Wanting to switch from AN


Active Member
Hey guys and girls! I have been using Advanced Nutrients for a few years now. With the way the industry has been booming I am sure there are other products out there that are just as effective that cost way less. I will tell you my current nute line up and if you know of something better and cheaper that I could replace it with please share! I have been looking at dyna, but they dont have a product to replace everything I am using. I don't even know if I need all this shit!!! Anyways, here's my line up. Thanks for the help!

-3 part base nutes grow, micro, bloom (switch to dynagro grow + bloom?)
-voodoo juice (switch to dynagro KLN?)
-big bud
-bud candy
-flawless finish
-bud ignitor
-rhino skin (switch to dynagro protekt?)
-bud factor x
big bud..........Amino Acid...plants produce these in abundance.
-b-52..............Vitamins........plants produce these in abundance.
-overdrive......Vitamins........plants produce these in abundance.
-piranha.........Fungi.............soil has these in abundance.
-bud candy.....mollases....ONLY for feeding bacteria/fungi
-flawless finish............Flushing is a myth.
-bud ignitor......Just LOL, LOL and more LOL's.
-rhino skin (switch to dynagro protekt?)....not pH stable like bio deriven Silica.
-bud factor x.....Fuck off expensive Chitosan.
If your goal is to save money, just use less of their additives.
I know several coco growers that use just coco Sensi A+B and coco Big Bud with great results, and its pretty much the same price as any other 2 part base with a pk booster.
big bud..........Amino Acid...plants produce these in abundance.
-b-52..............Vitamins........plants produce these in abundance.
-overdrive......Vitamins........plants produce these in abundance.
-piranha.........Fungi.............soil has these in abundance.
-bud candy.....mollases....ONLY for feeding bacteria/fungi
-flawless finish............Flushing is a myth.
-bud ignitor......Just LOL, LOL and more LOL's.
-rhino skin (switch to dynagro protekt?)....not pH stable like bio deriven Silica.
-bud factor x.....Fuck off expensive Chitosan.
hey budman,
was wondering what you use to replace the BFX in terms of chitosan.. SAR factor...
got any products for me to google up on and research??