Sending my compost and worm castings to a lab...

a male donkey
a stupid person; fool
laughing jackass, another name for kookaburra

My wife said that we are probably more like an asshole anyways...

someone being arrogant, rude, obnoxious, or just a total dickhead....
Sean is the biggest fucking asshole I've ever met in my life!
So would you say this was a jackass or an asshole post? :P haha

Interestingly, though that dictionary definition does nothing to help explain the connotations, I think I'm beginning to understand what you really mean. By osmosis or something lol

So you're neither beating yourselves up nor looking for a lazy excuse for bad behaviour :bigjoint:
I'd describe it more as down-to-earth world-wise radical respect that sometimes gets carried away - you know, like those scuffles amongst siblings, it starts with everyone laughing, and there's this tipping point where they should stop and don't, and then in the end someone ends up crying?
But yeah, just saying "jackass" is quicker lol
Hmmmmmm, I just read the whole thread and I'm going to throw a major money wrench in and ask if organic soil building is compatible with hydroponic nutrients?
Hmmmmmm, I just read the whole thread and I'm going to throw a major money wrench in and ask if organic soil building is compatible with hydroponic nutrients?

The bottom line is no. Almost all hydroponic nutes are petrochemical derived, and will quickly kill your micro herd. In larger quantities they'll kill larger beneficial organisms like worms. The only nutes I would be comfortable using in an organic grow would be those that are OMRI rated, and even then I would be very careful to read the the ingredients before trying anything, and I wouldn't try it on a large amount of soil.
I have sinned and used a quick watering with Peters 20/20/20 at half strength to assault a troublesome deficiency in the past but never more than once and never in flower. I hope that was not a Mortal Sin. Plants and my soil mix have forgiven me. Being not a Purist, I may do it again one day.
I have sinned and used a quick watering with Peters 20/20/20 at half strength to assault a troublesome deficiency in the past but never more than once and never in flower. I hope that was not a Mortal Sin. Plants and my soil mix have forgiven me. Being not a Purist, I may do it again one day.

Lol a lot of very successful growers swear by it.

I use a complete regimen of dry nutrient salts, myself!
Lol a lot of very successful growers swear by it.

I use a complete regimen of dry nutrient salts, myself!
sure, compatible meaning the plant will survive and grow?
yea sure.
compatible meaning symbiotic?

it's just counterproductive, whats the point of using organics in a chelated grow, and conversely whats the point of using chelated salts in an organic soil?
of course you can do it, alllll day long.
it's just better if you do that with soluble organic nutrients and such rather than depending on a microbiological standpoint for the nutrients.
in other words dry meal based organic nutes would be a HORRIBLE choice to use in conjunction with chelated salt chems
depending on the feed rates, and if/when compost or worm castings was used, you could do a hybrid of the two.
not sure why though
I believe a 100% chelated chem grow would do better without the organic inputs, and I think the same to be true regarding organics, just gotta go with one or the other, or they both sorta suffer
I knew I sinned, but I have seen chemferts turn a garden bed absolutely toxic. Every year more Miracle Gro garden soil. Everything looks great at first and then all sorts of burning and deficiencies show up and nitrogen runs wild. Keeps getting worse until a hard frost puts an end to the hideous examples of garden flowers and fruitless tomato plants.

Not my garden but one I see often.
soooo... just to make sure I am following ya'll..
Yeah, I feel bad about my comments....

I almost forgot why I made this thread! I look at my e-mail everyday expecting the lab results. I am starting to think that this girl was in charge of my soil samples... It got thrown away because it had worms in it lol...
Yeah, I feel bad about my comments....

I almost forgot why I made this thread! I look at my e-mail everyday expecting the lab results. I am starting to think that this girl was in charge of my soil samples... It got thrown away because it had worms in it lol...
oh sheesh man!
I am the soo mellow, on a scale of one to ten, my level of "offense" was at like a .000001
I come from an irish family of 5 kids, four boys, and I grew up playing combat sports, and team sports
I got a thick skin, to say the least
literally man, you almost cannot offend me...
but damnit...
don't jinx my basketball team again this yr, or we may have some harsh words (kidding..... sorta)
besides if we got past our political differences thats nothing, we are golden man