Bucket of gold flakes valued at $1.6 million stolen from truck

Some dude in New York walks up to the back of a truck and steals 1.6 million in gold flakes. Who the hell leaves the back of a truck containing that much gold in it. Inside job.

I do not advokate theft. As a matter of fact I despise thieves. However, If those retarded guards were dumb enough to walk awy and leave that truck unattended like that I would have snatched it up as well....LOL "Dumb Shit Of The Day= guards! I hope they don't find the dude.
I agree weedfreak78. Gold is untraceable once melted. Hell, it’s untraceable in flakes right now. All’s he’s got to do is play it smart which of course you know he won’t.
That's still forty kilos of gold. Thief had killer forearms. I'd be on the lookout for Popeye.
Reminds me of the guy who walked into a busy bank, used a milk crate to step over the half door and walked into the open safe and grabbed 600,000. Hasn't been heard from since