understand what your saying but lets look at it from a different angle.

If i buy a new Honda motorcycle from the dealer and i get a problem with the bike i deal with the dealership. The dealership is not owned by Honda. I deal with the dealership not Honda.

In the above scenario the dealership is the MWS and Honda is the Breeder.

Ive popped 7 more seeds since i last commented about the MWS seeds.. 6 popped (some seeds from my strain from last year and the MWS seed (Purple Bud ) did not.

Ill still deal with MWS again (wanted to place an order a few days ago but CC is still down) and as stated before am not bothering about replacement seeds or money back. Ill give em a fair go again. But out of 5 seeds im down to two (ice) and quiet frankly im concerned about them. If they dont pop..that will be 5 /5 dud's. I wont be trying to pop them for a few months.

Is it MWS fault? Maybe, maybe not, but they are the ones who im dealing with, they are the ones taking my money and supplying the product. Im their customer. They need to know if im having issues in case it is on their end or their breeders. They wouldn't want me to buy elsewhere would they?

If seeds were actually priced the same as everyday vegetable seeds then nobody would care. Sadly they are not.
Thats just it...this is a Risky and highly unregulated business. On the consumer end you want a quality and honest product for your money. The seedbanks simply resell seeds stock they recieve from seed brokers to make money. Personally, I wouldnt do any overseas shipping or products period. Dealing with customs and lost packages is costly to both parties. Lets face it most ppl on here know what they are doing in terms of growing. How many customers do you think they sell to have no idea, probly alot. They dont germinate seeds properly and then they complain and want new seeds. Fuck that , too much margain for error and lost time and money. Still....I think if you take on that responsibility as a seedbank you ARE responsible for the product you sell even if your just a reseller and therefore need to make it right on some level as a business. Its high risk on both ends.
If its an issue then why would reputable seed bank use them? Should it come with a warning when viewing the seed?
This is such a stupid victim-role question I'm not even going to answer it. Stop fucking up at the germination stage and you won't have a problem with seeds. And everyone knows Seedsman's mostly miss. It's your fault for not being informed. I, personally, have never had a single issue with MWS's seeds not germinating, to include Seedsman's gear.
I'm not trying to be rude, bro, but I seriously have never had an issue with any of their seeds not popping. I must have popped at least 50 seeds by now.
This is such a stupid victim-role question I'm not even going to answer it. Stop fucking up at the germination stage and you won't have a problem with seeds. And everyone knows Seedsman's mostly miss. It's your fault for not being informed.
If you read back a couple of posts you will see that im not "fucking up the germ process". My success rate on my own seeds is very high (like it has been for decades), Then you say its the seed and everybody knows it...

OK..what about the Ice seed thru MWS and breed by Royal queen? or the Top 44 X Bubble gum?

My theory is that MWS either carry (they dont throw out old stock) or receive old seeds
I'm not trying to be rude, bro, but I seriously have never had an issue with any of their seeds not popping. I must have popped at least 50 seeds by now.
and thats cool. diff seeds to id say than what im talking about. Reason some have no issue and some are having issues. Old stock perhaps?
My point earlier still stands. We deal with the Dealership who took our money and we are a customer of not the seedbank.