What's wrong with socialism?


Well-Known Member
why would you say such a patently false thing? it's obvious you don't know what you're talking about. what makes you think you do?

this is not a contest, we're not arguing over a TV show. this is real hard life that really matters. doesn't the truth matter to you?

I'm not saying you have to accept or like socialism or agree with me at all.

I'm saying it is so clear you have not done any meaningful work in trying to separate fact from fiction, of digging for understanding and what is really true.

even staunch capitalists have to know something about the subject before they can talk about it.

i hope you don't cite stalin's USSR, Red China and North Korea as proof of socialism's failure.

they were/are no more socialist than Germany's 1930's National Socialism and no more than American is democratic. despite claims and labels to the contrary.

are you going to give any thought to how 62 people can EARN more wealth than half the globe?
it wasn't socialism that created that absurd fact.

who actually works harder and who's wealth has actually be redistributed to whom?

please, this is not pro wrestling, think about things for real. quips and barbs are meaningless.
I dont think you understand the term wealth.

You either control the results of your labor or you dont, it is pretty black and white.

If you choose to make money, the opportunity is available to you. That is freedom.


Well-Known Member
And the government tells you all they need to do is take it all over and run it and it will be fair for everyone. Except it has failed every single time it has been tried usually resulting in the starvation of millions of people.

Give that some long hard serious thought.
There arent many people starving in Finland, or Sweden, or Denmark, or Canada. To the contrary, they're all quite happy with their lot in life.


Well-Known Member
There arent many people starving in Finland, or Sweden, or Denmark, or Canada. To the contrary, they're all quite happy with their lot in life.
numbers? or are you speaking in generalities? bringing opinions that are simply your personal feelings into a thread you are asking for a verbal thrashing.


Well-Known Member
There arent many people starving in Finland, or Sweden, or Denmark, or Canada. To the contrary, they're all quite happy with their lot in life.
@NLXSK1 gets his news from FOX and Breitbart. People like him have been fed the "US is #1" line and they eat it up. Just wait and watch for his angry denial of the facts that you managed to sneak in under his fact repelling force field.

edit: It seems @b4ds33d lives in a fact free zone too. All he needs to do is google "happiness index" to find this information. Beauty might be skin deep but ignorance goes to the bone. LOL

Freddie Millergogo

Well-Known Member
LOL! Funny how all the PC multicultural types always cite Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Canada and most probably have never been to any of them. They never acknowledge the overall reason or glaringly obvious thing they all these countries have have in common. Ha Ha.


Well-Known Member
LOL! Funny how all the PC multicultural types always cite Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Canada and most probably have never been to any of them. They never acknowledge the overall reason or glaringly obvious thing they all these countries have have in common. Ha Ha.

name an African, Latin American or south east Asian country the US hasn't fucked up and they'd likely make the list as well.


Well-Known Member
LOL! Funny how all the PC multicultural types always cite Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Canada and most probably have never been to any of them. They never acknowledge the overall reason or glaringly obvious thing they all these countries have have in common. Ha Ha.
yawn. there are too may of you racist types who hate "multiculturalism". it's boring.

spice things up a bit and tell us more about how you think the holocaust was a hoax.


Well-Known Member
I dont think you understand the term wealth.

You either control the results of your labor or you dont, it is pretty black and white.

If you choose to make money, the opportunity is available to you. That is freedom.
shakes head...... so you're saying i have a 3.5 billion divided by 62 opportunity?

if by freedom you mean indentured servitude then yes, that opportunity is available to me........and you.

yeah maybe one day i'll be at the top of the pyramid.

is there a link somehow between "i don't understand wealth and "You either control the results of your labor or you dont"?

you've basically expressed working for what you have and not redistributing it, is a concern of yours.

doesn't the fact disturb you, 62<3.5b, at least a little? when you first read it, didn't it seem not right, like that can't really be?

my friend, there is nothing to defend, the only thing we all have an obligation to is to seek the truth, whatever that maybe.

if we don't base things on what is the truth, then shit is not going to work, right? so it's important to do that. you can't afford to learn how to grow the wrong way because then it won't work, you seek the truth there........do you really put in the same effort in political Socioeconomics?

can you really afford to acquire the correct knowledge about growing but not about your life?

are you certain you've looked into things enough?


Well-Known Member
shakes head...... so you're saying i have a 3.5 billion divided by 62 opportunity?

if by freedom you mean indentured servitude then yes, that opportunity is available to me........and you.

yeah maybe one day i'll be at the top of the pyramid.

is there a link somehow between "i don't understand wealth and "You either control the results of your labor or you dont"?

you've basically expressed working for what you have and not redistributing it, is a concern of yours.

doesn't the fact disturb you, 62<3.5b, at least a little? when you first read it, didn't it seem not right, like that can't really be?

my friend, there is nothing to defend, the only thing we all have an obligation to is to seek the truth, whatever that maybe.

if we don't base things on what is the truth, then shit is not going to work, right? so it's important to do that. you can't afford to learn how to grow the wrong way because then it won't work, you seek the truth there........do you really put in the same effort in political Socioeconomics?

can you really afford to acquire the correct knowledge about growing but not about your life?

are you certain you've looked into things enough?
There is no way @NLXSK1 understands what you just wrote. Not saying what you wrote isn't valid. Just the person you replied to is unable.


Well-Known Member
shakes head...... so you're saying i have a 3.5 billion divided by 62 opportunity?

if by freedom you mean indentured servitude then yes, that opportunity is available to me........and you.

yeah maybe one day i'll be at the top of the pyramid.

is there a link somehow between "i don't understand wealth and "You either control the results of your labor or you dont"?

you've basically expressed working for what you have and not redistributing it, is a concern of yours.

doesn't the fact disturb you, 62<3.5b, at least a little? when you first read it, didn't it seem not right, like that can't really be?

my friend, there is nothing to defend, the only thing we all have an obligation to is to seek the truth, whatever that maybe.

if we don't base things on what is the truth, then shit is not going to work, right? so it's important to do that. you can't afford to learn how to grow the wrong way because then it won't work, you seek the truth there........do you really put in the same effort in political Socioeconomics?

can you really afford to acquire the correct knowledge about growing but not about your life?

are you certain you've looked into things enough?
The reason those 62 people you are referencing have all that you claim they have sure as shit isn't because of Capitalism its actually because of Socialism.

First and foremost The National bank of Anywhere is basically the IMF including in the US, the National Bank is the most important rung of Socialism. In fact, can you point to anything that is not Socialist in the US besides healthcare that is actually very Socialist like?


Well-Known Member
shakes head...... so you're saying i have a 3.5 billion divided by 62 opportunity?

if by freedom you mean indentured servitude then yes, that opportunity is available to me........and you.

yeah maybe one day i'll be at the top of the pyramid.

is there a link somehow between "i don't understand wealth and "You either control the results of your labor or you dont"?

you've basically expressed working for what you have and not redistributing it, is a concern of yours.

doesn't the fact disturb you, 62<3.5b, at least a little? when you first read it, didn't it seem not right, like that can't really be?

my friend, there is nothing to defend, the only thing we all have an obligation to is to seek the truth, whatever that maybe.

if we don't base things on what is the truth, then shit is not going to work, right? so it's important to do that. you can't afford to learn how to grow the wrong way because then it won't work, you seek the truth there........do you really put in the same effort in political Socioeconomics?

can you really afford to acquire the correct knowledge about growing but not about your life?

are you certain you've looked into things enough?
I am certain you have been fed a line of propaganda that makes you envious and jealous.

Wealth is not money. An example is Wal-Mart. The Waltons are billionaires over and over again. But their wealth is tied into a mass chain of supermarkets that employ millions upon millions of people.

Their wealth is money that has been lent to them by their shareholders to make more money. It is in property and buildings and inventory that is used to generate income for millions upon millions of people. Those millions of people are paid salaries and generate a huge amount of economic income.

If you take the stores away from the Waltons the business fails because of the corporate agreements that are made that allow it to buy in such bulk it can give awesome discounts.

Take those 62 people and figure out how much they pay out in payroll every week and then get on your knees and thank them for feeding the planet.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
shakes head...... so you're saying i have a 3.5 billion divided by 62 opportunity?

if by freedom you mean indentured servitude then yes, that opportunity is available to me........and you.

yeah maybe one day i'll be at the top of the pyramid.

is there a link somehow between "i don't understand wealth and "You either control the results of your labor or you dont"?

you've basically expressed working for what you have and not redistributing it, is a concern of yours.

doesn't the fact disturb you, 62<3.5b, at least a little? when you first read it, didn't it seem not right, like that can't really be?

my friend, there is nothing to defend, the only thing we all have an obligation to is to seek the truth, whatever that maybe.

if we don't base things on what is the truth, then shit is not going to work, right? so it's important to do that. you can't afford to learn how to grow the wrong way because then it won't work, you seek the truth there........do you really put in the same effort in political Socioeconomics?

can you really afford to acquire the correct knowledge about growing but not about your life?

are you certain you've looked into things enough?

If it's true that nearly all modern day government is coercive and it's also true that coercion is wrong...what would your conclusion, "your truth" about government be ?


Well-Known Member
There arent many people starving in Finland, or Sweden, or Denmark, or Canada. To the contrary, they're all quite happy with their lot in life.
Those countries are capitalist. Just because they have socialized healthcare (like we do with Medicaid) doesn't make them socialist.

Also, socialized medicine works better there since generally people take care of themselves unlike here. If the US adopted central planned healthcare, it would collapse due to the sheer number of unhealthy, obese people with all of their obesity-related issues.

Why do you think most wealthy Canadians come here (US) for their healthcare? The lines are way too long up there in Canada. Not to mention how much they get raped with fuel and groceries. I'd much rather take care of myself, save my own money for emergencies and not have to trust the government of all entities to take my money and do with it as they will.

Third and probably most importantly, socialism is directly against the fundamentals of game theory. People will always do what is in THEIR OWN best interest and either reap rewards or deal with their consequences. Socialism, true socialism, wants to control your entire life. It will just never work.


Well-Known Member
Those countries are capitalist. Just because they have socialized healthcare (like we do with Medicaid) doesn't make them socialist.
I understand that, but in comparison to America the countries I listed employ many more socialist programs.

Also, socialized medicine works better there since generally people take care of themselves unlike here. If the US adopted central planned healthcare, it would collapse due to the sheer number of unhealthy, obese people with all of their obesity-related issues.
That's nonsense. People are unhealthy here because there is a financial barrier where health care is concerned. If there were no out of pocket expenses to get a routine physical, people would go. If there were no financial barrier for a woman to go get a lump in her breast checked out early, she would go. To suggest otherwise is to say that Americans value their lives less than people from other countries do.

Why do you think most wealthy Canadians come here (US) for their healthcare? The lines are way too long up there in Canada. Not to mention how much they get raped with fuel and groceries. I'd much rather take care of myself, save my own money for emergencies and not have to trust the government of all entities to take my money and do with it as they will.
More nonsense. I grew up in Canada. The notion that Canadians are flocking to America for their health care is a right wing fairy tale. Yes, some folks do come here to see a specialist. If they can afford to see a doctor that is considered the best in his/her field, it might make sense. But that is not the norm. The vast majority of Canadians stay within their system. It isn't solely a federal gov't program in Canada. Each province has it's own unique system. Some provinces are better than others. I grew up in Alberta for example. There are no "long lines" to deal with there. My mother recently had an elective surgery (knee replacement), and she had to wait 10 days to go under the knife. You'd probably wait longer here for the same surgery. Ontario, and it's provincial health care system OHIP is probably the worst in Canada, and it's where people like Rush Limbaugh cherry pick his stories from. I've spent roughly half my life in Canada, and half of my life here in America. I've participated in both systems. A single payer system like the one in Canada is hands down a better option than what we have here. Insurance companies serve no purpose other than to skim profit. They bring nothing else to the table. Why folks here can't understand that is beyond me.


Well-Known Member
I understand that, but in comparison to America the countries I listed employ many more socialist programs.

That's nonsense. People are unhealthy here because there is a financial barrier where health care is concerned. If there were no out of pocket expenses to get a routine physical, people would go. If there were no financial barrier for a woman to go get a lump in her breast checked out early, she would go. To suggest otherwise is to say that Americans value their lives less than people from other countries do.

More nonsense. I grew up in Canada. The notion that Canadians are flocking to America for their health care is a right wing fairy tale. Yes, some folks do come here to see a specialist. If they can afford to see a doctor that is considered the best in his/her field, it might make sense. But that is not the norm. The vast majority of Canadians stay within their system. It isn't solely a federal gov't program in Canada. Each province has it's own unique system. Some provinces are better than others. I grew up in Alberta for example. There are no "long lines" to deal with there. My mother recently had an elective surgery (knee replacement), and she had to wait 10 days to go under the knife. You'd probably wait longer here for the same surgery. Ontario, and it's provincial health care system OHIP is probably the worst in Canada, and it's where people like Rush Limbaugh cherry pick his stories from. I've spent roughly half my life in Canada, and half of my life here in America. I've participated in both systems. A single payer system like the one in Canada is hands down a better option than what we have here. Insurance companies serve no purpose other than to skim profit. They bring nothing else to the table. Why folks here can't understand that is beyond me.
Folks can't understand it here because they spend too much time listening to- and worse, believing in- Faux Spews and the right wing lip service tools. All of whom themselves have great health care so they give no fucks about anyone else!

The Republican party in America is the official party of greed.

Well said on all points. Sadly, trying to convince the typical American right winger of any of this is akin to convincing a dude who's been buying water bottled nutes for years that dry nutes are just as good at 1/50th the cost. He'll listen, nod- and then ask for more Bud Factor X!


Well-Known Member
Sadly, trying to convince the typical American right winger of any of this is akin to convincing a dude who's been buying water bottled nutes for years that dry nutes are just as good at 1/50th the cost. He'll listen, nod- and then ask for more Bud Factor X!
Ha! So true


Well-Known Member
Folks can't understand it here because they spend too much time listening to- and worse, believing in- Faux Spews and the right wing lip service tools. All of whom themselves have great health care so they give no fucks about anyone else!

The Republican party in America is the official party of greed.

Well said on all points. Sadly, trying to convince the typical American right winger of any of this is akin to convincing a dude who's been buying water bottled nutes for years that dry nutes are just as good at 1/50th the cost. He'll listen, nod- and then ask for more Bud Factor X!
What about the people that want free health care? Isnt that greedy?


Well-Known Member
Those countries are capitalist. Just because they have socialized healthcare (like we do with Medicaid) doesn't make them socialist.

Also, socialized medicine works better there since generally people take care of themselves unlike here. If the US adopted central planned healthcare, it would collapse due to the sheer number of unhealthy, obese people with all of their obesity-related issues.

Why do you think most wealthy Canadians come here (US) for their healthcare? The lines are way too long up there in Canada. Not to mention how much they get raped with fuel and groceries. I'd much rather take care of myself, save my own money for emergencies and not have to trust the government of all entities to take my money and do with it as they will.

Third and probably most importantly, socialism is directly against the fundamentals of game theory. People will always do what is in THEIR OWN best interest and either reap rewards or deal with their consequences. Socialism, true socialism, wants to control your entire life. It will just never work.
First, you're wrong; those countries are social democratic nations. I don't expect you to have the first clue about what that means, considering you treat right wing propaganda as Received Truth.