I rode passenger in a 1khp supra, and never want to do that again!!
Control freak here and that was too much..
Fist fighting is always my preference, although I have been in a shoot out once.
Came outside to find guys breaking in my car and the lookout shot at me. My gun was in one hand and cordless phone in other m-with my girl on the phone, and I shot back.
They took off in their car and I shot the trunk area several times and expected it to blow up like the movies, but nothing but tink dink sounds lol.
I emptied the clip in the air cussing, and guess what, the cops NEVER even came...South Sacramento lol...
The 4x4 post holding the awning up had a bullet in it, and that was about a foot from my head.
I forgot to put my car in the garage that night because I was on the phone all night with my girl.
My fault for playing radio loud all the time, I have learned my lesson though