What's wrong with socialism?


Well-Known Member
there is nothing wrong with socialism. is there anything wrong with having a society?

if you want a society, there has to be socialism. even capitalism cannot exist without socialism.

so long as you have a society, regardless of the type of government, you have some form of socialism.

people who think it's government controlling your lives don't have a clue what it is.

government is what allows people to retain as much control over their lives as possible while dealing with, interacting with and engaging with each other (AKA politics).

those who fall for that crap about big government being bad don't think it through. what is the alternative, small government? if that is the case then who rules? who decides what about this or that? private people?

that is also known as gangsterism. lets reduce government, so where the people once owned the post office, now it's some guy named fred or bill who decides what it costs to mail a letter and how its run and the rest of the "country"......(can you have a country without government?) is beholden and ruled by that jerk off because he owns it instead of the people like tax payers.

you want to pay $49 to mail a letter, privatize the post office........and for those jack offs who will say you can send a letter now using a private company for less. that is only because there still is a post office to compete with.

we own the highways, privatize it and jimmy now owns it.....who rules your life now?

we own the country and all that is in it and all that it produces, not some individual or a handful of people.

reduce government services and you give up your share of ownership in this country to some jerk off who is going to have power over you for no good reason other than he convinced you that you are too stupid to rule yourself.

power hungry people who desire to rule your life, who aren't happy unless they have the power to control you spread insidious propaganda and work all the time to undermine the people so they can steal what belongs to the people. they subvert government and then point to it and say "see how lousy it is, i can do it better". like as if they have magic no one else possess, they know how to run a post office or the IRS, everyone else is too dumb to not only know how but to also learn how.
they have secret knowledge the rest of us highly educated people who went to the same schools, understand the same facts, know the same realities and rules of nature are somehow too incapable to decipher what this person can do with a post office that will make it "profitable" and institute it as government policy.

the kool-aid drinkers think big gov is the enemy and big business their friend. they are the patriots who want to defend the constitution by dismantling government.

who uses the highways more, me or UPS? who uses more water me or coco-cola? where are these big companies without the resources that belong to the people? why are we not our own bosses?
there is no CEO or very rich person that has gotten rich by not using the commons, ie, socialism.

we have to pay att and comcast and the rest out of our ass just for them to lord over us, lie to us, laugh at and gouge us yet it was tax dollars that invented, expanded and distributed the internet. and then the lies took over and we handed control and access to it to some guys named bob bill and pete. why? no good reason.

we payed for the internet and now we have to pay a set of empty suits to use it.

just one example out of tons.

look around.........all socialistic countries have a better standard of living than the US. France, Sweden, Findland, Switzerland, Norway, Netherlands, even Canada and the list goes on.

there is nothing the people of those countries lack. they have good food, fancy cars, smart phones, modern housing, healthcare, broadband......on and on.........there is nothing an american has that a swede does not have. but the other way around is not true. in this country your child will be left for dead unless you can pay big money for cancer treatment, while other places it costs nothing and yet those people can still afford everything else.......how? because they tax those who use the most and understand than you can have business and yet not EVERYTHING has to be about money.

"socialism has never worked anywhere" is perhaps the dumbest thing anyone can ever say.

and those that say it know inside they have no idea what it is, they know they are only repeating what someone else has said but have not given one thought to whether it is true or not.

"government by, of and for the people" means socialism.

capitalism means organized crime.

capitalism put this country in ruins and socialism not only bailed us out, it gave us the most prosperous time in American history, post WWII until the early 70s when most of what was accomplished by FDR was undone but the wall street elite who have nothing but time on their hands but to figure out how to usurp even more than they have.

i want to live in the United States of America, not the United States of Google or AT&T or Walmart.
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Well-Known Member
left wing propaganda that shrugs off facts in favor of feelings.
GINGRICH: The current view is that liberals have a whole set of statistics that theoretically may be right, but it's not where human beings are.

CAMEROTA: But what you're saying is, but hold on Mr. Speaker because you're saying liberals use these numbers, they use this sort of magic math. These are the FBI statistics. They're not a liberal organization. They're a crime-fighting organization.

GINGRICH: No, but what I said is equally true. People feel more threatened.

CAMEROTA: Feel it, yes. They feel it, but the facts don't support it.

GINGRICH: As a political candidate, I'll go with how people feel and I'll let you go with the theoriticians.


Well-Known Member
GINGRICH: The current view is that liberals have a whole set of statistics that theoretically may be right, but it's not where human beings are.

CAMEROTA: But what you're saying is, but hold on Mr. Speaker because you're saying liberals use these numbers, they use this sort of magic math. These are the FBI statistics. They're not a liberal organization. They're a crime-fighting organization.

GINGRICH: No, but what I said is equally true. People feel more threatened.

CAMEROTA: Feel it, yes. They feel it, but the facts don't support it.

GINGRICH: As a political candidate, I'll go with how people feel and I'll let you go with the theoriticians.
Wow. I'm speechless.


Well-Known Member
there is nothing wrong with socialism. is there anything wrong with having a society?

if you want a society, there has to be socialism. even capitalism cannot exist without socialism.

so long as you have a society, regardless of the type of government, you have some form of socialism.

people who think it's government controlling your lives don't have a clue what it is.

government is what allows people to retain as much control over their lives as possible while dealing with, interacting with and engaging with each other (AKA politics).

those who fall for that crap about big government being bad don't think it through. what is the alternative, small government? if that is the case then who rules? who decides what about this or that? private people?

that is also known as gangsterism. lets reduce government, so where the people once owned the post office, now it's some guy named fred or bill who decides what it costs to mail a letter and how its run and the rest of the "country"......(can you have a country without government?) is beholden and ruled by that jerk off because he owns it instead of the people like tax payers.

you want to pay $49 to mail a letter, privatize the post office........and for those jack offs who will say you can send a letter now using a private company for less. that is only because there still is a post office to compete with.

we own the highways, privatize it and jimmy now owns it.....who rules your life now?

we own the country and all that is in it and all that it produces, not some individual or a handful of people.

reduce government services and you give up your share of ownership in this country to some jerk off who is going to have power over you for no good reason other than he convinced you that you are too stupid to rule yourself.

power hungry people who desire to rule your life, who aren't happy unless they have the power to control you spread insidious propaganda and work all the time to undermine the people so they can steal what belongs to the people. they subvert government and then point to it and say "see how lousy it is, i can do it better". like as if they have magic no one else possess, they know how to run a post office or the IRS, everyone else is too dumb to not only know how but to also learn how.
they have secret knowledge the rest of us highly educated people who went to the same schools, understand the same facts, know the same realities and rules of nature are somehow too incapable to decipher what this person can do with a post office that will make it "profitable" and institute it as government policy.

the kool-aid drinkers think big gov is the enemy and big business their friend. they are the patriots who want to defend the constitution by dismantling government.

who uses the highways more, me or UPS? who uses more water me or coco-cola? where are these big companies without the resources that belong to the people? why are we not our own bosses?
there is no CEO or very rich person that has gotten rich by not using the commons, ie, socialism.

we have to pay att and comcast and the rest out of our ass just for them to lord over us, lie to us, laugh at and gouge us yet it was tax dollars that invented, expanded and distributed the internet. and then the lies took over and we handed control and access to it to some guys named bob bill and pete. why? no good reason.

we payed for the internet and now we have to pay a set of empty suits to use it.

just one example out of tons.

look around.........all socialistic countries have a better standard of living than the US. France, Sweden, Findland, Switzerland, Norway, Netherlands, even Canada and the list goes on.

there is nothing the people of those countries lack. they have good food, fancy cars, smart phones, modern housing, healthcare, broadband......on and on.........there is nothing an american has that a swede does not have. but the other way around is not true. in this country your child will be left for dead unless you can pay big money for cancer treatment, while other places it costs nothing and yet those people can still afford everything else.......how? because they tax those who use the most and understand than you can have business and yet not EVERYTHING has to be about money.

"socialism has never worked anywhere" is perhaps the dumbest thing anyone can ever say.

and those that say it know inside they have no idea what it is, they know they are only repeating what someone else has said but have not given one thought to whether it is true or not.

"government by, of and for the people" means socialism.

capitalism means organized crime.

capitalism put this country in ruins and socialism not only bailed us out, it gave us the most prosperous time in American history, post WWII until the early 70s when most of what was accomplished by FDR was undone but the wall street elite who have nothing but time on their hands but to figure out how to usurp even more than they have.

i want to live in the United States of America, not the United States of Google or AT&T or Walmart.
+rep :clap:


Well-Known Member
Socialism take the profit from hard working people and re-distributes it to people who either dont work or dont work as hard.

The hard workers eventually catch on and work less hard. Then it is a race to the bottom which leads to starvation and death...

It has never worked, it can never work. Self interest is the most productive motivating factor on the planet. Let people keep the shit they produce and they are incredibly productive.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
there is nothing wrong with socialism. is there anything wrong with having a society?

if you want a society, there has to be socialism. even capitalism cannot exist without socialism.

so long as you have a society, regardless of the type of government, you have some form of socialism.

people who think it's government controlling your lives don't have a clue what it is.

government is what allows people to retain as much control over their lives as possible while dealing with, interacting with and engaging with each other (AKA politics).

those who fall for that crap about big government being bad don't think it through. what is the alternative, small government? if that is the case then who rules? who decides what about this or that? private people?

that is also known as gangsterism. lets reduce government, so where the people once owned the post office, now it's some guy named fred or bill who decides what it costs to mail a letter and how its run and the rest of the "country"......(can you have a country without government?) is beholden and ruled by that jerk off because he owns it instead of the people like tax payers.

you want to pay $49 to mail a letter, privatize the post office........and for those jack offs who will say you can send a letter now using a private company for less. that is only because there still is a post office to compete with.

we own the highways, privatize it and jimmy now owns it.....who rules your life now?

we own the country and all that is in it and all that it produces, not some individual or a handful of people.

reduce government services and you give up your share of ownership in this country to some jerk off who is going to have power over you for no good reason other than he convinced you that you are too stupid to rule yourself.

power hungry people who desire to rule your life, who aren't happy unless they have the power to control you spread insidious propaganda and work all the time to undermine the people so they can steal what belongs to the people. they subvert government and then point to it and say "see how lousy it is, i can do it better". like as if they have magic no one else possess, they know how to run a post office or the IRS, everyone else is too dumb to not only know how but to also learn how.
they have secret knowledge the rest of us highly educated people who went to the same schools, understand the same facts, know the same realities and rules of nature are somehow too incapable to decipher what this person can do with a post office that will make it "profitable" and institute it as government policy.

the kool-aid drinkers think big gov is the enemy and big business their friend. they are the patriots who want to defend the constitution by dismantling government.

who uses the highways more, me or UPS? who uses more water me or coco-cola? where are these big companies without the resources that belong to the people? why are we not our own bosses?
there is no CEO or very rich person that has gotten rich by not using the commons, ie, socialism.

we have to pay att and comcast and the rest out of our ass just for them to lord over us, lie to us, laugh at and gouge us yet it was tax dollars that invented, expanded and distributed the internet. and then the lies took over and we handed control and access to it to some guys named bob bill and pete. why? no good reason.

we payed for the internet and now we have to pay a set of empty suits to use it.

just one example out of tons.

look around.........all socialistic countries have a better standard of living than the US. France, Sweden, Findland, Switzerland, Norway, Netherlands, even Canada and the list goes on.

there is nothing the people of those countries lack. they have good food, fancy cars, smart phones, modern housing, healthcare, broadband......on and on.........there is nothing an american has that a swede does not have. but the other way around is not true. in this country your child will be left for dead unless you can pay big money for cancer treatment, while other places it costs nothing and yet those people can still afford everything else.......how? because they tax those who use the most and understand than you can have business and yet not EVERYTHING has to be about money.

"socialism has never worked anywhere" is perhaps the dumbest thing anyone can ever say.

and those that say it know inside they have no idea what it is, they know they are only repeating what someone else has said but have not given one thought to whether it is true or not.

"government by, of and for the people" means socialism.

capitalism means organized crime.

capitalism put this country in ruins and socialism not only bailed us out, it gave us the most prosperous time in American history, post WWII until the early 70s when most of what was accomplished by FDR was undone but the wall street elite who have nothing but time on their hands but to figure out how to usurp even more than they have.

i want to live in the United States of America, not the United States of Google or AT&T or Walmart.



Well-Known Member
GINGRICH: The current view is that liberals have a whole set of statistics that theoretically may be right, but it's not where human beings are.

CAMEROTA: But what you're saying is, but hold on Mr. Speaker because you're saying liberals use these numbers, they use this sort of magic math. These are the FBI statistics. They're not a liberal organization. They're a crime-fighting organization.

GINGRICH: No, but what I said is equally true. People feel more threatened.

CAMEROTA: Feel it, yes. They feel it, but the facts don't support it.

GINGRICH: As a political candidate, I'll go with how people feel and I'll let you go with the theoriticians.


Well-Known Member
Socialism take the profit from hard working people and re-distributes it to people who either dont work or dont work as hard.

The hard workers eventually catch on and work less hard. Then it is a race to the bottom which leads to starvation and death...

It has never worked, it can never work. Self interest is the most productive motivating factor on the planet. Let people keep the shit they produce and they are incredibly productive.
62 people own more wealth than half the world's population combined. you really think they worked hard for it?

62 people can out work roughly 3.5 billion people?

for your own sake, give that some long hard serious thought.


Well-Known Member
62 people own more wealth than half the world's population combined. you really think they worked hard for it?

62 people can out work roughly 3.5 billion people?

for your own sake, give that some long hard serious thought.
And the government tells you all they need to do is take it all over and run it and it will be fair for everyone. Except it has failed every single time it has been tried usually resulting in the starvation of millions of people.

Give that some long hard serious thought.


Well-Known Member
And the government tells you all they need to do is take it all over and run it and it will be fair for everyone. Except it has failed every single time it has been tried usually resulting in the starvation of millions of people.

Give that some long hard serious thought.

why would you say such a patently false thing? it's obvious you don't know what you're talking about. what makes you think you do?

this is not a contest, we're not arguing over a TV show. this is real hard life that really matters. doesn't the truth matter to you?

I'm not saying you have to accept or like socialism or agree with me at all.

I'm saying it is so clear you have not done any meaningful work in trying to separate fact from fiction, of digging for understanding and what is really true.

even staunch capitalists have to know something about the subject before they can talk about it.

i hope you don't cite stalin's USSR, Red China and North Korea as proof of socialism's failure.

they were/are no more socialist than Germany's 1930's National Socialism and no more than American is democratic. despite claims and labels to the contrary.

are you going to give any thought to how 62 people can EARN more wealth than half the globe?
it wasn't socialism that created that absurd fact.

who actually works harder and who's wealth has actually be redistributed to whom?

please, this is not pro wrestling, think about things for real. quips and barbs are meaningless.


Well-Known Member
Anybody that smokes pot and supports the right is an idiot though.
well, if YOU say so, i'll take your word for it. since YOU know.

you think the right would even care about you in any kind of way if the people you vote for knew you smoked pot?
i guess you are the special kind that thinks the left gives any more a shit about you than the right lol. you guys are fucking out there huh?


Well-Known Member
well, if YOU say so, i'll take your word for it. since YOU know.

i guess you are the special kind that thinks the left gives any more a shit about you than the right lol. you guys are fucking out there huh?
while we're waiting for jefferson beauregard sessions III to take away your pot, can you tell us more about how obama is a secret gay kenyan muslim?
